Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saadi.7126


Hey everyone,

Just started playing this game and last night I gave solo queue a shot. I’m in over my head. I know there’s a list of builds and guides stickied on the forums, but I was wondering if these are up to date or not.

General consensus from the spvp forums, is that “shatter” is the only viable build a mesmer is capable of atm.

I was wondering if anyone could point me to which “shatter” build these people are referring to. I seem to be quite lost at the amount of builds and versatility involved.

Help a newbie out.



Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Hey everyone,

Just started playing this game and last night I gave solo queue a shot. I’m in over my head. I know there’s a list of builds and guides stickied on the forums, but I was wondering if these are up to date or not.

General consensus from the spvp forums, is that “shatter” is the only viable build a mesmer is capable of atm.

I was wondering if anyone could point me to which “shatter” build these people are referring to. I seem to be quite lost at the amount of builds and versatility involved.

Help a newbie out.



The general shatter trait spread is 20/20/0/0/30 or 0/20/20/0/30. Full zerk trinkets and accessories. Supcutie plays a great high-end shatter spec – the thread is somewhere on this page or the next I’d recommend you try it in spvp first, though, before going to solo queue – for your sake and for your team’s sake.

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Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kicast.1459


If you want to make a descent burster in spvp and be viable in tpvp in current meta you have only the following build working:

Hope this will allow you to avoid loosing time.

Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


If you want to make a descent burster in spvp and be viable in tpvp in current meta you have only the following build working:

Hope this will allow you to avoid loosing time.

I thought he wanted a memser build =/

Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iplaytokill.1674


haahaha he posted a thief build because mesmers are underwhelming and thief is still good.

Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kicast.1459


If you want to make a descent burster in spvp and be viable in tpvp in current meta you have only the following build working:

Hope this will allow you to avoid loosing time.

I thought he wanted a memser build =/

Yeah…I know but maybe it is still possible for him to avoid a big mistake.
So I gave him a chance.

Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


If you want to make a descent burster in spvp and be viable in tpvp in current meta you have only the following build working:

Hope this will allow you to avoid loosing time.

lol i see what u did there!XD or just go engi or necro i’d say

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saadi.7126


If you want to make a descent burster in spvp and be viable in tpvp in current meta you have only the following build working:

Hope this will allow you to avoid loosing time.

I thought he wanted a memser build =/

Yeah…I know but maybe it is still possible for him to avoid a big mistake.
So I gave him a chance.

Haha. You sir, made my day

Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


You should probably go into hotjoin instead of solo queue :/.

Solo queue is the solo version of… Team queue.

Its like pvp where everyone assumes other players have a sense of strategy and already know their profession more or less inside out.

That said, shatter is not the only viable mesmer pvp build! Maybe for tournaments it is, but definitely not for combat. (There isnt that much combat involved in tournaments >_<).

A shatter template would look like 0/20/0/0/30, with a berserkers amulet. You always use a main hand sword, all other weapons are viable, and i mean all of them!
Recommended is a ataff fir defense or a greatsword for more offense.

Recommended utilities are decoy and blink for flexibility, the 3rd slot is up to you!

Arenanet should really do something like a tutorial for new people im seeing so many first-time players in tournaments >_<

edit: if you prefer a style thats easier to get into and requires less finesse, try phantasm!
With this style you use phantasms as your primary source of damage while you do other stuff! Stuff like, surviving or something!
A trait template would look like 10/0/0/25/0 for phantasm damage (take empowered illusions in domination). You can use any weapon but you should avoid the torch because the phantasm is a kitten, a really bad kitten.

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(edited by Alissah.9281)