“And also… I can kill you with my brain.”
~River Tam~
Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me a PvE mesmer build that would keep me alive with my 5fps. (And before anyone says anything, yes I know 5fps is horrible; no, I am not in a position to get a new comp, and yes I do have it set to lowest graphics.)
I’ve been experimenting and the whole Sword/Sword or Pistol thing isn’t working out too well. I’m trying not to resort to the cliche I-zerker build. Is a shatter-staff build my best option, or is I-zerker the only way to go? I am looking for something that isn’t a glass cannon build.
1. You may have already tried, but try out higher graphics settings. Many semi-modern / older graphics cards have lower performance with extremely low graphics settings.
2. Use a defensive spec for sure. Staff is the best all-around defensive weapon. You also want a surplus of clones for PvE. Random brainstorm:
- 10 points Dom with the Crippling something trait (cripple on clone death)
- 20 points Dueling for Deceptive Evasion + Sharper Images
- Staff as a weapon
- 5 points in Illusion because it’s the best
Everything else is optional. I would recommend Illusionary Elasticity (20 Illusion) based on what I would do with the playstyle. 10, 20, 20 leaves you 20 points to play with. You could get the Staff trait in Chaos or Illusory Persona and something else.
I suspect an IP build would not be what you want with 5 fps.
I would consider the following build:
- 10 Dom, 25 Dueling, 10 Chaos, 20 Illusion
- Staff // Scepter/Torch
- Rabid / Rampager / Carrion mix of stats
GS builds require decent positioning, which is hard as hell with 5 fps. Sword defenses require good timing, which is again difficult.
Staff is pretty easy. Scepter and Torch give you good defensive and escape-ish tools to avoid a lot of damage without tight timing constraints. The cripple on clone death in the Dom trait will help you kite a lot. Throw on bonus Confusion and other debuffs when your clones die, and you should be ok.
The damage will somewhat slower than with other builds though.
how you can play on 5fps ? Im raging when im on 25 already or lower xD
Being extremely stubborn, and never going near timed jumping puzzles.
I’ve already beaten the game twice, and done around 2/5ths of the dungeon paths
Thank you, this is quite close to what I just started trying out earlier today, and I’ve gone from barely being able to 1v1 enemies of my own level to being able to take down 3 enemies 2 levels higher than me, no problem. Staff works wonders, especially with ethereal combo fields.
Lol thanks i’m at 5-7 fps in wvw , i.ll try the higher graphics.Nice too know i’m not alone….
Just running away from stuff seems like it would be a challenge at 5fps.
Here is my old “easy” build:
30 Duelist – Phantasmal Fury, Duelist’s Discipline, Deceptive Evasion
20 Chaos – Debilitating Dissipation , Dampening Power
20 Illusion – Master of Misdirection, Illusionary Elasticity
Use Condition Damage/Precision gear. For your other skills:
H – Ether Feast
U1 – Feedback
U2 – Null Field
U3 – Signet of Domination
E – Any
I created this build originally for Dungeons where your illusions died too often. With this build each Illusion death will inflict Confusion plus randomly 3s Weakness, 3 Stacks Vuln, or 3 Stacks of bleeding. This includes Illusions that die because of your scepter auto attacks. All of your Illusions inflict conditions while attacking.
Your job is to just try to avoid the enemy and keep your spells going, hit a shatter if you’re Illusions aren’t dying, throw down fields and stuns as you are able. Signet of Dom is better for you since attempting to use Blink with your FPS is probably a waste of time.
Also, turn on auto-cast AoEs. I don’t like it myself, but it will really help your situation.
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