Make mesmer great again. (Power)
Remove the higher damage at more range nonsense and give it a damage buff. Sounds good to me.
Actually eaven at 1200 range scepters aa has better dps
mesmer scepter AA is single target skill so expect better dps compared to aoe sword aa. GS needs rework instead of simple dmg buff especially against classes which have in combat high mobility
fighting people with retal, spamming 1 on greatsword does more damage to yourself than them, it’s really pathetic.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
It would be nice if we actually had a decent cleave T-T
Power Mesmers strength (or the return thereof) lies in the games overall mechanics. Adding more damage to Power Mesmer is a stupid way of bringing it “up”. Rather a reduction in stability access, aoe spam, condi spam, and other power creep problems related to the HoT debaucle are what’s needed.
This problem will never be resolved and instead will become exasperated with the release of subsequent expansions and Elite specs down the line.
This game suicided. Have a great day! :D (playing better games XD )
Power Mesmers strength (or the return thereof) lies in the games overall mechanics. Adding more damage to Power Mesmer is a stupid way of bringing it “up”. Rather a reduction in stability access, aoe spam, condi spam, and other power creep problems related to the HoT debaucle are what’s needed.
This problem will never be resolved and instead will become exasperated with the release of subsequent expansions and Elite specs down the line.
This game suicided. Have a great day!
(playing better games XD )
This sums it up well … FWIW, Anet has publicly acknowledged (on a twitch stream) the power creep HoT introduced and said there is “a lot to work through”. They know about it, hopefully the semi-infrequent balance updates coming will continue to address it.
Power Mesmers strength (or the return thereof) lies in the games overall mechanics. Adding more damage to Power Mesmer is a stupid way of bringing it “up”. Rather a reduction in stability access, aoe spam, condi spam, and other power creep problems related to the HoT debaucle are what’s needed.
This problem will never be resolved and instead will become exasperated with the release of subsequent expansions and Elite specs down the line.
This game suicided. Have a great day!
(playing better games XD )
This sums it up well … FWIW, Anet has publicly acknowledged (on a twitch stream) the power creep HoT introduced and said there is “a lot to work through”. They know about it, hopefully the semi-infrequent balance updates coming will continue to address it.
They are tuning down the overpowered stuff and tuning up underused stuff at the same time.
GS2 already was given back the extra bounce. GS1 also got a bit of QoL improvement that reduces aftercast.
Ok gs has other things going for it but sword 1 and 2 need damage buff especially in pve I’m rusticated to play tank / utility in raids and other classes in dunceons bc I have around 10k dps on mesmer wile I achieved 41k on ele it’s 4x difference
Power Mesmers strength (or the return thereof) lies in the games overall mechanics. Adding more damage to Power Mesmer is a stupid way of bringing it “up”. Rather a reduction in stability access, aoe spam, condi spam, and other power creep problems related to the HoT debaucle are what’s needed.
This problem will never be resolved and instead will become exasperated with the release of subsequent expansions and Elite specs down the line.
This game suicided. Have a great day!
(playing better games XD )
Well yes, but with the direction HoT went I think we have a better shot at getting our damage buffed than having everything else toned down to reasonable levels across the board on all classes
I never understood the range thing on the GS AA. I mean for a ranger for example it makes sense, since you are trying to keep distance. But mesmer are kind of always swooping in and out and you can barely make effective use of it .
What also always bothered me about the GS auto was that clones using it had basically zero use. Sword removes boons and stacks vulnerability, scepter pain, Staff does various stuff. But GS just does nothing besides poking the enemy with like 10 damage. Imagined Burden gives it the might stacking but idk i’d like to have something not locked behind a trait.
(edited by Takashiro.8701)
Power Mesmers strength (or the return thereof) lies in the games overall mechanics. Adding more damage to Power Mesmer is a stupid way of bringing it “up”. Rather a reduction in stability access, aoe spam, condi spam, and other power creep problems related to the HoT debaucle are what’s needed.
This problem will never be resolved and instead will become exasperated with the release of subsequent expansions and Elite specs down the line.
This game suicided. Have a great day! :D (playing better games XD )
Well yes, but with the direction HoT went I think we have a better shot at getting our damage buffed than having everything else toned down to reasonable levels across the board on all classes
But increasing power damage for mesmer doesn’t resolve all the other inherent problems HoT introduced for power mesmer.
So if the issue is the viability of power mesmer, that means resolving every aspect of this multi pronged problem.
And since this won’t happen for the next ten years (by current balance updated, and if it happens at all), there’s very little point in maintaining any serious investment in this game.
That last one’s just an additional argument that follows from the broader issue :D
Power Mesmers strength (or the return thereof) lies in the games overall mechanics. Adding more damage to Power Mesmer is a stupid way of bringing it “up”. Rather a reduction in stability access, aoe spam, condi spam, and other power creep problems related to the HoT debaucle are what’s needed.
This problem will never be resolved and instead will become exasperated with the release of subsequent expansions and Elite specs down the line.
This game suicided. Have a great day!
(playing better games XD )
This is the sad truth. A damage increase on GS AA will amount to very little change (if any) to the viability of power Mesmer outside of one-shot montages of vacate NPC-like players. The fundamentals of the post-HoT combat system are against it heavily. The power creep of HoT dismantled and made many pre-HoT things utterly irrelevant – which is why we have almost zero build diversity. I just can’t see this being fixed because the power creep has seeped into everything. The game truly did suicide.
Presuming we’re talking PvP.
If it didn’t over buff condi builds, I’d say make condi clear on shatters baseline, then buff “Restorative Illusions” as a sustain option to compensate. This makes every other tree accessible.
Or you know… GIVE US OUR ALACRITY BACK! Where we are now would not make Chrono a problem for PvP nor would it ruin raids, and would help power. (re scale chrono utility cooldowns if you have to)
But oh well, Ross has it right: “This game suicided.”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
(edited by Daishi.6027)
Don’t wish for individual damage buffs for weapons. What we need are modifiers that buff our total damage, not just “more sword damage while other weapons still suck” cough staff cough
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Guys, power shatter mesmer has some serious burst. Giving it more damage is not an option. What it needs is more survivability.
How are you gonna survive thief burst, when they hit 3x harder now, than they did pre-expac. How are you gonna survive a revenant, when he has so many evades on top of very good burst.
Just give torch more stealth (condi can’t pick it, since stealth doesn’t give any point capture) and make torch phantasm actually useful.
Our “serious” burst is well telegraphed, easily countered, and on a long CD as compared to other class’. However, the real problem is that in order to achieve that burst, we pretty much give up any and all sustain, which simply isn’t the case for our enemies who frequently out burst us, out DPS us, while also out-sustaining us.
They simply have viable sustain built into their professions, while ours requires us to build for it, giving up all semblance of burst and/or DPS output. The only option is to go Condie damage, where you’re not relying on one single shatter to do all your damage, but can continually pump out shatters to apply conditions while sustaining yourself.
I do think that individual weapons need buffs, but I agree that it’s not all about damage. The GS simply gives up too much defense for what you gain in offense, and exactly the opposite is true for the Staff where you give up too much phantasm damage in order to gain minimal added defense.