r[5x] tPvP onlY.
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Mesmer used to be my main class for months, but later I started to play other classes and abandoned mes for a while. Recently I’m playing mesmer again, wanted to roam around and help when needed but compraed to all other classess he got THE WORST mobility in game.
Let’s compare:
-25% buff from trait, GS 3, GS5 both good cooldowns, Signet of Rage giving good swiftness, Bull’s charge even or shield 4
-25% from signet, Shortbow (!), Hs, Shadowstep, Trap (simillar to Mesmer’s portal but worse, but still)
-Radnom swift from Elixir, 1kit + 10 in Tools and we got PERMA switness (!!!!!!)
-Since Spec walk is also a stunbreak it’s worth taking – 30sec of swiftness on 48sec cd when traited, warhorn 5, Loctus signet 25%
-Staff 3 on nice CD, Retreat (but no1 uses it anyway)
-Swift when changing to Air, Signet 25%, Rtl, Flash
-Signet 25%, Elite, Warhorn, sword 2 when used good, Swoop from gs on low cd
-Portal on long CD, blink on 30cd, swiftn from focus, randomly short from Chaos storm, can have +30% speed but ONLY with 3 closnes up which never will happen when running somwhere
So basically when I don’t use focus, which I don’t coz it dsn’t suit the build at all, im VERY slow. I can roam better with my necro, help far/close fast.
What can be done? Almost every class has a passive 25% buff from trait or Signet.
So maybe change Signet of Midnight in 1 of those 2 ways:
1) Leave passive effect, lower CD to 25sec, make active give swiftness for 15sec
2) Leave active effect, make passive give 25% speed buff
To have mobility, taking focus will not be obligatory and by sacrificing 1 utility slot we can have more mobility, a good trade off.
Also, improve torch and scepter, I rlly don’t know how, but it’s still bad…
I actually bought a set of Air Runes for jp’s..
But for pvp, you shouldn’t be roaming to begin with. Mesmers are not thieves’, the mobility is a huge weakness but the in-combat mobility makes up for it.
Mesmers have THE BEST in combat mobility in the game, it allows you to be whereever you want/need to be during combat, which is more important than roaming. And don’t dis portal, that kitten allows you to be in 2 places at once, put it on a point and you’ve just ensured you have a defender there that can be there at a moments notice if someone try’s to take it and can still help out elsewhere.
I -personally- use blink a lot in PvP and will normally use it to close the gap onto a point which I’ve noticed normally surprises the enemy especially when chaos storm is thrown down with it.
Can we roam? Not really, but we don’t need to, we make up for it big time with burst mobility and combat mobility.
Ps: ive seen perma swiftness mesmers before that roamed and they were pretty good at it, but they certainly gave up some of their stuff for that.
I wouldn’t say it’s the best combat mobility. There are two kinds of combat mobility: Offensive and defensive. While we are outstanding at defensive mobility (kiting with phase retreat is the best in the game imo) we really lack in the offensive part. Other classes can easily run away if you have no Sword and even then, our only “offensive” leap skill often fails.
I was running around in WvW with Scepter/Torch and Staff for a while. You have no option to stop the enemy from running away or leaping towards him (other than Blinking in front of him and then phase retreating immediatly). That’s why I’m using Sword/Torch Scepter/Pistol at the moment. Still not that much leaping and gap closing, but at least you can stun the enemy from time to time.
So yeah, we are awesome at defensive in-combat mobility. But we suck at gap closing, chasing and out-of-combat mobility. Stealthing and phase retreating doesn’t help if the enemy is running away :0
(edited by tetrodoxin.2134)
I dont want to be a buzz kill but comparing classes have this vs which classes don’t have this is well not a good argument to get something.
Oh, also, the reason we can’t give Necro’s too much disengage has to do with the point of “purity of purpose”.
In this game, we want to allow classes the ability to deal with all situations but in different ways. But, if we give all classes all TOOLS (which is a different thing), then players get confused as to which classes fill which roles, and in what way they fill those roles
Example: In PvP, the Necro and Engi both vie for the position of condition pressure. The engineer has more physical alternatives, the Necro has more boon/condition manipulation, the Engi has more escapability, and the Necro is a little squishier. If we gave the Necro too much mobility or escapability, then all of a sudden their “tools” start to line up exactly. If this is the case, one of them will simply be better than the other, as far as efficacy goes, and thus, one will push the other out of the meta for that “role” on the team. This class would then be the “apex” predator for that role. So, in order to prevent this, we try to make it so that the classes don’t have all their tools overlap perfectly. This means you have to say (following our example), “Well, if we take a Necro, we get more condies, but a squishy body that can’t disengage…..but if we take Engi, we lose some DPS and control (depending on utils), but we get someone who can stand up to a spike better”.
Make sense? If we just gave the escape to Necro’s, then all of a sudden, the Necro is just the clear choice. Not all decisions come down to a clean break like this, but this is the type of thing we’re trying to do when we “deny” some classes certain tools.
This is the same reason that Red doesn’t get interrupts in Magic, the reason that Zergs, normally, have much more mobility than Protoss (since Toss are usually stronger unit-by-unit), and why Karthus has no escapes.
By denying tools, you create choices for the players. We sometimes do a poor job of this, sorry. But overall, we try to make it so that all classes have choices, and teams have choices in which classes they bring.
Also, keep in mind we’re trying to get 8 classes to fit into 5 slots, for PvE, Dungeons, and PvP.
I understand why they deny certain classes certain things. Which is why they probably don’t give mesmer good out of combat mobility.
(edited by oZii.2864)
What teto said.
I was goin far point during the match after rgrp, thief went ahead much in seconds, engi used boots + swiftness and the ywere half way ahead me and i was runing slowly after them, when iI finally got to the point, they nrly won it so i left portal and runned slowly somwhere else.
Perma swift is easy but it req gettin weaker heal and weak runes, I use atm melandru or divinity, I got much better attack/def abilities coz of them so they r superior to Centaur’s, it’s a weak rune overall. Also it req me to use my heal, so if i get attacked from somwhere by thief eg im in hard spot with no heal. + other classess don’t have to use cent runes, like engi or war. Ther’s 2much sacrifice for this.
I wouldn’t say it’s the best combat mobility. There are two kinds of combat mobility: Offensive and defensive. While we are outstanding at defensive mobility (kiting with phase retreat is the best in the game imo) we really lack in the offensive part. Other classes can easily run away if you have no Sword and even then, our only “offensive” leap skill often fails.
I was running around in WvW with Scepter/Torch and Staff for a while. You have no option to stop the enemy from running away or leaping towards him (other than Blinking in front of him and then phase retreating immediatly). That’s why I’m using Sword/Torch Scepter/Pistol at the moment. Still not that much leaping and gap closing, but at least you can stun the enemy from time to time.
So yeah, we are awesome at defensive in-combat mobility. But we suck at gap closing, chasing and out-of-combat mobility. Stealthing and phase retreating doesn’t help if the enemy is running away :0
Ah yeah true, I’m a condi Mesmer so normally around the point they decide to run is when they’re low health and already have torment and a good chunk of confusion on them and end up dying on the run… That’s assuming they fought me that is….
But yeah most my builds normally have the 30% with 3 clones, which helps for both
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