(edited by deltasniper.1659)
My mesmer just hit 80, i have a fully geared 80 warrior with legendary precursor hammer, i was interested in running a WvW build but im seeing alot of negativity, should i bother to gear up my mesmer, or just stay with my warrior…?
If you think i should stay with mesmer do you have any damage dealing build suggestions? Also ive heard many different choices on what weapons should be used, what would you suggest for wvw?
(edited by deltasniper.1659)
Assuming you didn’t purchase powerleveling, or purchase craft-leveling of the toon, I would imagine that you have a pretty good understanding of whether you like the profession or not…
Not necessarily – not everyone does dungeons or pvp/WvW as they level, some people leave that till they hit max. Maybe OP wants the opinions of people who have already done these things post-L80.
I leveled my character to 50ish, then i crafted my way up to 75, im 75 atm going to hit 80 tonight by finishing up my storyline. But that wasnt really called for alanis.
The Mesmer at 80 is a great class to play in WvW, the biggest umm… lets use the word “issue” is that to be as “effective” as other classes requires alot more ‘micro’.
If you like a challenge, the Mesmer is a great class. If you just want something that doesn’t require much Micro to be effective, then the Mesmer might not be the right choice.
It’s like the good old Eve Online learning curve graph. – http://lh6.ggpht.com/gduncan411/R9qbAETP68I/AAAAAAAAAWo/1Aoa_WRCNKg/LearningCurve%5B4%5D
Mesmers are the Eve online of GW2
WvWvW is still one of the areas where Mesmer is good, that is pretty much because of traited Focus, Greatsword and Feedback.
What makes greatsword so good in WvWvW will be fixed eventually though, will probably still be the go to weapon for Mesmers when their focus is on cooldown.
Mesmers are the Eve online of GW2
Try playing an Engineer with 3-4 kits, then come back and tell me how Mesmer has a learning curve… :P Seriously dude, you have no idea.
Simple maths – each utility slot can unlock 5 extra skills. With 4 kits, that’s about 18 new abilities (since first 3 of the medkit are identical). Plus 5 skills from your actual weapons, for a total of 23 abilities! Where on the Mesmer you are looking at 10 abilities max, plus 4 utilities, for a whopping 14 total. And 23 > 14. Instead of 4 shatters, you have your 4 toolkit abilities. And depending on kits and spec, those abilities change and/or behave differently, wherekittenters always behave the same.
Seriously, there’s absolutely no comparison in complexity between Mesmer and Engineer. Unless of course you just go elixirs/rifle. But that’s like a warrior with signets and rifle too – run and gun, braindead spec.
Sabbathius, your probably comparing it to a basic Mesmer build? (much like you bringing up elixirs/rifle) the key point made in my post was to be as effective as other classes, you haven’t got an elixir/rifle build for Mesmer’s.
But people read what they want
(edited by kylia.4813)
OP if your more the visual type, we have a post with a bunch of Mesmer players playing in wvw and pvp, always good to see if you like the way it plays:
p.s. there is no direct correlation between amount of skills available and difficulty of use.
If you’ve played at least a few MMO’s your used to having 20+ different abilities etc on your bar anyhow.
Its how to use them, synergies, numbercrafting, positioning/distance use, when to use what that increases the difficulty.
Not how many abilities you have access to at the one time.
Unless of course you have trouble remembering above 14, then yes, the skill requirement would go up.
p.p.s. (Simple maths) Should I include that a good Mesmer in WvW carries one of every weapon, and will constantly swap between them depending on the situation, number of upcoming opponents, siege vs skirmish etc.
That’s 24 skills just there not including the utilities
You guys….
First off, Mesmer CANNOT have as many abilities as Engineer. It is simply impossible.
No correlation between skills and difficulty? So pressing 1 and pressing 1-2-3-4-5-6 is the same? Especially when 1-2 are only suitable for one situation, 3-4 for another, and 5-6 for yet another? And 1 and 5 synergize, but not 6 and 3? And keeping all of that flowing, because that’s how Engi is meant to be played (no CD to switch between kits or weapons)?
And if you are going to bring more weapons into that, well, I guess that adds what, another 7 or so to Engi, which brings total up to 31? And remember that if you switch utilities, your toolbelt skills change as well. Which is another what, 29 possible skills? For a total of 70 skills you need to know about, learn and use effectively as situation dictates? Yeeeah. Show me a Mesmer doing that.
Seriously? Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me Mesmer is harder? Come on! You can’t honestly believe that. And if you do…well…I can’t help you. Nobody can.
No, don’t bother. Just use the Warrior.
Sure, sure, Sabbathius. Engineers are for sure much more difficult. Sure.
Now, back to the OP’s question. It depends on you. If you seek true micromanagement challenge and interesting choices where you can never have all the skills you need together, give it a try.
Just a word of warning. First steps would be real harsh. Be very careful and remember that properly equipped/playing warriors/thieves will try to kill you in 2-3 s. It’s upon you if they will be successful.
You can try few sPvP battles to find out what to expect.
I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at, Sabbathius, so the more skills a class has the harder it is to master? Elementalist has Engineer beat by math standards. For me, once I understand what both of those classes did and were all about the learning curve for me kind of stopped.
I’ve had my mesmer at 80 for about 3 weeks and there is still a learning curve, and for all the complaining I do about the class, I still love it.
To OP: All I can say is give it a try and if it doesn’t fit your style try another class. My advice would be to bring some friends.
pick one
On a forum, you’ll see a lot of negative posts instead in comparison to positive. Most ppl don’t bother posting their impressions when things are going good. I’d say: if you want to invest time in your mesmer, then do it. I have a mesmer and don’t really have complaints about wvw. There are classes or situations where you will fail as mesmer, but as scissors said to paper once:
“Rock’s overpowered!”
“No, rock’s fine!” paper answered.
I love rock, paper and scissors stories detritis.
Through this it has been proven that shields are OP, in the past, and that x can’t kill y because it’s impossible to get behind y if y has a shield and knows how to stay in front of x.
Mesmers are doing well in WvW. The only thing Mesmers aren’t good at is farming ez-mode NPC’s in PVE.
I told a Mesmer in my guild that the forums were in an uproar with the patch, with Mesmers saying that it was the end of the class and that Mesmers sucked in WvW.
He fell out of his chair laughing.
Well, not really, but he did laugh.
I laughed too, if that helps.
If you want slightly more concrete anecdotal evidence, I can count on one hand the number of times a WvW commander has asked "do we have any " Ranger/Ele/Warr/Thieves/Engis/Guardians/Necros.
I recall twice in the past month Commanders have specifically told Guardians to do something. I recall once in the past month where a Commander specifically asked for an Engineer (to flip quaggan/kraits).
If you want to throw in a minor plug for Ranger/Elementalists, Comms have asked for water fields for siegers a few times.
Calls for Mesmers in WvW happen on an hourly basis. “Do we have any Mesmers?” “We ready with Mesmers?” “Reflect bubbles gogogo.” “POTAL POTAL POTAL KEKE”. “Time Warp!”
(edited by EasymodeX.4062)
I told a Mesmer in my guild that the forums were in an uproar with the patch, with Mesmers saying that it was the end of the class and that Mesmers sucked in WvW.
He fell out of his chair laughing.
Well, not really, but he did laugh.
I laughed too, if that helps.
If you want slightly more concrete anecdotal evidence, I can count on one hand the number of times a WvW commander has asked "do we have any " Ranger/Ele/Warr/Thieves/Engis/Guardians/Necros.
I recall twice in the past month Commanders have specifically told Guardians to do something. I recall once in the past month where a Commander specifically asked for an Engineer (to flip quaggan/kraits).
If you want to throw in a minor plug for Ranger/Elementalists, Comms have asked for water fields for siegers a few times.
Calls for Mesmers in WvW happen on an hourly basis. “Do we have any Mesmers?” “We ready with Mesmers?” “Reflect bubbles gogogo.” “POTAL POTAL POTAL KEKE
”. “Time Warp!”
Do you have any suggestions on gear / traits?
for wvw, i’m using full berserker, and 30/25/10/0/5. with gs and something/focus
tankiness isnt as important in wvw as it is in spvp. the only time i’m dying is to overwhelming numbers, in which case being tanky wont save you.
but having izerker doing 5k to everyone in a line with mirror doing almost as much is too good.
Why _/focus over GS / Staff?
Depends on what you want to do. If you are in an organised group and want to play to win, go fairly defensive with staff and focus (I use sword mh for invul), grab feedback and portal + one more utility of your choosing and Time Warp elite. Your job will be to use portals effectively, slap down Feedback, and use Time Warp to boost the dps of others. You’ll want the survivability to be able to run into/through the enemy zerg to place portals and to survive longer while hiding in a keep (I solve killing enemies by kiting to a high ledge and using Temporal Curtain).
You can of course also go more offensive, but I don’t have much experience there.
Why _/focus over GS / Staff?
Temporal Curtain, and the Phantasmal Warden is pretty good for aoe damage.
temporal curtain is one of your few sources of guaranteed swiftness/cc
and the pull/warden owns rangers standing on keep walls.
but its mainly for utility, i have my gs out 80% of the time
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