Mesmers and their masks

Mesmers and their masks

in Mesmer

Posted by: jweez.7214


The mask in gw2 is certainly a staple of the mesmer profession. I have been wondering what’s the deal with them lately. Are they supposed to represent something? Is there any lore attached to it? Did Mesmers wear masks in gw1? Why don’t any noteworthy mesmer npcs wear masks in the game?

I really like the concept and think its original but I keep getting the feeling that as like a lot of things in gw2 that it has no real meaning.

I think anet does a poor job of putting class lore into the game, hopefully I’m wrong and just have missed it and one of you bright souls can enlighten me.

Ps. I know there is a bit of lore about it at character creation but it only really states that Mesmers wear masks.

(edited by jweez.7214)

Mesmers and their masks

in Mesmer

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


It goes back to the original Guild Wars, and lore behind the Mesmer there. I’ll do my best to present what I remember/interpret from there.

In the original Prophecies campaign, the human gods were deeply tied to the profession’s. Lyssa is the twin Goddess of Beauty and Illusion, individually known as Lyss and Ilya. She is the patron Goddess of Mesmers and Assassins.

And it was, that a stranger came to the village of Wren seeking shelter and employment. Though young in years, her body was stooped and twisted, her flesh eaten by disease. “Ye have the mark of plague upon ye,” said the citizen named Gallrick. “Leave this place lest you sicken our people.”

“I’ve lost my family and my home,” cried the desperate woman. “Have you no heart?”

Yet each person, in turn, did look away.

Then from the crowd came a young woman, Sara. She looked upon the woman with pity. “If you need help,” said Sara, “I will give it.” And Sara did approach the gnarled, bent woman and did offer her a helping hand.

Then the sickened woman pulled from her body the robes of plague, revealing Herself to be the goddess Lyssa.

The people of Wren fell to their knees, begging Lyssa’s mercy. But lifting Sara gently, saith She, “True beauty is measured not by appearance but by actions and deeds. Many have eyes, but few have seen. Of all here, you saw the beauty behind the illusion. And you alone shall be blessed with My gifts.”

So Lyssa is twin gods, and as a follower of Lyssa, you would never know which twin would answer your prayers. So part of the reason a Mesmer wears a mask, is to a hide a Mesmer’s true intent/identity. The enemy would never know what to expect.

Also, in the original, the Mesmer’s where presented as very “theatrical”. And in the theater, actor’s are constantly “wearing masks” to portray something other than themselves. Again, to keep the audience enthralled with the illusion/presentation, and not the actor’s real identity/intent.

If you are interested in the lore behind GW2, and the original GW, I highly recommend you check out the Youtube videos from “WoodenPotatoes”. He has got a bunch of vid going over all the lore thru the games.

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

(edited by SlimChance.6593)

Mesmers and their masks

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


It goes back to the original Guild Wars, and lore behind the Mesmer there. I’ll do my best to present what I remember/interpret from there.

In the original Prophecies campaign, the human gods were deeply tied to the profession’s. Lyssa is the twin Goddess of Beauty and Illusion, individually known as Lyss and Ilya. She is the patron Goddess of Mesmers and Assassins.

And it was, that a stranger came to the village of Wren seeking shelter and employment. Though young in years, her body was stooped and twisted, her flesh eaten by disease. “Ye have the mark of plague upon ye,” said the citizen named Gallrick. “Leave this place lest you sicken our people.”

“I’ve lost my family and my home,” cried the desperate woman. “Have you no heart?”

Yet each person, in turn, did look away.

Then from the crowd came a young woman, Sara. She looked upon the woman with pity. “If you need help,” said Sara, “I will give it.” And Sara did approach the gnarled, bent woman and did offer her a helping hand.

Then the sickened woman pulled from her body the robes of plague, revealing Herself to be the goddess Lyssa.

The people of Wren fell to their knees, begging Lyssa’s mercy. But lifting Sara gently, saith She, “True beauty is measured not by appearance but by actions and deeds. Many have eyes, but few have seen. Of all here, you saw the beauty behind the illusion. And you alone shall be blessed with My gifts.”

So Lyssa is twin gods, and as a follower of Lyssa, you would never know which twin would answer your prayers. So part of the reason a Mesmer wears a mask, is to keep the true identity of the Mesmer hidden, so that the enemy would never know what to expect.

Also, in the original, the Mesmer’s where presented as very “theatrical”. And in the theater, actor’s are constantly “wearing masks” to portray something other than themselves. Again, to keep the audience enthralled with the illusion/presentation, and not the actor’s real identity.

Nicely done man, took me back a bit. Ah the glory days of GW1

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

Mesmers and their masks

in Mesmer

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


Thanks, I’m so old school. I have 2 lvl 80 Mesmer’s in GW2 and they ALWAYS have a mask on and green dyed armor.

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

Mesmers and their masks

in Mesmer

Posted by: jweez.7214


Thanks. That was really interesting!

Mesmers and their masks

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaurniven.2065


Wow that was really interesting to read! It really suits say a PU build or hell if you have a lot of stealth where you control the battle in stealth mode and the enemy doesn’t know where you are or your plan. (In my view lol)

It’s also fun to read and learn more about the Lore if your class, really makes you proud to play Mesmer and gives us pride when we were a mask.

Fury By Furry |Given Fury | Furiously Small | Furiously Risen | Serayath

[RaW] Sassari – Commander

Mesmers and their masks

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaurniven.2065


The mask in gw2 is certainly a staple of the mesmer profession. I have been wondering what’s the deal with them lately. Are they supposed to represent something? Is there any lore attached to it? Did Mesmers wear masks in gw1? Why don’t any noteworthy mesmer npcs wear masks in the game?

I really like the concept and think its original but I keep getting the feeling that as like a lot of things in gw2 that it has no real meaning.

I think anet does a poor job of putting class lore into the game, hopefully I’m wrong and just have missed it and one of you bright souls can enlighten me.

Ps. I know there is a bit of lore about it at character creation but it only really states that Mesmers wear masks.

In AC Part 3, there are Ascalonian Mesmers who wear masks btw ._.

Fury By Furry |Given Fury | Furiously Small | Furiously Risen | Serayath

[RaW] Sassari – Commander

Mesmers and their masks

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


In AC Part 3, there are Ascalonian Mesmers who wear masks btw ._.

I love the shape of the Ascalonian mask although it causes clipping issues with many hairstyles. It still is the only mask I like on a males. All other masks look rather weird.
