Mesmer doesn't need buff but..
I always felt the shatters come the least you expect it when i get hit with it. It did not matter whether I can tell which one is real.
Evading clones would require a lot of work. It means reworking the entire AI system. What would you think other AI classes would say about this? Evading pets? or Minions even?
A pet or minions job isn’t to mimic the user but deal damage, the phantasms don’t need to change, the clones don’t do any damage unless killed, improving there AI wouldn’t drastically change anything it would simply take people a little longer to identify the real Mesmer which means they would be doing what’s intended
My ideal situation would be this:
- My defence is entirely dependent on the clones.
- Clones are perfect. They use all attacks, they use utility skills, they move, they dodge, everything. They show boons, food everything. They have 50% of my HP.
- Shatter moves are incredibly strong, because they destroy my entire defence.
In turn, my offence and defence out of clones and shatter is extremely weak.
That would simply serve to pigeonhole all mesmers into one type of build.
Well it would require a substantial rebalance, ofc. Hence it’s a pipe dream, I know.