Mesmer Full Nuker

Mesmer Full Nuker

in Mesmer

Posted by: MetalSpartan.9853


Hi Guys I hope you are well, im posting my build to give me their opinions, the build is focused on wvwvw and tries to kill the enemy with mind quickly wrack and damage of the phantams.;T0Ag0CnooyQlgKbNOqkUtiYUyhh9IvSA
sequences that I most use are:
Mirror Images – Ilusionary Leap -Leap – (Blurred Frezy) (Mind Wrack)
Dodge – Dodge – Magic Bullet – Illusionary weab – Phanstasm Duelist – Mind Wrack
things like that.
I hope to help me, to improve it
thank you very much

Mesmer Full Nuker

in Mesmer

Posted by: tqhx.2190


If you are coming from range to have a GS handy for a Mirror blade, izerker before you pop over to sword, then you have can pull your second mind wrack prior to summoning duelist and hope you get a little life out of the ranged phant. I typically start out with a staff and swap to GS and can keep a pretty thick stream of clones coming. It can frustrate and confuse even some decent players