Mesmer QOL Changes

Mesmer QOL Changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gav.1425


Thief got an F2, so it’s entirely plausible ANet is interesting in improving QOL for the classic mechanics—not just elite specs and such.

I’d like to being back to everyone’s attention a few things.

- Portal range indicator. Make it red or greyed out when you’re out of range or unable to click. Leaps now ignore CC so players aren’t ‘confused’ by the false range indication of a crippled leap, but we haven’t updated portals to not ‘confuse’ players?

- Phantasm indicator. Mesmer theme is pink and purple. Let pink circles (above the skill bar) be for clones and purple circles be for phantasms. For those fast-paced or screen-cluttering fights where you can’t always see or keep track of your illusions.

It’s 2015. Time for some QOL.

Feel free to add.