Mesmer Equipment Question
Leveling a Mesmer sucks. It’s completely and totally an awful experience. That being said, you don’t know that yet, since you’re new xD. You’ll just get to have a way easier time with everything else. There are some things you can do to make leveling at least a small amount easier though.
Firstly, you desperately need some traits. Mesmer is incredibly dependent on traits (which is one of the reasons leveling sucks so much). I’ll put a list of traits here (you can look them up more in the gw2 wiki) that you should go and unlock immediately when able.
Domination III: Empowered Illusions
Domination X: Greatsword Training
Domination XI: Empowering Mantras
Dueling II: Phantasmal Fury
Dueling IV: Blade Training
Dueling IX: Duelist’s Discipline
Dueling X: Deceptive Evasion
Dueling XI: Harmonious Mantras
Inspiration II: Glamour Mastery
Inspiration IV: Mender’s Purity
Inspiration V: Persisting Images
Inspiration VIII: Warden’s Feedback
Illusions III: Compounding Power
Ok, so those are the super important ones. You won’t use all of them at the same time, but you’ll want them all at various points. Additionally, hunt down all the skill challenges that you can, because you want all of your heals and utilities unlocked.
Your leveling weapon set should be greatsword+sword/focus. Use the focus to pull mobs into one spot, use the phantasms and other aoe skills to kill them all at the same time. I like to use blink/feedback, signet of illusions, and decoy for my utilities. Ether feast or the signet for your heal.
Trait spread:
Start with 2 points domination to get empowered illusions. Then go dueling for phantasmal fury, and then inspiration for mender’s purity. When you can put 4 points in a line, you go inspiration for warden’s feedback ASAP. Then you’ll go 3 in illusions for that minor trait, and then 4 in domination/dueling for greatsword training and sword mastery.
That gets you to level 60 or so. Your gear should be all berserker’s stats, but you can’t actually get berserker until 60, so aim for gear with power, precision (critical chance), and ferocity (critical damage).
I hope that answers most of your questions.
my first ever charackter was a human mesmer, its been over a year by now i guess since i started the game, anyway, few days ago i decided to delete the human and reroll asura mesmer for kawaiii reasons
anyway , its a complete mess atm, low dmg, low mobility, low aoe, long fights, etc
i thought it would be fun to lvl mesmer again, it at first was ofc, at lvl 20 or so it got rly rly annoying
it reminded me why i tried to rush lvling on my first ever charackter(usually ppl should enjoy their first charackter lvling and if possible, not rush it), and just imagine, its even worse now cause of the lvling system (yep traits, starting at 30, master at 60 and gm at 80)
currently i am at lvl 42 and rly wanna get it to 80 asap so i dont have to bother w it anymore
For any exprienced or alt leveling player, EOTM is the way to go. Should take the pain out of leveling a mesmer.
Hey Joffrey!
Welcome to GW2. I’m an L2 refugee as well and I just hit 78 on my mesmer yesterday (woohoo!). This is a very different game. My advice is to not worry too much about leveling and just explore everything that interests you. Play with different weapons. Play with different builds. Run around. Do quests. Do events. You’ll be high level much faster than was possible in L2.
Gear is also a lot easier in this game. Most of my gear is from drops or stuff I’ve crafted or friends have crafted for me (again, waaaay easier). Speaking of which crafting is a great way to gain easy levels. There are also tons of exp boosters out there.
Hope this helps!
Or if do not want to wait to get all the traits and do not mind sPvP, just hop in and start hoarding the leveling tomes
Hello guys,
Thank you very much for helping me in my question. It helps me pretty well. So now i am reda to explore deeper this great game