Mesmer Tagging

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: KeyLimPi.9031


I’ve been playing mesmer a long time and I’m fairly assured the answer is
“We’re not capable of that”, but I’ll ask anyways.

In large scaled ZvZ(vZ), how do we tag effectively, large numbers? I would assume we still use the glamour confusion build even though it was nerfed but are there any other ways? I’m used to playing thief/ele/ranger where I can either press a button and tag half the zerg or dive in and spam all my buttons.

Any tips/tricks you can toss my way would be helpful.

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nikked.7365


With great power comes great responsibility. If only it came with great loot, we’d be unstoppable.

Jacked Jackal :: Norn Mesmer :: Giant and Fabulous

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Big bursts of shatter often help.

Some Ppl who run GS, do Berzerker, thow sword of bounze and mindwrack followed by iWarden and pull then cry shatter.

Personaly for tagging I use last shatter sequense in this tutorial starting at 1:26:



Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Use feedback → watch numbers :>

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


First off, glamour confusion is dead. More specifically, it is hard to do enough damage with Confusing Enchantments + glamour to get many tags. I wish ANet would fix that…

Second, I’m skeptical of shatter vs zerg. I tried it with a hybrid build for a couple weeks and found my clones would die too quickly in a true zerg battle (rather than a pug mob fight). Perhaps Signet of Illusions would help in this. I may try this out again with the Signet because I like the versatility of the hybrid build. For reference, I’m on a T1 server so the zergs are often 60+ and well coordinated for zerg bursts. Then you’ve the pure, epic carnage of a 60v60v60 on the same battlefield. In those instances I clutch my Staff and hold on for dear life…

Currently, I get tags almost entirely from my GS. Most come from Beserker, but skills 2 and 3 help tag as well. Regarding Feedback, I kept it for a while, but without all the confusion goodness or blinds it just doesn’t make the cut anymore. Also, Feedback is very visible and smart opponents will tyipcally cease fire when they see it. This is less true for veil or warden.

mesmer of Blackgate

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


iBerserker will get you tags, even with the skill not performing optimally.

I don’t like using Greatsword is zerg vs. zerg fights though, I always felt like I got focused on a lot faster in zergs when I used the GS, I think the flashiness of Spatial Surge makes you stand out of a crowd too much.

If you’re a particularly daring mesmer (I often am), I’ll just suicide dive into the enemy zerg, unload a couple shatters then blow all my mobility/evasive/invulnerability CDs to get back out of combat.

For the most part though, I don’t focus on tagging people in zerg combat.
Just do whatever you need to be doing to make sure your team wins and collect whatever loot bags you happen to get at the end.


Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I’ve heard some GS mesmers have success using a Sigil of Fire for flame blast aoes to tag.

The GS beam potentially hits 3 targets, so you have a chance to proc the aoe at any one of them.

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: juno.1840


At range I’ve found the best AoE tagging options are:

1. iZerk, mirror blade, shatter
2. Lucky procs of GS + Sigil of Fire
3. Feedback (when not on c/d)

Single target at range is easily the GS auto-attack.

Staff is too slow of an auto-attack to tag much at range. Dolyaks for example will die before the projectile even arrives — and if it does arrive often one hit won’t be enough to count as a “tag”.

In melee you have more options for AoE tagging.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I just use the sword and flail it around like a madman on my anti-zerg build. Blurred frenzy/frantic waving on the melee frontline, reflection tag the backline. Staff is used for chaos storm/protection in the initial encounter, then swapped on storm cooldown or when defensive play is needed.

I have found that the best way to tag on the Mesmer is to simply split your attention. Combining melee, ranged and reflections does this nicely.

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Spend less time worrying about tags and more time doing what will help your team, like time warp, chaos storm, feedback, temp curtain, etc.

RIP in peace Robert

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


What -I- do is build my catapult/arrowcart and watch the bags of loot pile up at my feet, if that’s not an option i take my staff + chaos storm + illusionary bouncy trait of bouncing (idk the name obviously) and that tends to help as well.

Feedback also helps.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dess.4391


Imh in zerg Vs zerg theres not much diference tagging than when you farm events. And if you think im impliying zergs act in a very similar way than mobs AI….. well, you are right

Also just blurred frenzy in the air sometimes works, idk how many times ppl came to, well, idk what, while i was doing that and take the dmg…. Ok AI sometimes might be smarter XP

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: RedCobra.7693


I’ve heard some GS mesmers have success using a Sigil of Fire for flame blast aoes to tag.

The GS beam potentially hits 3 targets, so you have a chance to proc the aoe at any one of them.

youve got it this is what i do, target someone at 2/3rds to the back and fire will proc, use izerker aswell.

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