Mesmer Dungeon Gearing - Need Advice
I’m honestly on the “you can wear glass cannon gear if you’re good enough” side of the coin.
I have tried other gear as a mesmer,
Over and over again.
I’ll go in PVP and try other builds, other playstyles.
But it always boils down to me feeling really weak, and going back to glass cannon gear and performing way better with the extra damage.
Dungeons certainly require more focus to pull off a glass cannon set without dying, but are still very doable.
Personally, I’ve always found it just easier to avoid damage than to mitigate it with Toughness or Vitality. Blink, Distortion, stuns, Blurred Frenzy, they will save your HP and your life more than stats will.
EDIT: Oh, Runes. I’ve been running with 6 Superior Rune of the Scholars with some amount of success. Thinking about making the switch over to Superior Rune of Air for wvw though.
EDIT 2: even if you’re a phantasm build, you should start making use of shatters. I didn’t shatter much when I was newer to a Mesmer build but I noticed a significant increase in my effectiveness when I started utilizing shatters more
EDIT 3: My traits are 10/30/0/0/30, but I’m more shatter focused than Phantasm.
(edited by EnRohbi.2187)
I’m honestly on the “you can wear glass cannon gear if you’re good enough” side of the coin.
Oh goody! I was just thinking maybe I’m being a really bad mesmer if I go dungeoning in Berserk gear. I play an S/D mage also (who’s better geared – he’s in exotic temple karma Soldier gear) and yet my Mesmer is just as survivable as he is while wearing inferior Berserk gear. Oh well…
… and I keep forgetting about Distortion. I really should remember to use that >_<.
Thanks for the advice and the feedback