Mesmer PvP post 10-7

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623




(edited by Nero.8623)

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: teviko.6049


so glad I didn’t see myself in any of these videos. This guy destroyed me.

Nice vids

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Thanks for the feedback man, it’s appreciated! Hope to see you around =)

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: minshaaa.7940


Can you do me a solid and post your spec?

Also, what sigils and runes are you rocking right now?

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: LadyHorus.8214


Have to say I’m really curious too. I’ve realized that my current build isn’t really working for me, and I’d like to learn a bit more about the shatter specs. Currently the only time I shatter is when someone/something is nearly dead but that doesn’t always work out. I should have given more thought to shatter builds, they look to be more viable than I originally thought. I might have to play around with stats myself some. hmm.

But yeah any insight would be appreciated. :o

Rosangela Marie: 80 Mesmer • Rosangela: 80 Elementalist
My Artworks! - Lady Horus Gaming

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Nice to see someone not whining about that little nerf.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: LaronX.8079


For does guys asking for the build. I don’t know it but judging from the vid he has something like this.

If I reacall the times and reduces by the traits right. He has the Beserkers Amulet. Not sure about the runse maybe eagle, divnity, scholar or something else with persion, power, crit and/or crit dmg.


Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Not home at the moment— but once I get home I’ll make a post about my whole set up =)

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: LadyHorus.8214


Awesome to hear, thank you!

Rosangela Marie: 80 Mesmer • Rosangela: 80 Elementalist
My Artworks! - Lady Horus Gaming

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Domoto.5870


Well played, was nice watching you. I have to get around to trying out a shatter build at some point, I still like my legion/utility build…even after the changes I still find success. Looking forward to seeing more of you in the future

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


You have to copy paste this ^^

Sword/Pistol- Lots of burst here with blurred frenzy, really like the duelist for ranged damage to start off a fight. Great potential to combo with illusionary leap+swap/blurred frenzy. Can also stun lock when combining leap, magic bullet, and illusionary wave from GS.

GS- Sustainable DPS between bursts with your shatters, berzerker is great because it spawns on your target too instead of having to run over to it. Comboability with knock back. Nice for stacking a little might with mirror blade before going into another burst with sword/pistol.

Heal Skill:
No brainer.

Utility Skills:
Utility #1- Mirror images, huge for bursting someone down, once you do your initial shatter popping this while you have your target rooted and immediately poping another shatter can absolutely be devastating.

Utility #2- Decoy, extremely useful for delaying DPS/conditions being stacked on you as well as confusing your opponent. You can’t underestimate being able to take the target off of your head in terms of survivability. This is a great skill to pop after a burst cycle.

Utility #3- Depending on the situation I switch this out with blink, null field, and portal. It really depends on your teams makeup and the composition you’re going against. On some maps portal is amazing, on some blink is amazing etc. If you’re on point defense you NEED null field otherwise any good condition spec will take you out with ease.

Time warp- Amazing for turning the tide of fights. You can’t underestimate being able to nearly instantly stand someone up that just went down, or getting a steak in an enemy team’s player that just dropped to even up, or give you the advantage in a fight.

I- Mind wrack is one of your main source of bursts, you want to pump it up as much as you can.
VII- Outstanding ability for taking out bunkers or even anyone receiving support from teammates. Having your shatter strip boons can really turn the tide of so many fights.

IV- Blurred frenzy is an amazing skill. Being able to have 2 seconds of invlun every 8 seconds as opposed to every 10 seconds is huge for fighting really bursty classes.
X- Pretty obvious trait to have in most builds honestly.

II- If used properly you can cause a ton of damage with this retal/confusion combo. A lot of people make the mistake of popping a stun or a daze right after using cry of frustration, and that’s a big no-no.
VI- Great for either additional DPS in a team fight, or for getting another daze/distortion up to prevent incoming damage
XI- Obvious trait is obvious.

Runes of the Scholar
+8% crit dmg and 165 power, also absolutely amazing for adding a bit more damage to the top on your opening bursts, and your bursts after your heals.

Superior Fire- I really like the AoE that I get from this, every bit helps.
Superior Energy- Clones are crucial for this build. Switching weapons gives you 50% of your endurance back. You use endurance to dodge. You can create clones via dodging. This is a no brainer
Superior Energy " "

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: LadyHorus.8214


Thank you for responding with all the wonderful info on your build, I’ve been trying it and it’s really enjoyable so far! I never realized how much damage shatters could do if spec’d properly. I tried putting points into illusions when I was lower level, then re-spec’d later. So going back to it and with a bit more insight is really nice indeed. Thanks so much again and I look forward to seeing more pvp vids from you in the future!

Rosangela Marie: 80 Mesmer • Rosangela: 80 Elementalist
My Artworks! - Lady Horus Gaming

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Glad you enjoyed it!

I’ll be posting more videos on my channel soon so be sure to subscribe =)

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: romsea.8539


Leet skill

On par with the best mesmer i’ve seen playing (from team paradigm).
Hope i’ll be up there with you some day

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


I’ve never tried a Shatter build before. I’ve tried it yesterday and I can’t whine about lacking AoE damage for DEs and random times where you get overwhelmed on field PvE(Though I’ve never whined about our lack AoEs anyway). I love iPersona, especially with iRetribution, that’s a lot of Confusion. I haven’t PvP’d on my mesmer, nor will for a while, but it’s still fun to mobs receive 1k+ damage from attacking once. If I still use a Shatter build when I start PvP’ing, I’m going to be looking forward those stacks of confusions, as I heard confusion can be deadly in PvP.

Question about Shattered Concentration. Is it 1 boon per illusion(and yourself?) or is it just 1 boon for the whole shatter?

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


It is one boon per illusion. It’s pretty amazing. I’ve tried a few alternative builds to up my DPS— but honestly being able to strip boons is consistently the best thing I can do for my DPS and applying pressure

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: aaron.7850


Looks interesting. But why not swap the greatsword for scepter+pistol? GS doesnt offer much…. 2 is okay, 3 is mediocre and 5 is just a push with no other effect to it.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dixa.6017


Looks interesting. But why not swap the greatsword for scepter+pistol? GS doesnt offer much…. 2 is okay, 3 is mediocre and 5 is just a push with no other effect to it.

what is this i don’t even….?

greatsword is fantastic. he didn’t even mention how the zerker applies a long lasting cripple.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Hey guys! Doing about an hour or so of streaming tonight— check it out!

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kyrul.7681


Looks interesting. But why not swap the greatsword for scepter+pistol? GS doesnt offer much…. 2 is okay, 3 is mediocre and 5 is just a push with no other effect to it.

What exactly is Scepter going to help with?

GS 2 does good damage/might/vuln and spawns a melee illusion, 3 strips more boons, 4 is another melee illusion that also cripplies, and 5… a knockdown is one of the most powerful forms of control.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: aphoxi.4378


aaron.7850 might be thinking that since the scepter is pretty reliable for steady clone generation, it might be useful in a clone/shatter centric build. It’s kind of slow though.

I just gave this a very quick test and, um, wow. There’s a surprising amount of survivability in this because of the fact that the only time you appear to have less than 3 clones or illusions up is right after a shatter.

I’m still looking for a good PVE build that can get me through things reasonably quick without going full glass. How well do you think this would work? Never tried anything shatter centric in the pve environment before.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


I’ve actually tried out scepter/sword(as opposed to GS) as secondary to sword/pistol. It really depends.

I just really like the AoE berzerker gives, and additionally being able to fight at the 1200 range as opposed to 900 can be super usefully for supporting in some situations. Also- honestly I really don’t have any point where I’m just casting auto attack 3x with a scepter

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


I’m new the GW2 and I am leveling a Mesmer who is level 30 at the moment. This question may be a little off-topic but I think I noticed that you have auto-attack turned off.

Are there pros/cons to leaving auto-attack turned on for the Mesmer in PvP or PvE?

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: dandamanno.4136


I usually run a condition build with primary chaos/inspiration/illusion traits. I tried a shatter build similar to nero’s and have to agree that it has a good amount of survivability and is a pretty fun (read hectic) play.

I was surprised at the amount of AoE you can pull off in a PvE environment. Thanks for the video. I drank the “shattering is useless” koolaid way back at release and would not have bothered to try a shatter build without this glimpse.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: aphoxi.4378



Agreed. It wasn’t particularly that I ever bought into some hype about shattering being useless, but I certainly didn’t think that it would outweigh the option to a) use a lot of clones to stack conditions or b) maintain phantasms. Really though deceptive evasion is a game changer. When leveling you simply don’t need to dodge all that much so using the mechanic to generate clones and combining with the berserker and quick shatter drops things ridiculously quickly.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zal.8510


You’ve opened my eyes to a new way of playing sPvP, and I thank you for it. It’s really fun and a great change to what I usually did, not to mention extremely effective.

I changed one thing in the build, however, and it was using Superior Runes of Divinity instead of the Scholar. I tried both and felt the extra toughness, vitality, precision and crit damage was worth the loss of about 100 attack.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Glad you guys are all enjoying the build!

And yeah Zal— I kind of switched off between runes of divinity and of the scholar a bit— I just like my openers to have just a little extra pop.

I’ve been playing mes for a bit now and I’ve run a variety of builds— and of all of them this is definitely my favorite. It requires you play at a much faster pace than pretty much all of the other builds I’ve personally tried on mes at least.

I’ve been spending a bit of my time recently when I can play learning other classes— best way to be a really good DPSer is to understand the mechanics of the class you’re trying to kill.

Mesmer PvP post 10-7

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cleric.6185


Can I ask…what do you think of Shatter damage in PvE? Am I alone in thinking it’s way too weak considering a Ranger can just spam autoattack on their shortbow and kill a mob as fast as I can doing all this button mashing to get a Mind Wrack and Cry of Frustration with 3 clones each.