Looking for WvW group build
Have a look at https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Melee-Train-Mesmer/3092814
There’s 2 specs there from Doiid that should do you quite nicely.
I think this is his build
I’m also looking for some WvW zerg-build lovins!
I’m currently running a 20/20/0/30/0 build, focusing on ranged combat and glamours/reflects. I was thinking of swapping to the “triforce build” which is a bit more 20/0/0/20/30. I might vary it and take 10 pts from Illusions and dump them in Inspiration.
Other than the melee train builds and those two, anyone have any others to recommend? I feel like we have a few WvW build threads going, so if we’re focusing on one instead of others I can post in there instead.
Here’s what I run with my guild.
Feedback can be changed to nullfield after you get your stacks. You can also drop veil, if your guild doesn’t use veil, and just use feedback and nullfield.
Trinkets can be changed too. To help with toughness and precision. I just put my rabid on because I’m too poor to change out the trinkets on my mesmer. But the condi damage from the trinkets do help since you will shatter and give confusion.
I sometimes run with the frontline and others stay in the back. I use my shatters to get tags and bags.
I’ve ran this for a few months and it works well. I like it, I feel mesmery.
Staff can also replace GS if that is your preference.
Hope this helps.
Woodshavings-Sylvari Ranger [WIND]
Check out my twitch page. Everything is posted there!
Seems there have been quite a few WvW build requests lately, but if you haven’t seen, check out chillruption in my signature. Works well for large/small groups. I posted another utility build recently as well which could go power or condition: The Utility Wizard
Good thing is, there are a lot of great builds to choose from, most of which are in the master build list stickied on our forum.
is what I run. It’s a tried and tested platform that has stood up to everything SoR has thrown at it. I had 25 stacks on my precision sigil last for most of last night while not hesitating to dive into any zerg or tangle with any roamers.