Male Mesmer Armor?

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Malice.8439



I never did play GW1, but looking back at the armor that was available to this class back then makes my fashion senses tingle.

Suits, wests, jackets, coats, hats.

I should very much like to dress up my human noble Mesmer as a dastardly gentlemen, plucked from victorian England and plunged into Tyria. I’d love to dress him in a suit and a monocle, armed with a sword and a pistol.

Are these kinds of armor available as cloth? I’m getting a bit sick of wearing dresses. Not that’s anything wrong with it, I’d wear it on my Necromancer and on an Elementalist, but I should very much like to suit up on my Mesmer, if possible.

All warfare is based on deception.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593



the cultural ones? Nah they’re pretty cheap. I think a few silver for tier 1 and maybe a gold or so for tier 2. Tier 3 is much higher at about 20g a piece, but doesn’t fit your theme.

The Dungeon pieces are also pretty quick. I think you get something like 60 tokens for your first run of the day. Each run takes 30-60 minutes. Most wearable items are 240 tokens or fewer. Really easy to nab some pants or a shirt if you like the look and transmute it!

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


There are a few pieces that are pretty suit-y.
The heritage set is a big floppy trench coat with puffypants and a mask

The Tier 1 and Tier 2 Cultural armor are afforable and have suit components.

Ascalonian Catacombs token armor is also suity with some nice tight pants.

Here’s a link to a great preview site:

Remember: you can mix and match! You’d be surprised how some pieces from wildly different sets come together when combined and dyed.

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Malice.8439


Researchers’ pants and Aristocrats chest looks perfect. Are these hard to come by? I’m still only around level 50’ish.

All warfare is based on deception.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: TrevorEh.6915


just wanna say I agree with the OP. I miss the GW1 mez armor. Here’s hoping we get some true Mesmer armor in a future GW2 expansion.

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh P.1296

Josh P.1296

Closest thing you’ll find to that in gw2 is the ascalonian armor dungeon set.

Illucéption – Mesmer
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


See the problem is…. They never made any male mesmer armor…. So in order to be clothed….. We must wear the female armor.

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


See the problem is…. They never made any male mesmer armor…. So in order to be clothed….. We must wear the female armor.

Correction (playing an Asura): They never made any female armour, so we’re forced to wear the male one. Their excuse is that we aren’t s e x ually (thank you, word filter :P ) dimorphic, so we only need one set of armour.
And it just so happens that is not a specific asuran one, or a non-gender set, or whatever, no, it’s a copy&paste of the male set because they expected that they can get away with that, while if they had used only female armour half the crowd would be whining endless streams of tears.

Yes, I’m upset! I wish I hadn’t made an Asura. The race, the animations, the ears, even the racials, all awesome. Completely unpossible to find Mesmer-y armour for them, however.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Deviija.7869


I would enjoy Mesmer-y attire, more masques and stately nobility outfits, as well as more outrageous and flamboyant outfits. Mesmers aren’t exactly subtle, eh? As is, I really love the outfits with the exotic feathers sticking out all over, and the dramatic flourishes and intricate decal work.

For male (light/Mesmer) armor in particular, I’d like to see more skin-bearing armor as well. Ladies have all manner of questionable yet flamboyant and unique scanty light armors, using unique models. Male light armor is a lot of copy/past of the same clothing models.

LESS robes would be nice, too. More actual PANTS that do not come with robe/skirt/trench pieces stuck to them. The AC Light dungeon armor is a great example of actual pants and a stately attire. Not so much the lady version… eugh. But the male version, definitely. Actual pants as pants.

More steampunk and victorian age influence and inspiration couldn’t hurt, imo.

Male Mesmer Armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dastion.3106


The Heritage Armor is actually Mesmer inspired and not overly difficult to obtain since it’s the first things you receive. You get 3 of the pieces just for linking a GW1 account to your GW2 account and there are a number if other “gimme” points that are relatively easy to get.