[Mass Test] Stronghold
If you aren’t yet set up to record now’s a great time to sort yourself out!
Thanks so much for this thread. I’m super excited to test some builds out! Hopefully people participate. Maybe OMFG can set some pvp boosts for everyone???
Ross is totally being passive aggressive towards me, because he knows I’ve been procrastinating learning how to do vids.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Thanks so much for this thread.
I’m super excited to test some builds out! Hopefully people participate. Maybe OMFG can set some pvp boosts for everyone???
Ross is totally being passive aggressive towards me, because he knows I’ve been procrastinating learning how to do vids.
MailMail’s just scared to get mobbed by the Elite Torny Level IP Shatter Mesmer Hate Train Association™ for posting his gameplay.
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
What Ross said. <3 Hope to see you tomorrow in some Stronghold, will you be able to play?
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
What Ross said. <3
Hope to see you tomorrow in some Stronghold, will you be able to play?
During my prime time when you guys are all snuggly wugly in yourbeds? Yes. But I can try to get on and play with OMFG. Maybe we can pull out some 5 mes teams.
SR on npcs says hi.. lol.
SR on npcs says hi.. lol.
I know I’ll be bringing a GS and/or Focus. So those sorts of shenanigans should only go so far.
If you aren’t yet set up to record now’s a great time to sort yourself out!
But im so lazy. Can you come over and help me set it up
Tomorrow should be special [OMFG] representation day See you in Stronghold.
Build: 4/4/0/0/6 “Double Ranged Shatter"
Link to Build: link
Games so far: 1-0 (timer)
Notes: Went in with the intention of using portal to ferry supply quickly, while also defending gates from doorbreakers and trying to control the supply depot/hero channels.
Results: Versus the return of bunker specs, it turned somewhat silly. While bunker guards were as tanky as always, they hit like wet paper and couldn’t defend any NPC’s travelling to our gates at all, and they couldn’t defend themselves while channeling, leaving them open to boonrips and interrupts. Due to the lack of progress they made from their failed npc defense, our team pulled ahead. They succeeded in bunkering their lord room fairly well, but we won with the timer in the end. Portal use did not see much action, as allies with constant swiftness could move supply back and get to the action pretty fast as is. Will probably be more effective as the map becomes more played, and with VoIP use as well.
Build: 4/4/6/0/0 “CI Lockdown (Sw/F Staff)"
Link to Build: link
Games so far: 2-0 (both lord kill)
Notes: Planned to use interrupts to team advantage in supply depot, hero channeling. Keeping to a more offensive role, destroy opponents in team fights with CI.
Results: Thieves proved a little difficult as always, esp. since they are not as easy to predict their location if they’re not in a fight. Staff ele’s proved interrupt bait, though it could always be inexperience with PvP making that happen. Build proved well stopping hero channeling, and can dominate lord room fights.
General notes: Distortion is very strong with channeling, as invul does not cancel it. NPC’s in the keeps, and probably spawnables, do not provide rallys for downed members. In the endgame, it is entirely possible to get 3 hero’s if your enemy ignores them in favour of defense.
Foolsworn (M) | Dehtl (M) | Iofo (G) | Foolburt (W) | Fooloop (T)
Fools Foolentine (EN) | Fooliqi (EL) | Fooniols (N) | Foylshen (R )
(edited by Dethl.2875)
Tested the CI Lockdown from Dethl and I’ve gotta say it went better than expected. Went 3-1 for now, with one losing very close, all PUGs.
Its role seems good on roaming/support during the final rushes and I enjoyed the most on stalling the opposite team rushes to supply. Its best part is, as Dethl said, on stopping Warhorn’s Channeling, but it’s really good on keeping grounds in other occasions too.
I ran my ye olde phantasm build and I actually had a lot of success with it. It was ideal for spiking the NPC down quickly and thanks to the bridges and ledges there were some really good blink spots, and the reflects are great thanks to all the archers. Plus everyone tends to be more spread out so I didn’t run into the issue of being overwhelmed by AOE/conditions as much and the tight areas seem to all have good retreat spots.
This build might not be entirely min-max sound but since nobody knows the new meta for this game mode I figured I’d throw this out there in the sense of getting people thinking about phantasm again, trying out such builds. I can see it having potential in this map but it’s hard to say without playing with and against experienced PvPers in an organized setting where everyone knows how the map works.
Build: Link
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Don’t get a cardiac arrest, it is : 2/2/3/4/3.
Intentions : I went different, phantasm support. I figured most of people would go bunker/support and I was not wrong. So, I carry the NPC and the heroes. Defense when nobody do it.
Results : Turned out well. I won 60-70% of the game so far, but I’ve been communicating a lot. iDesenchanter remove the bunkers boons so they are losing their buffs. iDefender helps the NPCs/Heroes. iWarden reflects. Temporal Curtains/iWave to slow and interrupt people to your NPCs or Lord or Channeling. Rune of Dwayna gives enough regeneration to allies/yourself + Signet of the Ether. Just a fun build, totally different from shatter or lockdown mesmer meta.
I also tried support mantra. I hated chanting everytime I wanted to support.
(edited by Krispera.5087)
Build: Maim the Disillusioned (Glamours) 0/4/0/4/6
Link to Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNArfWlknpMtlqxWNcrNitBdyWUDUPkjsySGghB-TJRHwAC3fIZZABnCAAPBAA
Notes: My team -Turret Engi (Soldiers), LB Ranger (Zerker), ShoutHammer (Knights), Shout Guardian (Zerker), MtD (Rabid). Our general strategy from the start -
- Deposit supply immediately. 3 bombers, 2 archers.
- Mesmer attacks enemy guards.
- Turrets placed near our gate/guards.
- Zerkers go to the supply fight immediately.
- Depending on my assessment at the gates, I would call out what ratio of Archers/Bombers were needed in ts.
From this 1-3-1 split, we simply rotated well and called out what was needed. I generally stayed on offense and lead the charge on breaking doors down. Our engi stayed back and played defense in our lane, alternating between trebbing and on-ground fighting. The 3 skirmishers were the main supply runners.
Games So Far: 9-3
Results: Amazing results. The 2 times we lost was against teams that were even more offensive than us. Zerk Staff Ele seemed to be a decent threat at thwarting our NPCs. One team however did try unloading 5 bombers and sent 3 with them to our gate, but having someone with some a stat combo like Soldiers proved to be very good at defending. The other time we lost was our last game, because I think we were exhausted. We made a lot of silly mistakes like thinking we were the opposite color team, willingly letting the other team summon heroes. The biggest points of contention were obviously the first supply encounter and hero summons.
In terms of my build, it had a lot of mobility which proved to be very helpful! With port on CD at 72 seconds and increased range on Blink, I was able to really have a lot of mobility and survivability in several ways:
- From supply camp to the point of deposit.
- Far gate bridge area for escapes/confusion. You can also blink here from the bottom. It’s insanely annoying from the enemy POV. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
- Getting assaulted in a 2v1 and being able to waste their time long enough to port/blink/stealth away safely.
- Essentially, the map is so huge, and there’s so many points of interests in hard to reach places that portal proved to be invaluable to me. Blink also helped tremendously.
Based on my time playing, I might even say that my role would be better placed defending my lane as enemy NPCs are constantly moving, thus leading to more torment dmg. I typically rotated to handily take out the enemy hero exactly in this manner. I think a power shatter with some survivability would fulfill the role I played alot better. My next post will detail that experiment.
Back on topic though, I will say that confusion proved to be INSANELY strong against enemy Lord and the NPCs that attack at higher velocities. Watching their health bars melt away from having 7-10 stacks was very satisfying.
This thread is more about Mesmer than stronghold in general, but overall, nothing jumped out to me as being overpowered. I encountered cele classes a few times, but they seemed to be lack luster from my POV. If anything, my testings showed that support Mesmer is completely unviable in this gametype once again ( I initially tried a few). Not only that, but not many other classes were good at support/bunkering either. Those teams all lost against mine. I think the perfect ratio would be 4 offensive builds and maybe one tank/support? The tankiest class we had was a shout hammer warrior with knight’s amulet… and he was roaming.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Just a quick step by.
1. Portal Supply run is absolute beast for massing up blitzkrieg of NPCs in short time frame. We were able to run through it two times each before it ran out. Outstanding.
2. Time Warp. The elite that literally wins the game. Get 5 bombers after first clear, make them get to the gate you want, pop Timewarp, gate explodes before anything can react.
Time Warp Ave, best NPC booster ever.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
run it with mtd build 0,4,4,0,6 supply run and mid npc killer and supply killer
handle it good
npc die fast but we lost due the fact ppl just didnt do thier job and enjoy the map sites
run also power shatter 4,4,0,0,6 same result
although i am not sure what mesmer can bring to pug group with no communication
orgenize group sure with portal stealth or timewarp cc on supplies
as this map probably will become
1 npc killer
1-2 npc defender and roaming
1-2 supplies and roaming
Build: Soldier’s Phantasm
Link To Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAsdRlknpMtlqxWNcrNSqxc6jeqISOQAlcjuB-TJRHwANLDwa/BAnBABPCAA
Notes: Pugged all of these matches. Sigh. I typically took on the role as door breaker and guard killer.
Games So Far: 3-2
Results: Not much to say. It had good sustained damage from phantasms while also being a bit tanky which is needed at times when you’re being overwhelmed or out-manned. I’d definitely suggest this build for those wanting to play dps, but want something a bit taknier and with less risk. Worth noting is the added mobility from focus, which is just all kinds of awesome. Focus also helped to interrupt people at supply quite nicely. The reflects also are nice against enemy NPCs ranging from guards to archers. Kind of similar to my MtD build in that it uses glamours with CD trait. See above post for related discussion.
Build: Zerker Shatter
Link To Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAsfRlknpMtNqxWNcrNSrxg6rOrMSGQBlciqB-TpBFwACOCAIOBA12fYxDAoaZAAHCAA
Notes: I pugged 3 of these games. Ugh, so frustrating. Having a team makes a world of a difference. I played the role of skirmishing roamer for the most part. Nuked NPCs when given the opportunity. Didn’t try to engage in too many team fights except for the lord battles.
Games So Far: 3-2
Results: Amazing burst as I’m sure no one is surprised. Was able to really take down guards with great speed. Sigil of Intelligence ensured that my Mind Wracks would crit and do some insane damage. I will say, it was a bit harder to land shatters. I guess this is simply how it is in WvW playing dps shatter. It took a bit more time and precision (than what is already needed) than what’s needed in conquest.
Portal really helped a lot still despite being on a much longer CD. Not much to say other than that. Same issues with dps shatter mes arose in the way of not being able to take many hits at all.
I hope you guys learned a bit from my matches. It’s hard to say what state Mesmer would be in for stronghold on release, but I’m optimistic. I think a variety of dps builds or condi shatter will work very well here. One thing that I felt was a complete necessary was traited blink and portal. While that may sound a little sucky to some considering some of our other utilities don’t get much play, it is what it is…
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
(edited by MailMail.6534)
Build: 6/4/0/4/0 “DPS Rupt’Rounder”
Link to Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAsdRlknpRtlpxGNcrNipxcyqWi0BkQDlskxB-TZBEwAGOFAh2fAwDAIbZACHBAA
Videos: http://youtu.be/PhIdujgXR6k
Notes: I’ahhh tried to cover my basis with this build. Focus Swiftness, CC, zerk for damage, rupts to control those channels, REFLECTS.
Results: Vid with this build was my third match, and the first was through some server dc issues. Results of the build in question were very good in the match, but keeping on task (and knowing what that is) is very important. So it’s hard to say exactly what’s good or not.
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
Build: 0/6/6/2/0 “Osicat’s Hidden Cat"
Link to Post: WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23 see post ‘3.2 Hidden Cat 5.0’
Notes: As the linked build uses a mix of pve armor parts, i’ve just taken the celestial amulet, which works pretty well with all the might stacking of the build.
Results: The build has enough damage to make a decent defender and channels mist essence easily given the nature of both mantras. Killing defense NPCs and assisting the final lord push is also no issue. The build has some issues with taking down tanky players.
(edited by Suth.8567)
Okay, I’ll play along.
Build: 6/6/0/2/0 “Mantra Interrupt” (honestly it’s just my WvW build; in this match I mostly just played it like shatter)
Link to Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAsfRl0npMt1oxRNcrNipxcqqIdANcQpDZ8FA-TpRBABBu/wCPAANOBAkVG4hDBAAHBAA
Defense lane: me and a medi guard absolutely blocking the 2-3 players they sent at us constantly (usually 2 mesmers and a ranger); he’d run off to do whatever it is that you’re supposed to do with supplies sometimes.
Offense lane: our necro and two eles relentlessly pushing against a (cele? full condi?) engie and a tanky guard.
Ended at like 370-90 and downed their lord one second after the clock ran out. We got, like, all the mist stuff (they did manage to pop a hero once about two minutes before game end). Our outer gate was at like 50% until we abandoned it for the lord push.
To be honest, this was my first and only time playing the map and I’d largely ignored the previews, so I had no clue how half the map mechanics worked, I just decided to wing it by aggressively sniping enemy players.
Aggressive builds go in defense lanes, support/control builds are better used in offense lanes. The (mostly) zerk-on-zerk war in our defense lane was perfect for us because fights were over quickly and we had plenty of time to pew-pew their skritt bombers without spending any supply on defense stuff.
Main thing I liked about the map was that it felt like a good balance between ranged-fire opportunities and places to find cover. I had a better grasp of these than my opponents and it was a decisive advantage.
(edited by ASP.8093)
I only managed to play 2 games during lunch break, but I dominated the supply depot with a 26600 interrupt build (then I managed to die to a treb shot), won both games.
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
tested all class and builds
it seems that the meta comp will rule here too
i though maybe new tactics will brought up new things
thief – kill npc freely
warrior and guardian – defense or offense
ele and engi sustain and support
so again mesmer with portal for fast relocation mainly
what do you think
Mesmer in Stronghold,…..it work’s…but meh… :/
As always.. nothing to brag about.
Other classes takes the lead as usual.
Build: 6/4/0/4/0 “DPS Rupt’Rounder”
Link to Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAsdRlknpRtlpxGNcrNipxcyqWi0BkQDlskxB-TZBEwAGOFAh2fAwDAIbZACHBAA
Videos: http://youtu.be/PhIdujgXR6k
I’m so disappointed that I only had like 2-3 short cameos in your video. I guess I was off taking care of business elsewhere! Thanks for those games!
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Was watching Helseth play yesterday on his stream and I have to say I agree with what he said. Beyond portalling supply for solo que there isn’t much we can bring to the table that another class can do better. Sure in a team que with comms, mesmer portal becomes invaluable as you might have seen already. However solo que, meh.
Waiting for specialisations and possible changes to the map to really dictate how mesmer will fit in.
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds
The Mesmer disdain seems a bit unwarranted. At the supply depo I could solo shut out the enemy team from taking any supply on my Mes. That’s no small feat. I didn’t but I could even do this with portal on the bar.
Take away capture points and Mesmer can do what Mesmers do best. Mes can’t do what other classes do better? Err, no other class can be the Mesmer here.
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
Yeah, I’m not seeing where Mesmer is weak in this format either. If anything, we are in the top tier along with thief, ele, ranger and engineer. I played 25+ games of stronghold with positive results, and I think I got a good grasp of our potential to do well.
When I was on Shatter, I was able to nuke enemy npcs with ease. My phantasm build also did well. I can see potential for a Mantra dps build being effective as too. And of course, I did well on MtD. I see a lot of various offensive builds being able to be used. Mostly because we don’t have to fight on a point!!! Also, Mesmer shines in small skirmishes. I can’t think of one fight where I had to engage in a 5v5 brawl. We do better in 2v2s or 3v3s.
Also, please let’s not pigeon hole portal into one role of just being for supply. Maybe Ross can account for this during our match, but I actually portaled him closer to me so that we could assault lord together instead of trickling in.
Point being, the map is freaking HUGE, and your team won’t always be roaming together. Portal is great here in several ways, especially with it on a 72s CD.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
(edited by MailMail.6534)
Yeah, I’m not seeing where Mesmer is weak in this format either. If anything, we are in the top tier along with thief, ele, ranger and engineer. I played 25+ games of stronghold with positive results, and I think I got a good grasp of our potential to do well.
When I was on Shatter, I was able to nuke enemy npcs with ease. My phantasm build also did well. I can see potential for a Mantra dps build being effective as too. And of course, I did well on MtD. I see a lot of various offensive builds being able to be used. Mostly because we don’t have to fight on a point!!!
Also, Mesmer shines in small skirmishes. I can’t think of one fight where I had to engage in a 5v5 brawl. We do better in 2v2s or 3v3s.
Also, please let’s not pigeon hole portal into one role of just being for supply. Maybe Ross can account for this during our match, but I actually portaled him closer to me so that we could assault lord together instead of trickling in.
Point being, the map is freaking HUGE, and your team won’t always be roaming together. Portal is great here in several ways, especially with it on a 72s CD.
Portal. Instant across map mobility means you can leave an objective for another and get back to what you were/need to be doing. Any build that takes it traited is instantly a smart build. Also, since you don’t need to be there to burst down enemy players you’re not locked into playing IP shatter. Meaning you can be creative and useful in other meaningful ways.
Played PS shatter (Pistol Staff)
Think the Mesmer Portal use in Stronghold will be really strong. With two Mesmers we had so much mobility on this map, it was awesome. Portal on supply, running to the guards, kill them, portal back, get some archers or Doorbreakers. Don’t know what the specialization brings to us, but it seems mesmers have their place in a group.
Momekas Namu
Quick question since someone brought it up, what’s the use of archers? They seem like a regular NPC to me, do they have special skills?
Quick question since someone brought it up, what’s the use of archers? They seem like a regular NPC to me, do they have special skills?
kill guards
Quick question since someone brought it up, what’s the use of archers? They seem like a regular NPC to me, do they have special skills?
They kill guards, but they also can be severely distracted by enemy players. They’ll probably get a buff upon release. Maybe immob, cripple or weakness shots. They appeared to be only effective under two scenarios:
1. No enemy players defending.
2. 3-5 Archers attacking an enemy player.
Maybe jportell will post his results soon. We played a few games together when I first started Stronghold, and we were both running portal. We both went offensive with IP and MtD shatter. It was fantastic.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”