Little feedback after patch

Little feedback after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


I haven’t tried all the updates but here is my impression on what I run so far:

Mind Stab. Anet opted for an easy tweak but it worked. It is now much easier to use and it does good damage. Further improvements could have been done but so far so good. Thumb up

iLeap. It feels odd not having the clone trying to run to the target but the change is welcome. Sword is in a better spot now, but the clone can still die easily and the bug fix Anet did a month ago still looms heavily on it. It works, but I miss the old iLeap

Illusionary Elasticity. I quickly tried it and clones benefit from it. Not using staff in my build right now but it is defenitely a buff. Thumb up

Mimic. Tbh I prefer the old version. I miss the reflect more than echo effect. Thumb down

Mantras. Not running mantras except for the condi cleanse one. I guess they are good changes for whoever is using them. Any feedback? I guess a thumb up here too.

Scepter. I run in to few mesmers running conditions. I dunno if they were terribad but I did not have any problems whatsoever (running standard shatter build GS/sw+pstl). Feedback on this big torment thing guys?

Please add your experience too. It may help to identify what’s working and can be used and what to stay away from.


Little feedback after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


i run condi shatter wit scpeter as second set
the scpeter only give a cover condition for me
you cannot stand 4 seconds and just AA with slow weapon like the scepter

also even if 3 clones up te torment can stack between 4-5 (no durstion buff) so again mainly cover condition

Little feedback after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


I miss mimic. Why did they change it instead of fixing it? They just had to make the first projectile not damage caster, that’s it…

Little feedback after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azure.8670


mantra of pain is kittened powerful for both pve and wvw. havent tested it in pvp. It will crush a lot of builds, I promise you. its… its amazing. MoP has actually always been good but no one used it (besides lil ol me!) but now? now its amazing

Little feedback after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


IE…oh how I loved you before and now, now you are simply amazing. So many purple orbs of madness that fly around the battlefield now, I feel like real sorcerer!

The change to the warden was welcomed, it moves wonderfully.

The iLeap, is a bit strange to get used to but it really does help sword…no more do we have to think about the kitten terrain and how it might bork out the clone.

Mimic seems to have lost a bit of itself this patch, it’s really ‘meh’…but I didn’t use it before and I can’t se slotting it over something else now.

Haven’t had a chance to test mantras, going to do that today but I have heard good things about them so far.

Scepter I think has really come in to fill a niche place for our main handed weapons. If you hit with all the last attacks to produce a clone (or dodge them out) you can easily keep up 5-6 torment at the cost of not doing anything else. It does have a draw back in that if you keep casting clones with it, as they are replaced the torment stacks dwindle because each new clone has to start up a new attack. It’s got it’s uses for sure and I can see playing around with it in a condi build.

Little feedback after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rubedo.8769


I’ve played PvP since the patch was released. Running MoP, MoD, and SoD in a 6/6/0/2/0 build focusing on heavy daze and stuns…and I must say…AoE mantras are absolutely amazing in team fights. I’m very happy with these changes.

Through fear we become Gods

Little feedback after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Korusef.3714


MoP is amazing in PvE events now, tried 3/2,7,11/0/4,8,10/0 with MoP as auto-attack for Teq event and it was amazing how much damage I could do with it during the defense phase. Easily our best option to fight mobs.

Little feedback after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Laulajatar.4253


Did they break Illusionary Phantasmal Haste or am I blind? I can’t see a difference between this trait active and not on Warden, Swordsman and Duelist.
I’m tired, so I’m not entirely sure

Edit: I was too tired, it’s only the Warden, I guess. Still disappointed

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(edited by Laulajatar.4253)