Mesmer Leveling help.

Mesmer Leveling help.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bacon Please.8407

Bacon Please.8407

I Would like to know which Weapon sets are the best for leveling and Tagging mobs?

Also Is there a certain build to run?

I have been told mesmer is quite difficult to level and currently am at level 40.

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Mesmer Leveling help.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vexien.4790


Congratulations, you made it over the hump. Level 40 is a big milestone because you can grab Deceptive Evasion, which makes the leveling process so much easier. As for the build and weapon sets; (second post)

TL:DR – GS + Sword/Focus, 20/20/0/0/30 Shatter build.