Mesmer or Ranger?

Mesmer or Ranger?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186



Hi all!

I am scondisering to roll an alt after my Thief. But unsure what i should, no thats wrong, i do know what i want, but not sure if it will be worth later on.

I like Ranger because it is considerably simple, trough exacly because of that its is also boring. Pew pew kite, Pew pew kite, with some pet tanking. Like any uninnovative mmo’s ranger or hunter.
But they have a big selection of weapons, All the legendary’s look amazing, and even the normal weapon skins are considerably good. Though i miss rifle a LOT.
I also like pet hunting.
But i hear they are a bit underdog class, and perform not so well in Pve or dungeons.
Lets not even mention they are decent in all, but not excellent in anything.
Not evne sure it can become a decent support, or bunker-tank at all. Its like a boring dps only class, whitch sounds terrible in Gw2 -_-
Or lets not mention, that every third or 4 th player rolls a Ranger (trough not that many play them now).

Considering Mesmer, that also can look decent with a good armor, and fitting dual sword, but most of the legendary weapons are just moderate, besides Gs. (to my taste)
I hear it has a really big potencial endgame, and a good burst (though i fell the opposite under lv 50). Maybe only after a build up time?
A lot of usefull support, whitch i also thout, at first sight. Like projectile reflections, and teleports or invisibility, but in the end they felt useless.
Boonsteal and spread was extremely usefull, but only for like 2% of the whole dungeon runs.
But i didnt like the owerall illusion and phantasm combat. The whole class felt to circumstancial. Its not really a caster. Nor is it melee, or hybrid. Its to mixed for me, as gameplay. Though the challange was fun to master a class, but not the theme. I think i miss the musical or astistic tune i wanted.
(I do hope they add it later.)
Besides, all that i also felt Mesmer can mostly only dps to. Like ranger. And can not become a real support, or tank, like Eles, Guardians, Engineers Warriors or Thieves can….And that feels dissapointing.

So not sure what is worth to roll without a regret?
Should i go with the slightly better feeling Ranger, but regret it later because it will be boring? Or go with the circumsstancial Mesmer, and hope it can faceroll, and it was not just fanboy talk?
Any decent opinions? Or indepth thouts?

Mesmer or Ranger?

in Mesmer

Posted by: vicious.2193


Of all the classes I’ve played (Guardian, Warrior, Ranger, Mesmer, and Ele), the Mesmer had the highest “learning curve” in order to be “enjoyable”. Granted, that’s just for me – but it’s a sentiment that many others have mirrored. However, it’s also the single most rewarding class I’ve played, and that’s why it’s my main.

I grew very bored with my Ranger and now can only really stand to level him one or two levels a week, he’s in his 40s, now. I never grew bored with the Mesmer – though that may have something to do with the fact that he was my 2nd 80.

Do you see the sins you’re making? ‘Cuz I’ve made them all before.

Mesmer or Ranger?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Seems a valid point. Many rangers say, the lack of skills and rotations gets boring.

Mesmer or Ranger?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


I have both and both can be fun but I lovelovelove my Mesmer. There are a million different ways to play Mesmer and I have the gear for a lot of them lmao. I like that I can easily switch from doing straight in your face damage to trolling around being an obnoxious pain for them to land a hit on me while they kill themselves from confusion. Mesmer IMO is not a stand and tank damage class, they negate damage thru avoidance. Try checking out the Mesmer video thread that Kylia made, the vids there will show you the wide range of play styles available to the class, maybe you’ll see something you like.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend