Mesmer Downs

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Grovskie.4238


so something i think that needs a fix is the Deception skill. they need to make it show you can chose where the Mesmer blinks to because so many times when im downed i could have gotten away but the deception skill just sends me deeper in and i die. i mean thiefs have that where they can chose where they " blink" to why cant we.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Let’s not forget blinking within range of the spiking offender.

That said, to answer your question: Because that’s just another factor that plays into the thieves overall OP’ness, and other classes shouldn’t expect those kinds of standards?

Heh, that was fun :p

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vile.5678


To be fair, it’s amazing how many people still don’t know the difference between the real downed Mesmer and it’s downed clone. So you have that going for you. Also, even when Thieves blink away, any class that can react fast enough has the potential to blink when finishing and kill them regardless. Thus, if you wait a second from which they start spiking, you will always live the first finisher attempt. That’s just my perspective though.

Warrior – Whrawl
Thief – Radderic
Mesmer – Smash Kablooey

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Deception doesn’t work at all. I have 4 issues with it:

  1. One can not control at all, the direction of the skill, making u port way too often right into an AoE kitten or smth.
  2. sometimes it doesn’t port u anywhere, letting u still get finished by the first stomp, one actually should have evaded
  3. The clone appears earlier than oneself before the enemies eyes (even without the Prismatic Understanding trait), making it easy to find out, where the real Mesmer is.
  4. For all the ppl who don’t see or understand that, the game indicates, who the real mesmer is.

Bottom line is that the deception skill doesn’t do much and sometimes nothing. That is super weird and not helpful at all. I have but some suggestions how to fix it.

  1. to choose target location would be too OP considering the skill does more than just teleport u away. But it could work similar to phase retreat and port u a random distance away from ur target.
  2. yeah well, this is a bug and just needs to be fixed
  3. make clone and mesmer appear the same time before the enemies eyes. Where clone is also teleported a random distance away from target (but to make sense, a different distance then oneself teleported)
  4. put indicator for downed player over the downed clone and the downed player and it’s fine.
[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: juno.1840


In WvW/PvP there isn’t really a skill that will keep you from getting finished if you’d get finished anyway without said skill. In other words, in most situations it just delays the enevitable.

However in PvE the skill is fairly useless. As already mentioned it moves you into AoE as much as it moves you out of it. The clone that’s summoned isn’t much of a distraction.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


In WvW/PvP there isn’t really a skill that will keep you from getting finished if you’d get finished anyway without said skill. In other words, in most situations it just delays the enevitable.

However in PvE the skill is fairly useless. As already mentioned it moves you into AoE as much as it moves you out of it. The clone that’s summoned isn’t much of a distraction.

Ele can fight till they get downed in front of their keep/tower and mistform back in… Just one of the many examples, where downed skills can save ur kitten even in WvW… Mesmer downed skill but help u nothing but delay it. I barely see anyone saved by them….

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


It’s a useless skill. Might as well replace it with a suicide button. It blinks you into an enemy most of the time and if it doesn’t there’s a big red arrow over your head letting anyone with a brain know that you’re the real mesmer.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Look, cast it at the END of the first person downing you and DO NOT cast a skill. If they do not have vision of you, they cannot down you. The invis will “cancel” it, but you’ll still be in trouble.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Deception is fine as it is: it is a guaranteed stomp breaker unless your enemy uses stealth. Comparing it to the Ele, which has the most OP downed kill in Vapour Form, is unfair.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Deception is fine as it is: it is a guaranteed stomp breaker unless your enemy uses stealth. Comparing it to the Ele, which has the most OP downed kill in Vapour Form, is unfair.

Either you typed that a bit off or what I think you perceive as Deception is Distortion, the F4 shatter. Deception is the Down2 skill that teleports you, invises you, and creates a clone.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dastion.3106


Deception is fine as it is: it is a guaranteed stomp breaker unless your enemy uses stealth. Comparing it to the Ele, which has the most OP downed kill in Vapour Form, is unfair.

Either you typed that a bit off or what I think you perceive as Deception is Distortion, the F4 shatter. Deception is the Down2 skill that teleports you, invises you, and creates a clone.

Considering he referenced stomp breakers and the Ele version it’s pretty obvious he’s referring to Deception.

Plus, he’s right. Played well Deception is a guaranteed stomp breaker, the only other profession whose Skill #2 is guaranteed is Ele’s. The Thieve’s is situationally better, but easier to counter by professions with blink (which primarily happen to be the Ele and Mesmer).

Deception is far from perfect, but it’s also far from useless. Stop spamming 2 as soon as you get downed and use the skill wisely. Time the stealth to interrupt stomps, target the person you want to avoid. It teleports you relative to your target afterall.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moxic.5892


Plus, he’s right. Played well Deception is a guaranteed stomp breaker, the only other profession whose Skill #2 is guaranteed is Ele’s. The Thieve’s is situationally better, but easier to counter by professions with blink (which primarily happen to be the Ele and Mesmer)..

It most certainly is not a guaranteed stomp breaker. Yes, wise timing can sometimes change the game and save you, but when you are teleported a foot away, it doesn’t matter at all, invis or not (however that works…). While having the ability to choose where to blink to would be especially nice, if the downed #2 skill would at the very least be given a minimum distance greater than 1 (which seems to happen exceptionally often), it would actually make this a proper skill instead of half of one.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I use deception as stomp breaker and try to hide in stealth. To suggest I’d use it otherwise is almost an insult to my intellect. But when I teleport not far away enough (happens rly often) i still get finished. And honestly, why is there the need that the game is showing the players, who the right mesmer is? There is a big huge target indicator over my head, but not over my clone’s head. What is that all about? It does not make sense and u have to give me that. If there was no clone, the result would be the same…

And why port into the AoE field I was running away from just moments ago?

The skill absolutely not fine, when it ports u into the enemies attacks and when the game cancels the whole clone part out, by telling ppl, where the real mesmer is. And don’t use the unaware ppl, who don’t see that indicator, as reference… that shouldn’t be the way to judge the skill…

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xlll.9075


I am assuming you are complaining about PvE downed state, In which I suggest you do not expect the mobs to kill your clone and ignore you .

as for the thief downed state, who care. I blink to finish them, but lately I do not even bother just couple of phantasms and enjoy the show.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Plus, he’s right. Played well Deception is a guaranteed stomp breaker, the only other profession whose Skill #2 is guaranteed is Ele’s. The Thieve’s is situationally better, but easier to counter by professions with blink (which primarily happen to be the Ele and Mesmer)..

It most certainly is not a guaranteed stomp breaker. Yes, wise timing can sometimes change the game and save you, but when you are teleported a foot away, it doesn’t matter at all, invis or not (however that works…). While having the ability to choose where to blink to would be especially nice, if the downed #2 skill would at the very least be given a minimum distance greater than 1 (which seems to happen exceptionally often), it would actually make this a proper skill instead of half of one.

While you’re invisible you cannot be stomped even if you’re in range. Time your Deception so the stomp will land during your invisibility (it’s not hard) and resist the urge to spam 1 and break your invis and it’s a guaranteed stomp breaker unless you have no target to use Deception on.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moxic.5892


I’ll double check, as I don’t usually spam 1, I wait for the invis to wear off. Maybe getting spiked while invis (after 2 and only moving a foot away) is a latency issue and not a game mechanic issue, but it has consistently fooled me. Thanks for the pointer though.

Which reminds me, it’s also really really annoying when you use phase retreat and go down, and then downed 2 is on cool down; is this by design?

(edited by Moxic.5892)

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


While you’re invisible you cannot be stomped even if you’re in range. Time your Deception so the stomp will land during your invisibility (it’s not hard) and resist the urge to spam 1 and break your invis and it’s a guaranteed stomp breaker unless you have no target to use Deception on.

That is definitively wrong. There are times, where i got stomped and also stomped others while in downed mode and stealthed. I admit, that is actually a bug, when deception does not move u away far enough, because of u being close to a wall. But it still happens…

I am assuming you are complaining about PvE downed state, In which I suggest you do not expect the mobs to kill your clone and ignore you .

as for the thief downed state, who care. I blink to finish them, but lately I do not even bother just couple of phantasms and enjoy the show.

We (or at least I) am not talking about PvE… there all downed skills will most of the time only delay… Actually Deception is in PvE quite helpful, because the mobs, granted u pulled them far away enough from their spawn point, will kill the clone sometimes before u reappear and they just run back without finish u off.

The problem is with the PvP part, where there is a marker over the downed mesmer making the clone useless. And the skill teleporting u into AoE fields, because one has no clue, where it will take one…

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


That is definitively wrong. There are times, where i got stomped and also stomped others while in downed mode and stealthed. I admit, that is actually a bug, when deception does not move u away far enough, because of u being close to a wall. But it still happens…

Stomping enemies is a different matter. Even if you yourself did not move from the spot being invisible on the moment the stomp lands will break the stomp: see Thief Downed #3.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


“If teleported into an obstacle, and not far enough away from a stomping enemy, the stomp will succeed since the skill doesn’t deselect the enemy’s target”

This bug is listed in the GW2 wiki (see here)

And this happened several times to me. Admittedly this is a bug and not a flaw in the skill design itself. But still it does happen, even if u’re still invisible.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


“If teleported into an obstacle, and not far enough away from a stomping enemy, the stomp will succeed since the skill doesn’t deselect the enemy’s target”

This bug is listed in the GW2 wiki (see here)

And this happened several times to me. Admittedly this is a bug and not a flaw in the skill design itself. But still it does happen, even if u’re still invisible.

The Wiki has plenty of wrong/outdated information. During the Beta Deception did not stealth you, and more often than not you would teleport only a small distance that’s still within the original stomping range. Now it stealths, and stealthing always breaks targeting.

If you look at the history of that article you would see that the bug was logged before GW2 was released, i.e. it was a Beta bug. It no longer applies due to the change to Deception.

As to your experience, most likely it’s because you spammed 1 after using Deception, which breaks your stealth and allows the stomp to hit you.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


No i did not spam #1 (i rly take this as an insult to my intellect)… it happened always next to a tower. I was surrounded by invaders (around 3 or 4 players, one time a whole zerg, so there probably the AoE dmg killed me) and was laying there until somebody tried to stomp me. Then I used #2 and it felt like the teleport was reflected from the tower’s wall and I ended up almost not moving. I repeat, I did not use #1 and I was stomped… this exact situation happened like 3 or 4 times within some days. From this time on, I always try to avoid to be near any obstacle, when my health is low (what is a bad idea too, because I have no chance of hiding, if I can’t get away).

I’ll run fraps from now on, maybe I can tape such a situation, if it happens again to show u…

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: zastari.1730


It’s a useless skill. Might as well replace it with a suicide button. It blinks you into an enemy most of the time and if it doesn’t there’s a big red arrow over your head letting anyone with a brain know that you’re the real mesmer.

You’re still here complaining about how bad the best class in the game is? Why haven’t you rolled a glass cannon thief yet.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dastion.3106


It’s a useless skill. Might as well replace it with a suicide button. It blinks you into an enemy most of the time and if it doesn’t there’s a big red arrow over your head letting anyone with a brain know that you’re the real mesmer.

You’re still here complaining about how bad the best class in the game is? Why haven’t you rolled a glass cannon thief yet.

I certainly wouldn’t trade our downed #2 for any other except the Thief or Ele. 3rd best out of 8 isn’t bad, and ours has some extra, if unreliable benefits in that the clone can potentially distract and help kill.

Mesmer Downs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Emanuel.9781


It’s a useless skill. Might as well replace it with a suicide button. It blinks you into an enemy most of the time and if it doesn’t there’s a big red arrow over your head letting anyone with a brain know that you’re the real mesmer.

You’re still here complaining about how bad the best class in the game is? Why haven’t you rolled a glass cannon thief yet.

I certainly wouldn’t trade our downed #2 for any other except the Thief or Ele. 3rd best out of 8 isn’t bad, and ours has some extra, if unreliable benefits in that the clone can potentially distract and help kill.

I guess, but i’d be extremely grateful, if our downed #2 wouldn’t put us in a worse situation than before almost ALL the time. Seriously, every time i use it when i actually get downed near a boss(/aoe) and hope to get out of it, it puts me into deeper Scheiße.

But at least it’s not as “bad” as #2’s like warriors or rangers.

Rezardi [DnT] – Elite Playhowiwanter US
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU