Mesmers in Dungeons?
Their Mesmer builds which can do 10k-15k damage on normal.
Which no other class can beat that, theifs and warriors can tie it,but not beat it.
Then Mesmers have other builds with Major support, to keep massive amount of boons on everyone and keep conditions off, while keeping up a perma reflect wall so no long range can hit your team and so on for support.
Also Mesmer even have tank builds.
With 27khp, 3.2k armor…….These builds can survive anything.
Basically Mesmer can play any role that may be needed in any dgn, as long as you got right gear and build for that role.
PS,,,, I know of these threads you talking about, I commented in a couple of them calling them idiots, because that what those people was.
(edited by EsLafiel.4517)
I saw old threads, and saw mes were not the most viable class for dungeons.
Who said that? Slap them with minus green, they are either wrong, either disguised guardians.
We are viable in any dungeon. Time warp, huge utility, survival(even in berserkers), damage. Mesmer simplifies most content in dungeon.
I saw old threads, and saw mes were not the most viable class for dungeons.
Who said that? Slap them with minus green, they are either wrong, either disguised guardians.
We are viable in any dungeon. Time warp, huge utility, survival(even in berserkers), damage. Mesmer simplifies most content in dungeon.
Awesome. Well most of the threads were 3+ months old. Was there something in the past that prevented mes from performing well?
Awesome. Well most of the threads were 3+ months old. Was there something in the past that prevented mes from performing well?
Mesmers were viable in dungeons from start.
hmm, i must of been confused then from what other people have been saying. How are they DPS wise, or are they mainly support?
imho mesmer is the 3rd best class for any dungeon, after guardians and warriors.
Maybe second in some, having the second best antiprojectile skills.
This from an ele players that is starting to think “if only i were using my mesmer”.
(infact i spent more on mesmer than ele <.<)
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
Most of the “not viable” arguments were anxiety based off recent patch nerfs. Those arguments were quashed after experiencing the content post-patch.
Although I highly doubt 10K-15K damage is in their line of work, especially not in one hit.
However, it is worth noting that they maintain their damage output throughout the fight if not increasing over time with the appearance of phantasms should they survive.
(edited by deltanium.7543)
Most of the “not viable” arguments were anxiety based off recent patch nerfs. Those arguments were quashed after experiencing the content post-patch.
Although I highly doubt 10K-15K damage is in their line of work, especially not in one hit.
However, it is worth noting that they maintain their damage output throughout the fight if not increasing over time with the appearance of phantasms should they survive.
Actually I know someone with bf alone can do around 10k each hit, sometimes a bit less and sometimes a bit more.
Then with warden does 12k-15k. Also their reg attack is 2k-4k, so no a nicely built Mesmer can do really scary damage.
Most of the “not viable” arguments were anxiety based off recent patch nerfs. Those arguments were quashed after experiencing the content post-patch.
Although I highly doubt 10K-15K damage is in their line of work, especially not in one hit.
However, it is worth noting that they maintain their damage output throughout the fight if not increasing over time with the appearance of phantasms should they survive.Actually I know someone with bf alone can do around 10k each hit, sometimes a bit less and sometimes a bit more.
Then with warden does 12k-15k. Also their reg attack is 2k-4k, so no a nicely built Mesmer can do really scary damage.
10 at each blurred frenzy? Really?
Even hitting 4k on normal attacks?
Huh, guess I should try something’s out.
Most of the “not viable” arguments were anxiety based off recent patch nerfs. Those arguments were quashed after experiencing the content post-patch.
Although I highly doubt 10K-15K damage is in their line of work, especially not in one hit.
However, it is worth noting that they maintain their damage output throughout the fight if not increasing over time with the appearance of phantasms should they survive.Actually I know someone with bf alone can do around 10k each hit, sometimes a bit less and sometimes a bit more.
Then with warden does 12k-15k. Also their reg attack is 2k-4k, so no a nicely built Mesmer can do really scary damage.
Please have this build shared? I am guessing all power/prec/crit?
For skills like blurred frenzy and the illusionary warden, the numbers shown are the cumulative total of the attack, not each individual hit’s value. In the case of the warden, reflected attacks are shown individually, and in certain situations it’s possible to reach such high numbers, but they’re very specific circumstances.
I am in the same opinion as Supervillain here: Snowball chance in hell illusionnary Warden would hit 2k a pop for 12 hits affecting a total of 5 targets and inflicting bleeding on top. Another explaination would be that the iWarden reflected a warrior’s killshot while he was in Frenzied stance or something.
Whatever the case, stacking everything right, with a complete disregard for survivability, the highest blurred frenzy I ever hit was around 6k total with a generous critical streak.
Alternatively, bleeding stacks counting as 1 hit, iWarden can hit for about 200damage/crit*12hit+90damage/bleeding/sec*5sec*12stack which would result in a 2400 direct damage+5400 bleeding damage for a total of 7200 damage in a single warden crazy flailing thing which would be technically my highest hit ever on a normal target(not counting damage debuff and critter killing).
In term of single highest hit, that would be an iSwordsman 4k crit+250 bleeding damage with a very rudimentary setup.
In terms of damage per second though, iDuelist, in a single target scenario will trumph and I believe it to be more important than whatever amount you can burst in one hit or one attack which would be (350dmg/crit*8hit+90damage/bleeding/second*8stack*5sec)/6 sec(Unload cd with phantasmal haste)=2800 direct damage+3600 bleeding damage/6 sec=6400 total damage over 6 sec=1066,67 damage per second. Compared to iwarden 7200/11.2=642.85 damage per second. According to the math, the swordsman would be around 1118 damage per second, but berserker set only allows around 50% crit whereas rampager(which was used for the math of the aforementioned duelist and warden) which can reach near 100% with a negligeable chance of non-critical hit.
Then again, here’s the obvious: phantasmal damage is independant from your own and consistent accross the board; an added bonus to that, should it survives, could stack up to three time + the mesmer’s standalone damage meaning your DPS can be up to nearly 4 times as high as a single phantasm’s DPS so, to get back to the original question, provided the setup and luck of having phantasms survive, at least long enough for a single attack, mesmer’s DPS ranges from great to amazing in dungeons. While you may not see 10k damage floating up like a thief’s backstab every 4 seconds, know that your damage is there, just slightly hidden.
OP is right. I remember when I first started playing GW2 the forums were littered with posts about how useless and underpowered mesmers were in pve/dungeons. Thats not the case though.
Hey all,
I am a semi-new player. I played an ele upto 65ish, and enjoyed it very well. While I do enjoy the ele class alot, i wanted to try a mesmer out for fun and something new. I saw old threads, and saw mes were not the most viable class for dungeons. Now most posts were rather old, and now it seems like mes are pretty commonly used in fractals. How viable are mes in other dungeons? If so how are they viable?Thank you.
Mesmer’s are great tanks in dungeons if they run 0/0/20/20/30 see thread for the Immortal Mesmer build. If you have a phantasm army up you are basically full time regen and 50% uptime on protection… When I tank in dungeons I can sometimes outlast the warrior/guardian/necro in my group.
But you are then doing less damage than either, right?
I just got a mesmer to lvl 64 (via crafting, still catching up on playing) but I can’t see that kind of tanking leading to much damage.
And if someone could point me to some of those awesome damage builds it would be great as I would love to have a powerful mesmer to finish getting to 80 with.
Awesome damage build is 20/20/0/0/30. And the key to the tank build is to have full time retaliation with 3 phantasms one of which is a phantasmal defender. If you get hit with and AOE while next to all 3 phantasms the attacker gets 5 count it 5 different hits from retal. 1 from each phant plus the one from you along with 2 from the defender because his retal hits for the dmg he absorbs plus his own retal from being hit himself. It’s not as fast killing as other builds but you are still powerful.
As far as damage goes, if you build for phantasms, you can do scary damage while staying tanky. In my fractal build, 10/10/0/30/20, I have 20k hp and around 2500 armor iirc, and my phantasms still do massive damage. The warlock has the potential to do unbelievable damage due to the 10% scaling. I have seen 8k+ crits from that thing, and I don’t even have really high crit damage. Berserker usually does between 2.5k and 5k per whirl. If I swap on a focus, the warden will usually end up doing around 7-k damage for a full spin.