Mesmer biggest dps or burst demage build
For pvp or pve?
I personally use a 20/20/0/25/5 phantasm build for sustained dps or you can use a shatter build for burst dps 20/20/0/0/30 for gs or 10/30/0/0/30 for sword or any variation.
For pvp. What runes,what guns i should get? i nedd more detailed informaition also i mpretty new in this class, so something is hard to understand correctly
10/30/0/0/30 is the highest burst. It’s mantra+shatter…. but it’s not viable. I’d just go with a regular shatter build.
@Judge, go have a look in the sticky thread “guides” its wery good way to find a guide and dont fill a full post in the forum.
This is link to a sticky post in this forum where al guides, dps, shatter, tank etc is listed.
Read some of the guides and al your questions should be answered, Gear, weps, skills, traits etc etc.
The shatter builds you mention got nerfed still extremly viable and compared to december 14 2012 they accualy buffed.
Here is a vid with one of my burst shatter builds after nerf, enjoy.
About weps, read some guides, ppl put alot of effort in the forums to make it easy for new players to find info but you accualy need to read them to get the info
(edited by Osicat.4139)
Full berserker gear, ranger runes, gs with +5% crit chance, offset with perception sigils.
Grab both mantra traits, dodgeroll clones, phants have fury, phants +% dmg, illusions give +3% dmg each, gs trait.
Mantra of healing/pain/condition removal(name i dont know…)/decoy(or blink)/mass invisibility.
Iberserker(powerspike), mirrorblade(powerspike),mindstab(powerspike)
(edited by Justine.6351)
For pvp or pve?
I personally use a 20/20/0/25/5 phantasm build for sustained dps .
like my GS/swfoc ^^
in wvw u not allways roaming. its also towers/keeps defense, towers/keeps wall captured. here shater build not so good. in fields phantasm do good aoe dmg, it good in zerg vs zerg (if they be alive)
I’m kill you’r bessies
My favorite opening burst (20/20/0/0/30):
Use the GS. Open with Mirror Blade and dodge twice at the bad guy (clone on dodge -trait). Then hit F3. This should give you tons of Might, Inflict 20-25 stacks of Vulnerability and keep the bad guy Dazed.
Then throw out your iZerker, pop Mirror Images and blow the bad guy all the way to Pluto with your Mind Wrack.
5 Golemancer runes+1 Divinity rune, 30/30/0/0/10, shatter mantra in zerker gear.