Mesmer is not as OP as I first thought.
Same here. They used to whomp me until I played one and realized the Mesmer is playing a constant balancing act in PvP, you can slip up so easily and be killed in about 2 seconds flat. People complain about how Mesmer will phase retreat, decoy, mirror images, etc. because it makes them slippery, but once you get a Mesmer locked in, it’s game over, by FAR the easiest kill in the game, we die seemingly quicker than Elementalists and Thieves.
People just need to understand when a Mesmer is annoyingly teleporting, going invis, knocking you back with GS 5, etc. that is their ENTIRE defense, once you break through that, you win. If you’ve played WoW, it’s exactly like the Mage, you need to force them to burn their survival abilities early, then they’re sitting ducks.
Another thing people do is panic when they see all the enemy names and they forget they’re just clones and phantasms that die very quickly. In a group fight around an objective in sPvP, one Mesmer can make inexperienced players panic and deter new enemies from coming into the fight (they will think it’s a lost cause battle due to the “numbers”). But that’s the whole point of this class, mind games, tricks and illusions, a Mesmer can make you panic and think you’re losing a fight when you’re actually not, but because you THINK you are you start to play poorly and make bad decisions.
When you actually play the class you see all the tricks from the other side and realize that, very often, the Mesmer player was most likely in a panic as well, hoping so badly you’d ignore him and get confused by the clones. Even the most burst-heavy shatter builds take some time to kill someone, when people realize that time is their window of opportunity to kill a Mesmer, the OP complaints will lessen.
I will agree Mesmers are wickedly effective in group battles when left alone, though. When I get to hide behind a few meatshields I unleash havoc. Our attacks do not draw much attention either, so when you’re just sitting back unharmed, people often assume you’re not doing much, then they see the Mind Wrack and Confusion damage in their death log and go complain on forums.
A method for dueling using both the WvW and sPvP rulesets would be VERY nice to have. I’m rather glad there’s no /duel command, though. Lion’s Arch is crowded enough as it is without duels rolling around annoying bystanders. Having zero instant-dueling also eliminates the “u R stoopid — I’ll pwning u, /duel me!” taunts you see when chat starts to go south in other games.
Perhaps as a feature of guild halls between guildies?
I personally never understood why people said mesmers were overpowered for exactly this reason. My first character was a mesmer and I never had a problem with them with my alts, so I was always so confused why people said we were so over powered. We are just a solid class.
Also I really would like a duel feature to practice against different classes/specs, it really helps to learn counters.
(edited by purpleskies.3274)
In truth only a few things about the mesmer need trimming. But the class over all is very solid.
The real reason Mesmers will win almost all the fights against new players Is simply the clones. Really clones plus blink,decoy,and anything that will result in the player loosing track of the mesmer is a mind buster for noob mesmer fighters. Moa morph is not OP if you can actually see it coming. Portal is cool but not really OP. the only argument I get is time warp. But hay that’s not the reason Mesmers are winning all the fights. Time warp needs a bigger cool down. But other than that its ok.
Overall the mesmer class is a solid profession. I am really disappointed that it may be nerfed simply to satisfy the unskilled, and non understanding part of the community.
If there was dueling in this game people would actually learn how to fight Mesmers. But then again I don’t want dueling everywhere. Maybe guild halls, and non cities?
the people saying mes is op are those 5 sig warriors that attack your clones thinking its you the whole fight.
Think its important to split what a strong and strong class. There is diefferent sides of the coin.
On one side there is strong class as in a rather new player can with a few buttons have great numbers and good kills. Say thief for example, a rather new player can after a while learn a combo and use stealth in wvwvw to take down a player wery fast who dont pay attention. Even a skilled player with a bit lower hp can be taken down by a new player in stealth and basic knowledge of the burst keybind + some gear.
On other side there is the class, say mesmer that ofc for new players find hard to fight but as soon he face a skilled player a new mesmer are in trubble. Still the mesmer class have a huge skillcap with al skills and utillitys, so a skilled mesmer can be a god on earth in wvwvw envoirment.
So what is op? Is it a class who a new player can fast master, ofc deadlier in hands of a super skilled player but still, a new player can fast learn how to take even skilled players down. Or is it a class that a skilled player can master and win against most other classes in a wvwvw enviorment but a new player realy cant reach same ressults on?
Its worth to think about.
I’ve got to agree with pretty much everybody on Mesmers being solid.
The /duel thing, I’d like to see it added in non-city zones but mostly not in Lion’s Arch. The other cities don’t see enough traffic for it to be that big of a deal but Lion’s Arch is far too busy to have that going on too. I could see some parts of some cities having the capability to duel, like in Hoelbrak in the space outside of the spirit lodges and on the lake. But Rata Sum doesn’t have anywhere that would be suitable for it. Though any Asura worth his weight will take things out to the little arena in Metrica and have a Golem duel. Hell, the Black Citadel has an entire coliseum in it that could be used for that sort of thing.
But if it were to be an all or nothing situation, I’d say no duels in cities. I’d really like to see some arenas set up with various landscapes and what not to fight in. Some of my favorite fights in WvW ever were in the jumping puzzle on ledges and platforms, I’d love to see some varied environments like that in an arena setting.
Tired of WoW terms being used to describe elements of GW2.
Especially so because I didn’t play WoW. I played FFXI… where
WoW terms were also used for a short while. Well-ingrained
pet peeve now, that’s all… ;p
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE
@Kyross, that is accualy exact what I say, mage fall under same category in my opinion as mesmers. A class who in the right hands are extremly strong due to high skillcap and at that skillcap get extremly strong. Compared to a class who even at the lowers skillcap have tools to be extremly effective.
Is the fact that the mage is skilled and can use that class to kick kitten making the class op? In my oppinion no as you cant take anyone, let him pilot that toon and have same ressults. I say its more inbalanced to see a fresh player insta gibb ppl with a thief kinda class with a low skillcap, even if same player prob lose to a skilled player using a mage or mesmer for that sake.
As soon as you take mesmer out of 1v1 into environments with multiple enemies, effectiveness of his defenses drops dramatically.
So I made a Mesmer a bit ago because I thought they were unbeatable OP gods. After playing and learning the class funny thing happened, I got really good at killing mesmers on my other classes when they used to own me.
I really feel if Anet had a /duel command the Mesmer are OP cries would go away because people duel to learn how to play against other classes. Right now there is no way to really learn how to play against good players of other classes without farming a ton or learning the class.
That said Mesmer I still think Mesmer is a solid class and not weak like some people here claim.
Thank you for doing so :-). I keep making this argument that taking a mesmer for a whirl will help in learning the mechanics of the profession; and that will attenuate the idea that mesmers are overpowered. Few do; you took my suggestion, and I thank you for it.
So I made a Mesmer a bit ago because I thought they were unbeatable OP gods. After playing and learning the class funny thing happened, I got really good at killing mesmers on my other classes when they used to own me.
Yes, it helps a lot to learn and understand the other classes, especially when fighting a Mesmer confuses you a lot.
Thieves kept telling us that all day long: “if you have troubles with thieves, try playing a thief yourself and you’ll find out how weak they actually are.”
I did that and what happened wasn’t funny but very sad instead. They are even more OP as I thought they are. Now whenever a competent thief wipes the floor with my toon, I can tell how he did it and I know there was nothing I could have done against (other than what I already did to stay alive a little longer before I died anyway).
Few days ago a condition-spec Thief sent my condition-spec Mesmer back to elementary school. So I logged onto my thief toon to figure out what exactly happened and what their condition-spec can do. What I saw made me very, very sad. A properly specd condition thief just have to press dagger/dagger “3” three times in a row and gets 9 bleeds ticking on everyone nearby. This is way more than my condition mesmer can ever hope to dish out, no matter how many buttons I press. Just be spamming button “3”, other skills allow him to stack even more bleeds, theoretically up to 25 bleeds. And worst of all, the thief can increase his bleed duration up to 20 seconds, can you believe that? Oh wait, I forgot to mention that the thief is evading while using his dagger/dagger #3 attack, so you can’t even hit him while he stacks all those bleeds on your entire team.
Sorry for half-hijacking the thread.
(edited by Snoxx.7943)
Playing the 80 Mesmer in WvW makes me realise how rubbish my 80 Necro is… :-\
Enjoying the Mesmer though… fun class to play.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)