Mesmer to over powered
Oh…oh I see. Well now you have put it that way I can’t argue.
Ah, you saw that infamous 30/30/30/30/30 build with “clone yourself!” shout and “sigil of instant battle domination” in action.
But all these skills and builds are available only for dragon ranked players with at least 500 QP, so please don’t bother us dolyaks, deers, wolves and other cute critters with that stuff, thank you, good bye.
Seems someone else found about the Signet of Mesmer OP. Guess we gotta wipe this one’s memory, too … Mind Trick
“These are not the Mesmers you are looking for … please enjoy the view of moar Quaggans …”
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
I lol’d.
/more chars
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Excrements, i really can’t think of any counterarguments against that.
Anet pls remov memser
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
In doing PvP ive learned that the mesmer is to overpowered ive seen that they have had atleast 10 illusions out maybe not at once but come on really they get confusion and all these illusions i think they should be downgraded tbh and they also have stealth but they are a good class but just to over powered.
Maybe you just suck epically? Use control T, watch who dodge rolls, and find out who is doesn’t drop like a chip getting stepped.
It is not hard to find the Mesmer between his illusions.
People who complain about mesmers are total gits, when thieves and their 10k backstabs, their 5k heartseekers, there 5k cloak and daggers, their 5k steals, their 3k auto attacks aren’t mentioned.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
Ctrl + T disappears when the target disappears. If the Mesmer is running Decoy or any other Invis, when they vanish so will the Ctrl + T.
And I have had fun with 12shatters on people simply because they run instead of just taking me head-on. (Shatter-queueing + micromanagement = 12 illusions shattering at once.)
Of course, 12 shatter doesn’t revolve around my skill at all, it’s simply YOUR lack of skill. I’ve gotten off a ton of them where I simply insta-gib any class since they decided that trying to kite a Mesmer… for a minute… is a good idea.
Spawn 3 clones —> Shatter —> Spawn 3 clones —> Shatter —> Spawn 3 clones —> Shatter —> Spawn 3 clones —> Shatter… etc. Finally clones catch up, and BOOM.
Lol and that is with confusion nerfed @OP – you learned nothing, you cannot even see the mesmer, obviously. If you see bunch of happy mesmers running towards you – this is NOT the mesmer
Lol and that is with confusion nerfed
@OP – you learned nothing, you cannot even see the mesmer, obviously. If you see bunch of happy mesmers running towards you – this is NOT the mesmer
This is why I like to switch to my sword and run into the enemy. (It also helps if I blink behind them before I start running.)
The only thing that is overpowered is your lack of punctuation.
The OP speaks the truth guys! I found a mission that allowed me to speak to the old asian masters of GW1. I was taken to Cantha where I trained rigorously, meditated under a raging waterfall and ate my vitamins everyday. The result is that I can now make 10 copies of myself, summon the spirit bomb and finally use a bow that allows me to shoot rainbow unicorns! This guy just happened to be my first victim.
There will be more! Oh, there will be more…
When I spawn 12 clones, I spawn each one with pie. That way there are 12 of me eating pie.
Some say this is overpowered. I guess I can’t disagree.
Life of pie.
When I spawn 12 clones, I spawn each one with pie. That way there are 12 of me eating pie.
Some say this is overpowered. I guess I can’t disagree.
Life of pie.
If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you better roll a mesmer.
-Clone Sagan
OMG 12 clones I must speak to this Mesmer the game only lets me have 3! HACK I SAY! HACK! Report that class mechanic abuser now! haha
You need to take the trait: XIII Deceptive Deception in Dueling: Generates a clone for every clone that clones clones.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
You need to take the trait: XIII Deceptive Deception in Dueling: Generates a clone for every clone that clones clones.
I know I was joking kinda just telling the OP that he was exaggerating WAY to much. I am a shatter tank 0/20/0/20/30. Me and deceptive evasion are great great friends.
Edit: HAHA my bad… didn’t notice the sarcasm in your post. Good show!
(edited by jportell.2197)
wow just come from ele section and what i find?
A thief complaining about other classes….
Quite common…
Maybe the real issue is another profession so forgiving that doesn t force his players learn the meaning of balance.
(there are also skilled thief players ofc)
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
This thread is hilarious! I intend to take my lil pink ball of wonder into w3 sometime soon just to see how many people i can troll as mesmers can obviously assume godmode and do huge indiscriminate dmg whilst being untouchable.
Could someone translate? I attempted to read OP several times, but my head started hurting.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War
Yes and when mesmers duel each other we both just sit their and let our 10 clones each duke it out while we make bets on who’s clones are better because they do SO MUCH DAMAGE.
Just make sure you don’t get too involved. The last time I dueled a mes we each had about 7 clones up and 4 phants, but then I tried to jump in with a few Blurred Frenzies just for kicks, and the server crashed. Sorry to everyone that had login issues on the 26th. My bad.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
Just make sure you don’t get too involved. The last time I dueled a mes we each had about 7 clones up and 4 phants, but then I tried to jump in with a few Blurred Frenzies just for kicks, and the server crashed. Sorry to everyone that had login issues on the 26th. My bad.
As a hotfix, I just cloned the server.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I just wanna know why he bothered putting that single period at the end of that awesomesause post.
Love it!
+1 OP should post more!
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]
Only ten Illusions? Wow, you went up against some serious newbs.
I just wanna know why he bothered putting that single period at the end of that awesomesause post.
Love it!
Because that block of text is technically a paragraph which technically must contain sentences and thus should end in a period? It’s a fuzzy kind of logic the OP utilizes for punctuation but I think I understand it.
(edited by Dastion.3106)
The period is a statement of how everything in his post has come to an end and therefore must be true. This is both obvious, and not so obvious, depending of course on how you like to look at it. That being said, he could just have bad grammar. So do I, however, and will make no attempt to act haughty in any way. Good post, shows how strong Mesmer is from a newer players’ eyes.
This is because it’s hard for a new player to handle a Mesmer, I think the only answer must be that Mesmer is completely overpowered in PvP. Personally I would tend to disagree, the truth is in the eye of the beholder however and therefore completely relative.
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.
Hey OP, look at this video. That’s a real Mesmer at work. Everything below 300 clones is just noob tier…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
Anet have a real problem with this game. There is no mechanic in PvE that replicates a real memser in PvP. Solution, make a boss with lots of clones with weak damage and the boss moves and dodge that has weak damage itself. People need practice against mesmer. I can kill alot of players with cookie cutter builds
OP should not worry, fact is we got nerfed in january, dint you guys know we got unviable after this?
OP should not worry, fact is we got nerfed in january, dint you guys know we got unviable after this?
WvW not really a great comparison
Too many people play PvE on WvW and never PvP content. Many WvW players are not exposed enough to fight against mesmer. My guild leader have over 2 stack of honor badges and I usually wipe the floor with him in heart of mist.
The video is not proof. Those theives never really attack the mesmer to be considered properly experienced
The only way Anet can migrate the Mesmer problem is to create a dugeon boss that has the same mechanics as a mesmer
Oh boy. ITT: kittenololololol
OMG MESMERS ARE SO OP!!!!!! We must just be really bad and use exploits!
Wait, only 10 clones?
I personally like to run the 0/0/40/73/82 build that keeps 18-24 clones up at once while i abuse my ability to perma stealth. I use this all the time to counter zergs in wvw or solo temples and dungeons.
I use to use the 10 clone build because duel wielding greatswords just felt amazing but the clones lacked enough power (could barely 1 shot a bunker gaurdian)
I don’t use clones — I just perma stealth and club you when you’re not looking.
Hi Thief here. Sorry to bother you Mesmers, he escaped again.
(Drags OP back out the door by his ear)
I just want to thank the OP and subsequent posters for making my morning. Oh, mercy.
That run-on sentence is overpowered.
I think most people felt this way the first time they fought a Mesmer. Thankfully most people aren’t 10 years old, and try fighting Mesmers more than once before running to the forum to boohoohoo.
Lets see…. cant count self shatter since if you were right next to them clones would insta shatter:
- dodge clone + dodge clone + weapon clone > 3
- mirror + decoy > 3 clones off queue
energy weapon and vigor should get you ready for:
- weapon swap then weapon clone + dodge clone + dodge clone > 3
so that is 3 + 3 + 3 + yourself = 10. The OP is correct. Anet should delete 9 out of every 10 Mesmers to even out game balance.
Lets see…. cant count self shatter since if you were right next to them clones would insta shatter:
- dodge clone + dodge clone + weapon clone > 3
- mirror + decoy > 3 clones off queue
energy weapon and vigor should get you ready for:
- weapon swap then weapon clone + dodge clone + dodge clone > 3so that is 3 + 3 + 3 + yourself = 10. The OP is correct. Anet should delete 9 out of every 10 Mesmers to even out game balance.
Use runes of the adventurer for more endurance. Gggggg.
Lets see…. cant count self shatter since if you were right next to them clones would insta shatter:
- dodge clone + dodge clone + weapon clone > 3
- mirror + decoy > 3 clones off queue
energy weapon and vigor should get you ready for:
- weapon swap then weapon clone + dodge clone + dodge clone > 3so that is 3 + 3 + 3 + yourself = 10. The OP is correct. Anet should delete 9 out of every 10 Mesmers to even out game balance.
Use runes of the adventurer for more endurance. Gggggg.
And some sigils of energy and a bowl of orrian truffles.
You’ll be dodging around more than any circusact has ever done before.
Spawning clones every time, add in all the on clone death traits and you’ve got a nice thing going :p
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Lets see…. cant count self shatter since if you were right next to them clones would insta shatter:
- dodge clone + dodge clone + weapon clone > 3
- mirror + decoy > 3 clones off queue
energy weapon and vigor should get you ready for:
- weapon swap then weapon clone + dodge clone + dodge clone > 3so that is 3 + 3 + 3 + yourself = 10. The OP is correct. Anet should delete 9 out of every 10 Mesmers to even out game balance.
Except, only 3 allowed up at a time.
Whatever you’re on I want some. I’ve never felt overpowered on my mesmer, definitely have to work for my kills. Granted I’ve only been playing since after the nerf to shattering a while back but I don’t think that’s relevant here anyways.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
<snip>so that is 3 + 3 + 3 + yourself = 10. The OP is correct. Anet should delete 9 out of every 10 Mesmers to even out game balance.
Except, only 3 allowed up at a time.
Actually you can. You’re able to call up illusions after you have queued them to shatter – it doesn’t destroy the previous ones as they were already considered destroyed by the shatter command. If you are quick, it is possible to call up multiple sets in this manner. I’ve had more than one person comment my army of clones. XD
so that is 3 + 3 + 3 + yourself = 10. The OP is correct. Anet should delete 9 out of every 10 Mesmers to even out game balance.Except, only 3 allowed up at a time.
Actually you can. You’re able to call up illusions after you have queued them to shatter – it doesn’t destroy the previous ones as they were already considered destroyed by the shatter command. If you are quick, it is possible to call up multiple sets in this manner. I’ve had more than one person comment my army of clones. XD
So how does that work? is it clones only?
SO you get 3 up, click on a shatter and then summon more quickly? like MI?
Funny that this thread still is going on. Sarcasm is a popular weapon amongst mesmers when they fear getting into the spotlight.
so that is 3 + 3 + 3 + yourself = 10. The OP is correct. Anet should delete 9 out of every 10 Mesmers to even out game balance.Except, only 3 allowed up at a time.
Actually you can. You’re able to call up illusions after you have queued them to shatter – it doesn’t destroy the previous ones as they were already considered destroyed by the shatter command. If you are quick, it is possible to call up multiple sets in this manner. I’ve had more than one person comment my army of clones. XD
So how does that work? is it clones only?
SO you get 3 up, click on a shatter and then summon more quickly? like MI?
Any illiusion – phantasm or clone. Clones just happen to be the quickest as most weapons have half second cast times + your dodge clones. Phantasm, however, are usually 2 second casts.
so that is 3 + 3 + 3 + yourself = 10. The OP is correct. Anet should delete 9 out of every 10 Mesmers to even out game balance.Except, only 3 allowed up at a time.
Actually you can. You’re able to call up illusions after you have queued them to shatter – it doesn’t destroy the previous ones as they were already considered destroyed by the shatter command. If you are quick, it is possible to call up multiple sets in this manner. I’ve had more than one person comment my army of clones. XD
So how does that work? is it clones only?
SO you get 3 up, click on a shatter and then summon more quickly? like MI?Any illiusion – phantasm or clone. Clones just happen to be the quickest as most weapons have half second cast times + your dodge clones. Phantasm, however, are usually 2 second casts.
So how does it work?
Summon 3 clones, hit F1. Then while they move towards your target, summon 3 more quickly (Mirror Images, Decoy), hit F2 to Shatter again. Now you have 6 out.
Works better if they are chasing your target.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Just as you said. Trigger a shatter then summon 3 clones really fast before the first 3 reach their targets. Repeat until you run out of shatters or ways to make clones. It’s theoretically possible to get many clones out before they actually shatter especially if your targets are running away from you.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast