Maybe there's some hope for the bugs
They seem pretty quick to nerf our stuff. Priorities…
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
the day they fix Duelist’s Discipline trait is the day I will pre-order (or order???) HoT. Haha
I called it… 24h to nerfbat, while others just 12345 on keyboard and delete others… if other do this… its fine, but Mesmer?? hell no!
If Thiefs 2 shoot me its fin ,but when i interupt him 4x and kill him in that way.. it totaly op, and need nefred asap11!1oneoen bcos hitting f1+1+2 is muuuch harder than actualy itnerrupt his dagger #2….
After this 2 ptches Anet clearly show way they do things..
Other Clasess:
-bug fix
-bug fix
-bug fix
-bug fix
-minor changes
-unnecessary Nerf
-no Bug fixed
Backing to Bugs
Mirror Reflect seems dont work as should, I just Redirect Ranger #2lb and he didnt get any dmg (its dont showed any number) but his runes worked, cos he got hited by Fire/Air
Also Short Bow conditions apply trough Mirror, funny is that its reflect them also on ranger
We have a consolidated bug thread opened here, please go and post the bugs you find: