Mesmer skipping skills?

Mesmer skipping skills?

in Mesmer

Posted by: shOOtstyle.8742


Yesterday I went Arah with my Mesmer and the Skippingparts felt like a pain in the kitten .
Skills I used were Aetherfeast, Decoy, Veil, Blink and Massinvisiblility.
Do you guys have some improvement tipps for me?

Mesmer skipping skills?

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


Carry a 2nd gearset,
- All PVT
- Runes of Speed/Traveler/Centaur
- Focus/Torch with Energy sigils

- Ether Feast
- Decoy
- Blink
- Mantra of Resolve/Concetration depending on skip
- Mass Invis
- Veil, if you need more stealth

- 1200 range blink
- Mender’s Purity + Mantra Heal for okitten condi cleansing

- Temporal Curtain to move mobs out of the way as you’re running. Remember it will put you in combat if you actually cc the trash.
- Torch/MassInvis/Veil stack in duration, Decoy doesn’t. Decoy will put you in combat 3s after use if hit a mob around ~300 radius.

Other than the above, actually knowing the trash aggro range and their basic attacks and what to dodge/avoid will help you a lot.

(edited by frifox.5283)

Mesmer skipping skills?

in Mesmer

Posted by: shOOtstyle.8742


First, thank you very much for your tipps. I’m gonna buy this stuff as soon as I can.
What do you think about carrying an offhand sword instead of the focus for the extra block? Also the new consumable from LA, which gives you Swiftness for 30min sounds very good.

Mesmer skipping skills?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Also the new consumable from LA, which gives you Swiftness for 30min sounds very good.

It is nice…but you’re going to want normal utility consumables for actual fights. So, if you feel comfortable eating a 20s consumable every time you want to move fast, then go for it. Personally, I won’t do that.

Mesmer skipping skills?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Centaur runes with Mantra of Recovery = permaswiftness. Put Mender’s Purity on and it’s a cleanse every 10s as well. This is what I keep on my running set.

Generally I do Blink, Mantra of Resolve, and Decoy, and Mass Invis. There’s more conditions like cripple than immobs in Arah (generally… depends on the specific run) so Resolve is better than Concentration most of the time. Try to use Decoy and Mass Invis before you hit enemies, so their AoEs don’t hit you even when you’re invis.

Torch is also great, but keep in mind that Prestige will deal damage when its stealth expires— don’t be next to enemies when this happens, or you’ll go into combat and slow down.

Mesmer skipping skills?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ptolemy.5086


I have one very good tip. DON’T GO TO ARAH.
I can run P1 P3 AC, TA UP and COF P1 all together faster then mediocre group runs P1 or P3 in Arah. If you already have DM why returning to that miserable place with long runs not interesting boss fights and bunch of idiots half of them have no idea what they are doing and other half is “hardcore kittens” who kick you out for slightest mistake.

Question. Which consumable form LA gives swiftness and cost 20s?

(edited by Ptolemy.5086)

Mesmer skipping skills?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MatthewCam.4391


Running Arah gives decent gold and loot rewards that’s why people return to it, that being said I can understand the difficulty in running sequences in Arah as a mesmer due to our lack of mobility compared to eles, warriors and guards (generally a standard dungeon comp). Buying an entire new set of armor seems extreme, just knowing when and where to use your utilities can save you the expense.

Mass invis I’d recommend using for only huge mobs that will grief you, if you have a focus that can save you a lot of trouble by just simply yanking troublesome mobs out of the way (don’t bother with hunters they’ll have stability) veil I don’t find so useful due to a long cd and short duration take maybe decoy (as you can use the clone it creates for shatter invulnerability) blinks always a good one just use it when you’re in a trouble spot not just to get ahead, the third utility slot I sometimes take the mantra which grants stability in case I get knocked down or feedback which I throw into hunter and ele elite mobs to negate their damage.

Focus, offhand sword (for the block), pistol (its daze bounce), even a staff for its blink 2 skill which will actually blink you forward granted you target a mob behind you are all good to consider. Swiftness is also a big one just ask your party to stack it for you and it can save you a lot of trouble.

Generally running sequences are difficult until you become familiar with the path, knowing when and where to dodge plus what certain mobs will do and how to react to them is what makes a run smooth.

Sorry for the wall of text I find I can be a bit long-winded.

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