(edited by kylia.4813)
[List] Mesmer Video Compendium
not my channel but definately worth the mention: http://www.youtube.com/user/FameusGW2
Aw not me here.. =(((
Here`s the channel – http://www.youtube.com/user/mihailboi?feature=watch
Here`s some KIll montage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgr2qAZxB8U
Othere videos are on the channel as well, will be probably adding something today .
And heres the Build tread i`ve posted couple of days ago – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Mesmer-Shatter-Nuke-sPvP-Build/first#post314946
Not mine channel:
Updated keep them coming, some great vids there!
Any chance we can get this stickied?
My channel – http://www.youtube.com/user/HariJogos
i`m from Brazil, so there are a couple of vids with me talking in portuguese.
(edited by Trigr.6481)
Added new posts
Hey guys this is quivna aka alex mind
I posted a new video today
I just learnt how to zoom in and out lol i had fun doing it
Watch in hd if u can
trade subscritions is a good start 2 ;D
im subbed to u all, thanks
Hi, might asmell jump this thread. See you have my first burst dmg video. I made a new one now with some sPvP. To my habit it have some nice soundtrack instead of speake rvoice etc as its a “want play mesmer and join your guild” advert vid aswell.
kylia, i loved your video, could you share your traits? im interested in trying a confusion mesmer too!
I have a few clips that I’m adding to, with my mesmer running in an organized 5 man in WvW vsing being completely outnumbered.
Sorry for audio quality, its raw footage with vent chatter, I’m working on adding more that I have streamed and increasing the video/audio quality, but great 5v# fights none the less.
Added new ones.
Devs – any chance for a sticky?
Keep them coming everyone! Will be good to see some new ones post 7Oct
Not mine..
but MrPrometheus has some great in depth Mesmer vids describing how the class works.
Caution… They are long video’s (50 minutes for some) but they are worth watching. Part 1 is the weapon skills Mesmer gets, how the skills work and how to use them together.
15 Characters
Here is a pretty crappy video I made to show my brother what the game looks like.
I know I’m fighting pretty dumb opponents, and I am definitely not trying to show off skills (didnt even try to disrupt resurrections or finish off players) but it was fun either way.
edit: just found out that youtube tried to ‘fix’ my video by making it less shaky, check it out in like an hour or whatever and it’ll be back to normal.
Any more Mesmer’s out there with videos?
I didn’t want to see this threat get buried… Love the videos – they really help the work day pass, keep ’em coming!
Keeping this thread alive!
Any PvE related videos? Or all PvP
None yet, all WvW or sPvP, might be your calling
will we be seeing some PvE ones soon?
I’ll go ahead and thro up a link as well…
Judge PvP team, behind enemy lines from the eyes of a mesmer.
Hello, here are my WvW videos. I use Staff + Torch/Scepter.
I post lots of videos with my mesmer, it’s not especially focused on the class but some are. Mostly PvE.
Our first PvE videos! Welcome to the group Krag.
Hoping this thread doesn’t get buried in the forums.
Made a thing. Random WvW stuff, but I enjoyed it
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
Updated, welcome to the club Parthis!
I’m currently uploading an AC exp run with a PUG that I have randomly recorded last night. Nothing much, just the run, I don’t speak or anything. Not sure if you want it or not. I’d assume more pve content on videos for mesmers would be good?
I also, I have everything I’ve done so far with the story quests. Since we can only do them once, I figured I’d record them as a memory of the story of my character. They are unlisted, but you can access them from my Playlists.
I suck at editing and can’t fast forward using this program(it looks ugly as hell, it’s not even a fast forward, lol!), so excuse me if my videos are boring. :<
Added Qelris and Neils!
bump for sticky
bump for sticky
Anyone else wanting this stickied, please post/bump!
Sorry, didn’t spot this thread before making mine. Thanks for the update anyway
sticky this please?
Updated again
(p.s. wont let me edit the first post without posting first…? bug?)
Not to knock anybody’s kitten, but Nero/Prometheius’s videos are probably the best there and should be at the top, the rest are just Wvwvw(Randoms killin Randoms) and S(crub)pvp
Prome’s stuff is just great because he really does some indepth analysis of the mesmer class/builds/etc.
I learned so many things from Nero’s vids it’s not even funny he does so many things that I’ve had to discover by rewatching at different intervals, I thought after 300 tournies I’d know most things about mesmer but just 10? minutes of footage proves me wrong every time.
Those two really inspired me to play mesmer and I think it’d be cool if more people saw those vids.
Isn’t Nero’s at the top? Or am I looking at a different list?
p.s. have just been adding when they come in, easiest way to rank them and anyone who gives me a description I place in a bracket afterwards) seems kinda fair to me?
(edited by kylia.4813)
That’d be cool, Yes nero’s is at the top, but prometheius’s stuff is lost in there(which originally prompted my angsty venom filled midnight post),
I think categorizing them would help alot, like Tpvp /Guides /Spvp/ wvwvw or something? :P
Happy to make it look and be easier to use, would also love it stickied please admins!!!
(will work on the look and feel today, anyone out there that can support us trying to get this stickied please post)
Cheers for keeping this thread up to date Kylia. I second Darnis’ idea to group by PvP category, although I don’t share his belief that one video is more valuable than others purely because of the category the maker plays in (pro tip; WvW players will find the tPvP players of limited value, and visa versa). Grouping would be nice.
Just uploaded a new video for fun, WvW encounters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKQAyPGT0no
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
hmm, maybe it might be an idea to link to the youtube channels for some people(nero,bringyourfriends,parthis, etc.) seeing as they have a lot of videos, your going to run out of space eventually if you don’t.
Really appreciate the feedback guys =)
If anyone is looking for more footage of me I stream at www.twitch.tv/nero1209 — I have quite a few videos saved on there so you can actually see me playing through entire tPvP matches.
Definitely like browsing this thread from time to time to see how other people are approaching the mesmer class as I feel it has a lot of variety. Would love it stickied.
PS— I’ve been doing some interesting things with utility/weapon swapping lately. Check out my latest stream video and see for yourself.