Mesmer downed State

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kabooky.8071


Is it possible to get the Mesmer downed state to change number 1 from adding stacks of confusion to adding honor badge shards instead?
So each time you attack you add 1/4 a badge,shard to your opponents inventory after four successful attacks you award them a bonus badge and automatically release.

With the current confusion nerf (a kitteny clusterfkitten) I fail to see the point in trying to rally. And while we’re at it can confusion mesmers have a badge vendor that anemy thieves can access anytime?
Infract me, I care less every day, why? I played engineer/Mesmer since beta and you’ve sucked the fun out a little bit more each patch.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: wads.5730


what are you crying about? 1v1 down state the mesmer only loses to rangers.

downed state #2 is still the best second only to elementalist for interrupting stomps.

if you fail to rally as a mesmer in a fight, then you sure as hell wouldn’t rally as any other class, aside from ele mistforming into keeps.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Downed #2 is an unpredictable You-Know-What. Although I’d have to vote Engineer for Worst Downed State. At least Mesmers don’t pull the guy what downed ’em close for a nice hug

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kabooky.8071


what are you crying about? 1v1 down state the mesmer only loses to rangers.

downed state #2 is still the best second only to elementalist for interrupting stomps.

if you fail to rally as a mesmer in a fight, then you sure as hell wouldn’t rally as any other class, aside from ele mistforming into keeps.

WAS! go try it in wvw now, then post a timestamped YouTube link with how it’s still so awesome. Then go grow some roses on top of your post, they do well in horse kitten. Unless of course the thousands of hours I’ve played my Mesmer and mmo’s since 99, I’ve somehow become a newb.
kittenitten sake it’s obviously half as effective as it was by simple confusion nerf maths.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Kabooky, I have no idea what you just said. I’m not trying to be insulting. I mean I’ve literally read your post over a few times and I still have no idea what point you were trying to make.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Plumsucker.9507


He is saying since confusion was nerfed by 50%, and our downed state #1 attack adds confusion, our #1 attack in downed state is pretty useless. 1v1 downed state vs anyone beside an engi I think we will lose now since the damage from confusion is so small and there will never be enough time to summon three iRogues or three clones.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaidax.7835


Who cares about confusion? The 1 nuke itself is among the strongest to begin with and Phantasmal Rogue hits like a truck.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kabooky.8071


When you were downed, and a thief was downed, when they start throwing hasted knives at you, Confusion mattered. I found myself in that exact situation post nerf and to state the obvious…… Confusion was half as effective, It was over well before rogue phant could be used. The same could be said if they were downed and you are not. You have every thing on CD, try using sceptre and see how far that gets you.
End of the day, some of the mesmers defining nature was removed.
If glamour Mesmer Zerg busting was the issue, then removing or adjusting those traits would have sufficed. Instead like every other mmo I’ve ever played, it’s getting dumbed down over time to cater for the lowest common denominator. Why learn your class when you can have a text box constantly telling you what to do.

Let me pose this question, how many of my fellow mesmers insta died (think thief bs time frame) to another Mesmer? How many of you we’re stupid enough that after letting confusion stacks get 15+, you then spammed yourself to a downed state?

Only an idiot caters to an idiot. Surely a wise man teaches him how to fish / cleanse / use of tactics

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: BossFi.6917


Ive still managed to kill a thief with full hp from downed state when fighting underwater post nerf.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kabooky.8071


whaler does a good job adding conf underwater and is often lost in the chaos. However I guess time will tell.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Who cares about confusion? The 1 nuke itself is among the strongest to begin with and Phantasmal Rogue hits like a truck.

Oh, it does. 15 seconds after I was stomped.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

Downed #2 is an unpredictable You-Know-What. Although I’d have to vote Engineer for Worst Downed State. At least Mesmers don’t pull the guy what downed ’em close for a nice hug

This. Engineer downed state #2 should be renamed “Please Spike me Quicker. No, Really, I Insist. Here, I Will Help You.”

Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

Mesmer downed State

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


This is absolutely ludicrous. While being able to do some damage in downed state (which mesmers do quite well, since stacking confusion from 2 rapid-fire sources still adds up, and the rogue hits like a truck as previously mentioned), the most important aspect of a downed state is reliably disrupting a stomp.

Guardians can stop 5 people, unless they are blinded. Rangers can stop 2, unless blinded. Engineers can stop 1 unless blinded or projectile reflected. Warriors can stop 1 unless blinded or projectile reflected. Necromancers can stop 1 unless invulnerabilitied or blinded (I think).

Then there’s the big three. Thief can stop any number of stomps…with the caveat that if they are fast with a blink (blink, lightning flash, steal) the stomp can still be finished first try.

Then you have mesmers. Mesmers will stop any number of stomps with 100% surety, as long as there is at least 1 creature or object in viewable range for the mesmer to target.

The best is elementalist. Elementalist will stop any number of stomp with 100% surety along with mobility and invulnerability for a few seconds.

As you can see, mesmers obviously have the second best downed state in the game in the ways that matter. The only legitimate complaint about our downed state is how it has a tendency to teleport us into aoe attacks in PvE on occasion.