Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: zexion.5842


According to Jon Peters in the mists a few hours ago:
- The profession part of the upcoming patch notes is roughly 5 pages long.
- ~16 bullet points for rangers.
- ~30 bullet points for engis.
- Mesmers saw the fewest number of changes.
- “Tons” of bug fixes.
- “Some” balance changes.
- Portal is a cool ability that’s important to the game but has some problems (whatever that means from their perspective idk).
- The ability to use custom dyes in pvp is possibly coming in a December patch.
- Broken treb and lord announcements should be fixed soon.
- Target of target and player cast bars are low priority but something they might look at in the future.
- Probably no hope of ever letting us disable the terrible skill queue.
- Custom rankings, obs mode, etc. all “on the way” (as usual).

So mesmers receiving little changes and portal is taking a hit.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vollendung.5163


And I heared the patch will be at the 15th Nov.
Oh wait or not?

You can’t assess the patch when you dont now exactly what they fix.
Tons of bugfixes is nothing?
Bugfixes are better than everyhing.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Prima.3512


When it’s official what changes have been done, then we talk/discuss. You can have 1 change that can alter the whole class, so yeah, don’t jump the gun, mate.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Temariah.9372


If Mesmers are the least loved, but we still get 15 bullet points… that’s pretty legitimate. I think people think that huge nerfs and crazy stuff is going to happen, but honestly the most Anet has truly done as far as nerfs to ANY class are small things. They’re taking their time and they’re being cautious so things stay awesome.

Temariah Dawnsong – “A new dawn is coming; sieze the day.”
Leader of The Harbingers of Serendipity [LIFE] : Fort Aspenwood

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


Bug fixes aren’t necessarily separate from balance changes, and a handful of actual balance changes could absolutely wreck the class.

Portal is probably most at-risk for being nerfed/changed/removed. They’ll probably change it to follow a similar set of rules as shadowstep/teleport with regard to distance and obstruction.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I personally hate portal.. hope it gets nerfed to oblivion. @Nilgoow we already have a spell like that, blink.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: psirca.9452


Yeah portal is due, it is being abused.
Because it helps move golems and they are squishy I hope that doesn’t change but c’mon, moving 30+ players from one place to another quickly and they don’t have to position on top of each other to avoid aoe dmg hitting only 5 players because the portal neatly puts them on top of each other is reallllly testing the limits of “strategy” with it and turning it into easy mode. You lag out your enemy too because they have incoming messages of 30+ people instantly attacking them so they can’t even use their heals most times until those messages catch up. That’s almost like a DDOS.

I’ve even had people portal in to kill me all alone. Ok, I’m good sometimes but that’s just being rude. You don’t need over 15 ppl to kill just me. People don’t use it for special occasions, they use it all the time now in the high tier pvp. Not cool.

It’s probably W3 encouraging the change.

All of us that picked up mesmer because we like the skills don’t want to be labeled a flavor of the month profession either so if all you think of my mesmer as is “the person with portal and time warp”, I’m content with changing that.

(edited by psirca.9452)

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cromx.3941


If they nerf mesmer again in PVE screw I am done with this game. The CD on Chaos Storm for the staff has made playing a staff mesmer just a lot of auto attack. Kinda getting sick of this already.

Portal I don’t care about, its basically a PVP skill.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esorono.1039


If they nerf mesmer again in PVE screw I am done with this game. The CD on Chaos Storm for the staff has made playing a staff mesmer just a lot of auto attack. Kinda getting sick of this already.

Portal I don’t care about, its basically a PVP skill.

We already know what is going to happen in a nuteshell.

-Mesmers, guardians, and thieves will get nerfed on skills that won’t affect them in pvp.
-Necromancers will get a skill buffed and have 5+ skills/traits broken as a result.
-Rangers will get minor tweaks on things they never use, and still will never use.
-Engineers will get a few bug fixes as well as a buff/nerf.
-Elementalists and warriors will be buffed.

But since this is going to be a huge update, I can see the meta being completely scrambled by this update. But on the positive side, mesmers will get more particle effects on their skills as compensation.

Playable Tengu please!

(edited by Esorono.1039)

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


“Mesmers are getting the least changes.
We are nerfing them by 90%.
That is all.”

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Whilst it is a little disheartening to hear that the Mesmer is bound to get the least number of changes (although this could be a good thing if their changes are just another batch of blatant nerfs), I’d love to read the following change:

* Added Pistol as a mainhand option for Mesmers


Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: RuneValkyrie.3672


Yeah they need to stop adjusting the Mesmer based only on PvP I’m also getting tired of this. I don’t even use Portal just because is more of an PvP skill and and overall is very situational in PvE almost to the point where I don’t use it unless I’m in a dungeon. Give staff clones the ability to use Illusionary Elasticity and fix the scepter and its clones, make it apply conditions or boons just make them do something other than look pretty. Fix the Phantasms skills (Vengeful Images, Phantasmal Healing, Phantasmal Fury) really buggy right there.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


Mesmer is getting nerfed next patch.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jelle.2807


Yes Portal is problematic, if you ask me Time Warp needs changes as well to balance it up.

Portal I think just needs to go, it’s way to powerful a tool in a point based game mode.Or at least changed so it becomes short range only, kind of as a kiting tool like Teleport but more static.

And time Warp, I don’t know an area effect quickness is to strong when making a team coordinated burst. If you ask me it would be more balanced if it did the exact opposite as it does now, instead of speeding allies it should slow down all enemy actions within the area. It would be more in line with the abilities mesmer had available in GW1, and make timing interrupts easier.

Coming from a pvp noob, take it with a grain of salt.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: HeeHee.5208


Can Anet nerf warlocks for the 3rd time? :O

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


All of us that picked up mesmer because we like the skills don’t want to be labeled a flavor of the month profession either so if all you think of my mesmer as is “the person with portal and time warp”, I’m content with changing that.

I agree with this. I really hope portals are tuned down a bit, at least make it so golems can’t use them.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: HeeHee.5208


Me too, they can nerf time warp and portals, but leave at least or even better buff everything else!

That’s fair!

After this no more changes to Mesmers EVER plz! :P

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


First of all, lets quote what JP actually said: “Portal is a cool ability that’s important to the game but has some problems”

To me, this doesn’t say “changes are coming in the next patch.” To me, that says “we’re looking at the skill, and it will be changed eventually.”

However, with that said, portal has some issues. First issue is carrying equipment (repair kit on kylo) through it. This is a pretty straightforward fix, causing carried items to be dropped when using the portal. The other major problem is the potential it has for MASS character movement, and the corresponding huge culling problems with that. This is also easily fixed, simply by adding a limiter on the number of people able to use the portal. Set it to go away after 10 uses, or something like that, and the problem is fixed.

The utility of portal as far as base manouverability in tPVP goes is fine. Yes, it’s powerful, but the mesmer is also giving up a valuable utility slot for this, and will be weaker in an actual fight because of it.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: RayneOfChaos.9856


Was this on a website or anything that a link can be provided? I’d like to see this for myself

Sik Stormz – 80 Elementalist
Yak’s Bend

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Voodoo Tina.4180

Voodoo Tina.4180

A change can be a buff or a nerf. Or both at once. Having the fewest changes sounds fine to me in a patch with “a ton” of bug fixes. If our bugs are fixed, there’s very little that needs buffed, and I’d rather not get nerfed.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: psirca.9452


For anyone concerned about Time Warp on Mesmers.
Doesn’t this guardian skill seem more attractive?
Grant fury and quickness to all nearby allies.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Max number of allied targets: 10
Fury: 10 s (+20% critical chance)
Radius: 1,200
Quickness: 3 s

Create an area that warps time, granting you and your allies quickness.
Cooldown: 210 seconds
Quickness: 1 s
Duration: 10 s
Combo Field: Ethereal
Range: 1,200

The guardian one seems so much better, what am I missing?

It could be cast about 12 times as often as time warp for a total of 36 seconds of speed casting versus the 10 seconds of time warp.

I don’t have a guardian to know, do they have this skill? Seems just as powerful, if not more.

(edited by psirca.9452)

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


For anyone concerned about Time Warp on Mesmers.
Doesn’t this guardian skill seem more attractive?
Grant fury and quickness to all nearby allies.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Max number of allied targets: 10
Fury: 10 s (+20% critical chance)
Radius: 1,200
Quickness: 3 s

Create an area that warps time, granting you and your allies quickness.
Cooldown: 210 seconds
Quickness: 1 s
Duration: 10 s
Combo Field: Ethereal
Range: 1,200

The guardian one seems so much better, what am I missing?

It could be cast about 12 times as often as time warp for a total of 36 seconds of speed casting versus the 10 seconds of time warp.

I don’t have a guardian to know, do they have this skill? Seems just as powerful, if not more.

That ability is from tome of Wrath which is their elite which gives them a new bar. They have access to that ability for 20 seconds with the 15 second cool down on the ability, then there is a re-charge on the tome of 180 seconds. Basically it ends up being 6 seconds of fury and quickness every 200 seconds. So it’s comparable, but not really better.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Twistdsoul.9504


Limiting the number who can go through a portal isn’t going to do anything. The only thing that will change is now, the max number of people allowed to go through will be mesmers and then they will drop their portals.

BOOM same thing, just it’ll take more mesmers and more coordination.

Twistêd – Mesmer
Sea of Sorrows [OATH]

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sephelutis.3480


Dev still refuse to do pvp/pve split while nerfing everything pve into the ground………….

well it is pretty, pretty clear now: time to reroll a warrior and join in the press 2 button = win style

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Genesis.5169


Where is the information posted at?
If there’s no link to anywhere im just going to assume bullkitten and trolling.

Secondly i don’t think Anet will nerf us anymore i mean really there isnt anything that they can nerf that would put us into kitten tier.

Unless they don’t care if we go kitten tier….

These forums are a joke its not for opinions or debate its just a safe place for people to cry at.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Limiting the number who can go through a portal isn’t going to do anything. The only thing that will change is now, the max number of people allowed to go through will be mesmers and then they will drop their portals.

BOOM same thing, just it’ll take more mesmers and more coordination.

Well, its not the same thing at all. As you said yourself, it’ll take more mesmers, and more coordination. Most wvw groups hardly have the coordination to build a flame ram, let alone get multiple mesmers to set up multiple portals, to all come through them at the same time.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Twistdsoul.9504


Limiting the number who can go through a portal isn’t going to do anything. The only thing that will change is now, the max number of people allowed to go through will be mesmers and then they will drop their portals.

BOOM same thing, just it’ll take more mesmers and more coordination.

Well, its not the same thing at all. As you said yourself, it’ll take more mesmers, and more coordination. Most wvw groups hardly have the coordination to build a flame ram, let alone get multiple mesmers to set up multiple portals, to all come through them at the same time.

Not sure what server you’re playing on, but as for the T1 and T2 guilds we’re already extremely coordinated so it wouldn’t be that difficult. The change will only stop the random PUGs from portal bombing.

Twistêd – Mesmer
Sea of Sorrows [OATH]

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: ddoi.9264


Looking at previous patch notes, in anet’s vocabulary ‘mesmer’ & ‘balance’ is synonymous with ‘nerf’. Everytime anet tried to ‘balance’ mesmers they nerfed us. It would be no surprise if the ‘balancing’ they’re going to do is yet another nerf.

But we can hope. =)

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheComet.6471


I’m hoping mantras get a small bit of love, Mantra of Pain I think could use a small damage buff (+150 to 200 damage at 80), maybe a slight reduction in cooldown on mantra of confusion.

Kinda wish there was an elite mantra, but that’s just me XD

Kaineng – Co-Leader of Skrittical Hits
Sybol – Healing Bunker Charr Mesmer (80)
Dresdon Honorclaw – Zerk All-Ranged Charr Warrior | Hawke Fullmoon – Melee Ranger

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: rootnode.9546


I’m hoping mantras get a small bit of love, Mantra of Pain I think could use a small damage buff (+150 to 200 damage at 80), maybe a slight reduction in cooldown on mantra of confusion.

Kinda wish there was an elite mantra, but that’s just me XD


Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: shenhua.2186


Elite mantra sounds awesome. Imagine having an Elite that isn’t incredibly situational and one that’s actually useful when soloing.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

How many more years will it take them to fix illusions condition damage glitch? Is this even known? Because when you stack 15 stacks of bleed then all your illusions die/shattered and their condition stop dealing damage is a complete mess… Right now shattering on a condition mes is awful.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


How many more years will it take them to fix illusions condition damage glitch? Is this even known? Because when you stack 15 stacks of bleed then all your illusions die/shattered and their condition stop dealing damage is a complete mess… Right now shattering on a condition mes is awful.

That’s….not a thing that I’ve ever seen, heard of, or experienced. Ever.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Elite mantra sounds awesome. Imagine having an Elite that isn’t incredibly situational and one that’s actually useful when soloing.

As much as our elites aren’t fantastic soloing tools, we have absolutely 0 room to complain. Every one of our elites is a powerful and fantastic took in a variety of situations, and that’s far, far more than most other classes have.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Yeah, amount of changes is really the wrong metric to talk about.
It could be that we only get 1 change, which is that Phantasms are a persistent, fourth, pet.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


How many more years will it take them to fix illusions condition damage glitch? Is this even known? Because when you stack 15 stacks of bleed then all your illusions die/shattered and their condition stop dealing damage is a complete mess… Right now shattering on a condition mes is awful.

I think you should post that on the bug thread, it will be helpful (if it’s true of course, never tested it myself)

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: oZii.2864


probably fixes mostly is my guess and something gets nerfed a bit. Scepter probably gets its auto attack fixed. Sword training I hope gets fixed for a reduction on iLeap. Torch might get a buff that thing needs some work..

Everyone is getting a nerf across the board though they said they want to reduce burst damage across the board. So hope people have their minds prepared for that. I don’t mind just means fights last a little bit longer.

I suspect weapons sets that aren’t highly used will receive a decent amount of love across the board. I would love to use torch if it wasn’t terrible its fun in concept though.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tweek.3190


If they nerf mesmer again in PVE screw I am done with this game. The CD on Chaos Storm for the staff has made playing a staff mesmer just a lot of auto attack. Kinda getting sick of this already.

Portal I don’t care about, its basically a PVP skill.

Portal for jump puzzles an helping braindead teammates skip some parts in a dungeon. ^^

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


Dev still refuse to do pvp/pve split while nerfing everything pve into the ground………….

well it is pretty, pretty clear now: time to reroll a warrior and join in the press 2 button = win style

Confusion does half damage in sPvP.
So stop saying “PvP and PvE needs a split” because it already has one.
The increased cooldown to Phants didn’t effect us in PvE at all. Mobs are dead before I can get up 3 illusions, so I don’t care about their cooldowns.
If the change is something major, such as changing the skill effects, they split it for PvE and PvP. If its a cooldown or cast time change (minor change) then they do it across the board.

Mesmers still rock hard in PvE.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tweek.3190


Dev still refuse to do pvp/pve split while nerfing everything pve into the ground………….

well it is pretty, pretty clear now: time to reroll a warrior and join in the press 2 button = win style

Confusion does half damage in sPvP.
So stop saying “PvP and PvE needs a split” because it already has one.
The increased cooldown to Phants didn’t effect us in PvE at all. Mobs are dead before I can get up 3 illusions, so I don’t care about their cooldowns.
If the change is something major, such as changing the skill effects, they split it for PvE and PvP. If its a cooldown or cast time change (minor change) then they do it across the board.

Mesmers still rock hard in PvE.

Correction: phantasms are aoe spammed to death by mob before they can launch a hit (or even activate the traits you have).

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


In Orr, yes.
It’s why I have so many clone spawning abilities; At any given moment I can spawn a clone.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tweek.3190


No, in dungeons. There are hardly any bosses that leave your clones up for a longer period of time.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


well it is pretty, pretty clear now: time to reroll a warrior and join in the press 2 button = win style

Curious how that is supposedly a problem on the Mesmer side.
Am I really the only one who’d rather see changes to classes who can /snooze through PvE content? It should be a bit more engaging than killing everything in one button press. Or we need a buff but the whole of PvE also needs a substantial buff.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Harlequin.8593


not sure i could stand another major nerf, mesmers are a useful lot but not particularly powerful in a conventional sense (sometimes stating the obvious is necessary). “balancing” which seems to always come down to nerfing in our case would negatively affect either usefulness or the little raw power we have. adjusting the portal i have no problem with, as long as its nothing too drastic but what is it about mesmers that makes A-net want to pick on us so much?

I have a bad feeling about this …

(edited by Harlequin.8593)

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kirtai.9023


The other major problem is the potential it has for MASS character movement, and the corresponding huge culling problems with that. This is also easily fixed, simply by adding a limiter on the number of people able to use the portal. Set it to go away after 10 uses, or something like that, and the problem is fixed.

Wouldn’t a better solution be to fix the culling bug?

Shiori Flutura – Human Mesmer
Mairi Lestari – Human Elementalist
Desolation EU

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Not really. Portal allows extremely high player counts to “magically” appear next to the player in basically a singular moment. Independent of how well your engine works, this will cause loading issues, unless you make it work well at 500+ players (highly unlikely :P ).

In other words, it might not be all that unreasonable to prevent entire zergs from taking a portal. AEs are limited to 5 targets, even Mass Invisibility is.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esorono.1039


not sure i could stand another major nerf, mesmers are a useful lot but not particularly powerful in a conventional sense (sometimes stating the obvious is necessary). “balancing” which seems to always come down to nerfing in our case would negatively affect either usefulness or the little raw power we have. adjusting the portal i have no problem with, as long as its nothing too drastic but what is it about mesmers that makes A-net want to pick on us so much?

Because professions are being balanced based off warriors because the person in charge of balancing plays a warrior as a main. So if he does terribly against a profession in PvP, they get nerfed. If he does well against an opponent, they get buffed. But Jon Peters is a good PvP’er and knows the meta quite well, so we shouldn’t worry about it too much.

Playable Tengu please!

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


not sure i could stand another major nerf, mesmers are a useful lot but not particularly powerful in a conventional sense (sometimes stating the obvious is necessary). “balancing” which seems to always come down to nerfing in our case would negatively affect either usefulness or the little raw power we have. adjusting the portal i have no problem with, as long as its nothing too drastic but what is it about mesmers that makes A-net want to pick on us so much?

What major nerf are you talking about?

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


I think he was talking about the CD to the phantasms, and the one that made more time between 2 attacks of I Warlock.
But, concerning the least changes, you should take it as good news : less changes means less nerfs :P

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


So here’s what we should do – let’s all throw every fight we get in in WvW and sPvP after the next patch. Everyone, just let all the other classes win! Then in the patch after this patch we’ll get some good buffs.