Mesmer Elites...

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Contagion.7206


So I was reading over the Mesmer Elite skills in the GW2 wiki, (I just started playing with the profession) and couldn’t help but notice that all the Mesmer Elite skills seem… I don’t know… maybe…
OP!!!! For group play. I mean… time warp?! That’s 10 second of quickness for you and all your allies with no drawbacks! And Moa Morph for 10 seconds as well? How about cloaking your entire team for 6 seconds with the Mass invisibility and glamor trait?

I had no idea… Is this as good as it seems or am I over doing it? Are there hits on the goodness of these skills that I’m unaware of? Thanks.

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Contagion.7206


Don’t get me wrong, I do like it.

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Senai.1804


mass invis and time warp is 5 person limit.

Moa morph is only good 1v1. Don’t 1v1.

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Contagion.7206


Really, so it can only effect 5 people at a time? That’s still really good though…

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Senai.1804


You can only pick 1. Is there a problem that a class doesn’t have a useless ability?

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Contagion.7206


With the Moa Morph right… but the others effect five people at a time?

and no. I love it that there’s finally some elite skills that aren’t underwhelming. After playing the Elementalist through, I was sort of disappointed by its elite skills. This looks much more promising.

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ravager Hughesy.1328

Ravager Hughesy.1328

Moa Form has saved my kitten tons in sPvP from that one Ranger or Thief I just can’t outrun.

I imagine it would be incredibly useless in WvW, though. I’d just use Time Warp and lol while my server chews through everyone else.

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nretep.2564


You read this in Wiki ?
before saying “it’s OP”, better test them yourself.

As personal note, I usually solo and usually use the plant farm from Sylvari (or the wolf) rather than any Mesmer ulti.

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Mass Invis is so/so.
It has it’s moment (partially due to it’s short CD) where it really shines.
Most of the time it’s meh as a result of the 5-target-limit, however. This prevents the most immediately obvious (and potentially most overpowered) use of momentarily stealthing an entire WvW raid.

Moa Morph makes a won 1v1 fight a securely won one.
It’s greatest use is temporarily turning a 1v2 into a ~1v1, if you then have all your other times up and run a glass-cannon burst build, you can try remove one player, then kill the other.
It’s mostly for sPvP, especially tPvP. Anything larger than 5v5 it tends to lose ~all it’s value, since while it kills a single player, that single player is a drop in the bucket in 100+ player WvW.

Time Warp is… yes, strong. I’d argue it’s the strongest of our Elites since it’s so universal. PvE, it rocks. WvW it rocks, even sPvP, it rocks.
Unlike Moa and MI, it’s never wrong to bring it. The biggest problem of those two, how marginal their use case is, doesn’t exist for Time Warp.
Sure, it has a 5 target at a time limit. But that’s a lot, and it can swap between pulses, giving minimal overlap. And it’s a combo field!

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Killua.8041


I prefer my golems.

Time Warp works wonders against bosses tho.

O Killua O – Asura Mesmer | Killuas – Asura Engineer
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer

Mesmer Elites...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Auflauf.1679


Moa and Time Warp are considered very strong by a lot of people.
Mass Invisibility only average, because you have an utility spell that does (almost) the same.