Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Mesmers needs buff
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
I agree, I kind of miss the Mesmers of gw1. It would be cool if we could get a health drain skill like the Hex’s in gw1. I am not sure what they could do to buff mesmers without revamping them. I’d love an opinion from the Dev’s on how they see the mesmer in this game in terms of a role or the meta.
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
I think what it really needs is some good old bug fixing. Like.. Illusionary Leap -> Swap, it should be about time that they look into resolving that.
There aren’t all that many professions besides Warriors that I find annoying to fight to be honest. But I find Warriors annoying to fight on any profession these days, as they got so much health regeneration, the highest health pool in the game, that great damage mitigation they’ve always had, excellent CC, that idiotic extreme distance coverage letting them laugh as they run when you get them anywhere near low on health, and on top of that, why not give them great damage to boot. Who needs to give and take, just take everything and smile as you fly around the battlefields. Well, and I don’t like fighting Necromancers, but who does really?
I do think we could do with some CD reductions on A LOT of our utilities/skills to be honest. They’re pretty much all on wee bit too long cooling periods, even when traited. Especially for what they provide, which isn’t in most cases all that amazing. E.g., I can Mantra myself roughly 4 seconds of Stability. Ok, so it counts as two stun breakers on a single skill too, but I still got a long CD on it, about 3s to ready it up, and ultimately a worthless source for Stability. Arcane Thievery is fun, but it “only” steals 3 Boons and transfers 3 conditions. It’s not going to save you against a condition-heavy opponent. The CD is a wee bit too long with its 45 seconds.
Doesn’t help we get pigeonholed into using specific utilities either, which hardly helps us survive should we need it. Going to WvW? Be prepared to Portal, be prepared to Veil, be prepared to Feedback, oh and even though you just filled all your slots, be prepared to Null Field too, because why not.
I’d love to see more control options for Mesmer. We have Daze (with trait to make it a Stun, but that’s pretty much the same thing when talking about 1 second), Confusion (which Engineers are better at applying than us..) and a tiny little 2 second Immobilize. Halting Strike is rather good, and through active play you can punish your opponent(s) which is a lot of fun. But I wish there was more of the good old stuff from Guild Wars. More of the good old Hexes and their synergy.
Seafarer’s Rest
(edited by Absconditus.6804)
Yea these two skills are definitely on long cooldowns compared to their counterparts:
Yea mesmer definitely needs more control.
increasing confusion duration to 4 1/4 without trait should be enough
and on deceptive evasion or whatever ,that the clones target the enemy YOU are targettting, it sux for shatterers that clones randomly go to mobs in wvw or in pvp and shatter themselves at wrong opponent or at minions of necromancer, totally missing blast
Run prismatic understanding.
You will never lose in a 1v1.
Jade Quarry’s dedicated Roaming/Havoc Squad Guild
what mesmer needs is more aoe and a 1 handed ranged physical weapon… especially since scepter sucks against anyone good… on top of what everyone else said.. oh and doug… not everybody who uses PU uses the OP condition build with it… i use it on my mesmer and i dont go overboard with it.. i use decoy and mass invis and thats it with sword and pistol and staff…
one more ranged weap ? no ty, we need a good meele weap lol, only meele weap we got is sword mainhand, ranged : gs , staff, focus, torch, offhand sword idk, pistol, scepter
Yea these two skills are definitely on long cooldowns compared to their counterparts:
counterpart mesmer definitely needs more control.
Comparing apples and oranges really. Mesmers were practically built for control while eles were built for boons and damage which would explain why lightning flash has the longer cd+dmg. Not to mention lightning flash is rarely used for escapes(in my experience) but instead used to deal damage and enter a fight quickly. It is also relatively easy to fit cantrips traits into an ele whereas mesmers if they’re going for control have much better options to take than manipulation boosting skills.
Dark pact is not only a longer immobilize, but it also is much more reliable in more places. Illusionary leap is constantly screwed up by just about any incline making it fail more often than not in places like Silent Storm where there are hills/stairs in many places.
I know siren’s call got a bit of a nerf some time ago, but personally I think we’re just fine, if not still well above average underwater. Only classes I worry about there are the regen rangers and any condition heavy class.
maybe I should be a little more specific… I am increasingly finding that
blurred frenzy has no effect against rangers, warriors, guardians, and elementalists even if using full berz gear which is only when I am camp capping.
illusionary leap fails about 60% of the time because of a slight bump in the ground
phantasmal duelist is increasingly difficult to get off the 1 second cast time for 50% of the time is more like 3 seconds
Magic bullet and signet of domination does not work on elementalists, warriors, and guardians – and sometimes rangers too.
Chaos Storm – aegis, retaliation, and chilled almost never works while swiftness NEVER works
Underwater – the problem is not so much the mesmer skills but that other classes now have better skills – I only play mesmer so not sure what the name of those skills are but elementalists now seem to have the equivalent of Vortex. I always had good fights against rangers under water but now I find that it is difficult to impossible to now kill warriors, elementalists, rangers, guardians, and engineers underwater. Before I was undefeatable under water – I spent a lot of time there but since they changed the borderland map to remove most of the water, I have found that other classes are now a lot more powerful underwater to the degree that I am now lucky to win a fight there and have had to change my tactics to running away.
Plus I agree with others that the recharges are too long… after a short while of fighting I am left with almost nothing and by the time my skills recharge the opponent has healed to full health again. If I am just coming out of a fight with anything, I am extremely vulnerable – most of my deaths are because someone has jumped me after I’ve just killed something.
Wand and focus is more or less useless.
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
It is not that mesmers have been nerfed… they’ve been ignored
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
We need more reliable AoE Lockdown.
Like elites with dazes, traits making mantra’s AoE, improvement on the pull (0,5 sec cd instead of 1sec).
We need less op-ness in roaming, more in raiding.
mesmer took a hit when we lost confusion since it was a biggy for underwater. One thing id like to see is conditons removed and hexes returned.
the confusion nerf was very harsh and with it came the changes to our underwater weapons. in spvp i avoid the water as im not able to keep up with the other classes now. the confusion nerf itself was big as it was a viable way to cause soe dmg that didnt require ai. ai is pretty bad for wvw. i would love to soo some of the gw1 hexes the mesmer had return in some way.mesmer took a hit when we lost confusion since it was a biggy for underwater. One thing id like to see is conditons removed and hexes returned.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
This must be a joke. Right now the Mesmer is my favorite proffesion specially because the different specs it can run and still be viable. I wont say it is UP or OP, but I can say he doesnt need a buff. The only thing I could ask for is to fix our bugs so I can enjoy even more the proffesion and if in the future it actually needs a buff do it without to many problems.
Kirito Wolvesong – Mesmer
Kiba Wolvesong – Thief
This must be a joke. Right now the Mesmer is my favorite proffesion specially because the different specs it can run and still be viable. I wont say it is UP or OP, but I can say he doesnt need a buff. The only thing I could ask for is to fix our bugs so I can enjoy even more the proffesion and if in the future it actually needs a buff do it without to many problems.
in a 1v1 or roaming situation, i know u are right. i eouldnt mind giving up some of our dueling abilities to get some team and large group viable abilities. op didnt say up like this. we are great in 1v1’s but in a zerg situation we lack a lot. as a light armor we should not be forced into a dueling role as dueling roles are medium armor specs and not light. look at thief! thats a duelist. a mes is light armor, so we need aoe and not ai. and yes we will not get any buffs ever because mesmer does fin in spvp. anet only balances around 1v1 spvp so mes weill only get a little tweak here and there and stay veilbot until anet nerfs veil and then we will be not part of large group fights anymore and stuck as boring roaming annoyance unless anet decides to split wvwv and spvp balance again.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
This must be a joke. Right now the Mesmer is my favorite proffesion specially because the different specs it can run and still be viable. I wont say it is UP or OP, but I can say he doesnt need a buff. The only thing I could ask for is to fix our bugs so I can enjoy even more the proffesion and if in the future it actually needs a buff do it without to many problems.
in a 1v1 or roaming situation, i know u are right. i eouldnt mind giving up some of our dueling abilities to get some team and large group viable abilities. op didnt say up like this. we are great in 1v1’s but in a zerg situation we lack a lot. as a light armor we should not be forced into a dueling role as dueling roles are medium armor specs and not light. look at thief! thats a duelist. a mes is light armor, so we need aoe and not ai. and yes we will not get any buffs ever because mesmer does fin in spvp. anet only balances around 1v1 spvp so mes weill only get a little tweak here and there and stay veilbot until anet nerfs veil and then we will be not part of large group fights anymore and stuck as boring roaming annoyance unless anet decides to split wvwv and spvp balance again.
I have to disagree with you there. We have 2 weapons with 1200 range and enough utlity to support our zerg in WvW if that’s what we wanna do. We are not even close to have the problems that Thieves deal with in WvW. They are as good roamers as us but in zergs they don’t even have a weapon with more of 900 range when every other proffesion have at least one with 1200 range. And what do they do in a zerg when there is no physical confrontation? Try to get in range to hit their SB skills and get almost killed in the process or wait for a fight that may never happen. And I know this because I’m not only a Mesmer player but aThief too.
As I said before, we as Mesmers have a lot of specs, going from dps to controll or support, and we are completely viable doing it. We can do damage from distance, putting conditions or just flat damage. We may not have as much invisibility skills as a Thief but what we lack in number we compensate in quallity (I’m looking at you Prismatic Understanding).
We may not have the AoE of an Elementalist, the range of a Ranger, or the vitality of a Warrior, but we have the best deception skills in the game and we are probably the best duelist profession, not for nothing we have a trait line called Dueling.
Kirito Wolvesong – Mesmer
Kiba Wolvesong – Thief
This must be a joke. Right now the Mesmer is my favorite proffesion specially because the different specs it can run and still be viable. I wont say it is UP or OP, but I can say he doesnt need a buff. The only thing I could ask for is to fix our bugs so I can enjoy even more the proffesion and if in the future it actually needs a buff do it without to many problems.
in a 1v1 or roaming situation, i know u are right. i eouldnt mind giving up some of our dueling abilities to get some team and large group viable abilities. op didnt say up like this. we are great in 1v1’s but in a zerg situation we lack a lot. as a light armor we should not be forced into a dueling role as dueling roles are medium armor specs and not light. look at thief! thats a duelist. a mes is light armor, so we need aoe and not ai. and yes we will not get any buffs ever because mesmer does fin in spvp. anet only balances around 1v1 spvp so mes weill only get a little tweak here and there and stay veilbot until anet nerfs veil and then we will be not part of large group fights anymore and stuck as boring roaming annoyance unless anet decides to split wvwv and spvp balance again.
I have to disagree with you there. We have 2 weapons with 1200 range and enough utlity to support our zerg in WvW if that’s what we wanna do. We are not even close to have the problems that Thieves deal with in WvW. They are as good roamers as us but in zergs they don’t even have a weapon with more of 900 range when every other proffesion have at least one with 1200 range. And what do they do in a zerg when there is no physical confrontation? Try to get in range to hit their SB skills and get almost killed in the process or wait for a fight that may never happen. And I know this because I’m not only a Mesmer player but aThief too.
As I said before, we as Mesmers have a lot of specs, going from dps to controll or support, and we are completely viable doing it. We can do damage from distance, putting conditions or just flat damage. We may not have as much invisibility skills as a Thief but what we lack in number we compensate in quallity (I’m looking at you Prismatic Understanding).
We may not have the AoE of an Elementalist, the range of a Ranger, or the vitality of a Warrior, but we have the best deception skills in the game and we are probably the best duelist profession, not for nothing we have a trait line called Dueling.
sry but a thief has clusterbomb which he can spam and it does a ton of dmg, plus u can gank all enemy casters while being a medium armor class. im not saying thief doesnt need buffs in the zerg area. it does need buffs too. but so does mes. being forced to be a support with veil, tw, feedback(which isnt that effective anymore due to the zergs being mainly war/guard that dont use projectiles) and nullfield which is not fun imo. im doing alright in gvg’s, but then again im only there because they need the veil and tw, because any other class can replace `the mes easily:
boonstrip: necro
ganking, dueling: thief
aoe: ele, necro
condi removal: ele, shout war, necro
dps: warrior, thief, ele, necro
boons: guardian, warrior
cc: warrior, guardian, ele
GWEN is ruling wvw atm, so the other classes need boosts to be part of it. i would rather gve up some of those dueling abilities and traits for aoe and more teamplay abilities. i dont wanna be a roamer only or a veilbot same as i think thief should have an option to get more aoe abilities in zerg fights if he wants to or a ranger having the opportunity to be part of the zerg without the pet.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
This must be a joke. Right now the Mesmer is my favorite proffesion specially because the different specs it can run and still be viable. I wont say it is UP or OP, but I can say he doesnt need a buff. The only thing I could ask for is to fix our bugs so I can enjoy even more the proffesion and if in the future it actually needs a buff do it without to many problems.
in a 1v1 or roaming situation, i know u are right. i eouldnt mind giving up some of our dueling abilities to get some team and large group viable abilities. op didnt say up like this. we are great in 1v1’s but in a zerg situation we lack a lot. as a light armor we should not be forced into a dueling role as dueling roles are medium armor specs and not light. look at thief! thats a duelist. a mes is light armor, so we need aoe and not ai. and yes we will not get any buffs ever because mesmer does fin in spvp. anet only balances around 1v1 spvp so mes weill only get a little tweak here and there and stay veilbot until anet nerfs veil and then we will be not part of large group fights anymore and stuck as boring roaming annoyance unless anet decides to split wvwv and spvp balance again.
I have to disagree with you there. We have 2 weapons with 1200 range and enough utlity to support our zerg in WvW if that’s what we wanna do. We are not even close to have the problems that Thieves deal with in WvW. They are as good roamers as us but in zergs they don’t even have a weapon with more of 900 range when every other proffesion have at least one with 1200 range. And what do they do in a zerg when there is no physical confrontation? Try to get in range to hit their SB skills and get almost killed in the process or wait for a fight that may never happen. And I know this because I’m not only a Mesmer player but aThief too.
As I said before, we as Mesmers have a lot of specs, going from dps to controll or support, and we are completely viable doing it. We can do damage from distance, putting conditions or just flat damage. We may not have as much invisibility skills as a Thief but what we lack in number we compensate in quallity (I’m looking at you Prismatic Understanding).
We may not have the AoE of an Elementalist, the range of a Ranger, or the vitality of a Warrior, but we have the best deception skills in the game and we are probably the best duelist profession, not for nothing we have a trait line called Dueling.
sry but a thief has clusterbomb which he can spam and it does a ton of dmg, plus u can gank all enemy casters while being a medium armor class. im not saying thief doesnt need buffs in the zerg area. it does need buffs too. but so does mes. being forced to be a support with veil, tw, feedback(which isnt that effective anymore due to the zergs being mainly war/guard that dont use projectiles) and nullfield which is not fun imo. im doing alright in gvg’s, but then again im only there because they need the veil and tw, because any other class can replace `the mes easily:
boonstrip: necro
ganking, dueling: thief
aoe: ele, necro
condi removal: ele, shout war, necro
dps: warrior, thief, ele, necro
boons: guardian, warrior
cc: warrior, guardian, eleGWEN is ruling wvw atm, so the other classes need boosts to be part of it. i would rather gve up some of those dueling abilities and traits for aoe and more teamplay abilities. i dont wanna be a roamer only or a veilbot same as i think thief should have an option to get more aoe abilities in zerg fights if he wants to or a ranger having the opportunity to be part of the zerg without the pet.
Ok, at least we both agreed that Thief lacks zerg presence, I just wanna say that 900 range Cluster Bomb is not as good as you mentioned.
In the end I’m just gonna update the list that you did to try making you notice the strenghts of the Mesmer.
boonstrip: necro, mesmer
ganking, dueling: thief, mesmer
aoe: ele, necro
condi removal: ele, shout war, necro
dps: warrior, thief, ele, necro, mesmer
boons: guardian, warrior, mesmer
cc: warrior, guardian, ele
Now ignoring you have the Elementalist in a really high standard (he is not that good), the mesmer can do pretty amazing things in WvW. I didn’t put the Mesmer in condi removal because even it has enough skill to remove party’s conditions I haven’t played it.
Kirito Wolvesong – Mesmer
Kiba Wolvesong – Thief
(edited by Kiba.9701)
Ok, at least we both agreed that Thief lacks zerg presence, I just wanna say that 900 range Cluster Bomb is not as good as you mentioned.
In the end I’m just gonna update the list that you did to try making you notice the strenghts of the Mesmer.
boonstrip: necro, mesmer
ganking, dueling: thief, mesmer
aoe: ele, necro
condi removal: ele, shout war, necro
dps: warrior, thief, ele, necro, mesmer
boons: guardian, warrior, mesmer
cc: warrior, guardian, eleNow ignoring you have the Elementalist in a really high standard (he is not that good), the mesmer can do pretty amazing things in WvW. I didn’t put the Mesmer in condi removal because even it has enough skill to remove party’s conditions I haven’t played it.
i think u miss read what i meant with the list. yes we can do things, but the list meanse other classes can do it either the same way or better than us. our boonstripping is not as great as boon corruption, but we have nullfield which works very slow though. yes gankng we can, but a thief can do it better,we got boons we could share, but guard does it with 1 click and doesent, dps yeah we got that but war can survive in zerg and do great dmg…..etc
point is, that our real role atm is veil and tw because we havent been given a proper role anymore. glamour mes used to be an amazing way to punish spammers and people took glam mes with their group for the confusion bombs.mes should be the punishing aoe class. pu condi mes in spvp is very mesmer like as it punishes mindless spamming. thief needs a better role in zergs too. atm u got the ganking role and thats it. i think ranger, mes and thief do need rework so u can choose to use aoe for zergfights and are not stuck with either ai or 1v1 dueling utilities
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Not sure if serious…but I’ll bite.
maybe I should be a little more specific… I am increasingly finding that
blurred frenzy has no effect against rangers, warriors, guardians, and elementalists even if using full berz gear which is only when I am camp capping.
Has no effect? Are you missing? Blurred frenzy does a ton of damage.
illusionary leap fails about 60% of the time because of a slight bump in the ground
…yeah. No arguments here unfortunately.
phantasmal duelist is increasingly difficult to get off the 1 second cast time for 50% of the time is more like 3 seconds
What? 1 second cast time is 1 second, just like most phantasms. It’s never changed, it doesn’t get longer…
Magic bullet and signet of domination does not work on elementalists, warriors, and guardians – and sometimes rangers too.
…lol. Yes, those classes have access to stability. Mesmer has access to the most powerful boon stripping in the game, hands down. Strip the stability and stop wasting your lockdowns on it then whining about it.
Chaos Storm – aegis, retaliation, and chilled almost never works while swiftness NEVER works
Not sure what to tell you here except that you’re hilariously wrong. A 10 second test is enough to show that.
Underwater – the problem is not so much the mesmer skills but that other classes now have better skills – I only play mesmer so not sure what the name of those skills are but elementalists now seem to have the equivalent of Vortex. I always had good fights against rangers under water but now I find that it is difficult to impossible to now kill warriors, elementalists, rangers, guardians, and engineers underwater. Before I was undefeatable under water – I spent a lot of time there but since they changed the borderland map to remove most of the water, I have found that other classes are now a lot more powerful underwater to the degree that I am now lucky to win a fight there and have had to change my tactics to running away.
Sooo…the Elementalist skill similar to vortex happens to be an elite. In general, Mesmer has one of, if not the most, strongest underwater skill set, with lots of stunbreaks, powerful burst skills, and strong conditions. You simply need to learn to play it.
Plus I agree with others that the recharges are too long… after a short while of fighting I am left with almost nothing and by the time my skills recharge the opponent has healed to full health again. If I am just coming out of a fight with anything, I am extremely vulnerable – most of my deaths are because someone has jumped me after I’ve just killed something.
So most of your deaths happen when someone jumps on you after you’ve used all your skills? I’m going to go ahead and call this one working as intended.
Wand and focus is more or less useless.
Scepter is very strong in condition builds, though it definitely could use some work.
Focus is an incredible weapon, with aoe interruption, pull, cripple, swiftness, damage, and nonstop projectile reflection.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Actually learn this class before coming to the forums to complain.
Not sure if serious…but I’ll bite.
illusionary leap fails about 60% of the time because of a slight bump in the ground
…yeah. No arguments here unfortunately.
The whole Illusionary leap failing because of a slight bump on the ground is a gross exaggeration. At least for me, because “slight bump” in practice means, noticeably steep slope in which the leap will STILL work, given you wait long enough for the clone to reach the target. For me, even on large stairs and slopes, IL always works. On the slopes and such, if I want the immobilize, I have to wait for the clone to reach the target before hitting the skill again, otherwise, I port in place. But the “slight bump” stuff? Most terrain is a slight bump, and I never have issues using it…Again, not unless the slight bump is a big kitten slope.
It doesn’t take much for the Illusionary Leap to bug out, causing the clone to slowly run over to your target, something it hardly will really be able to do, if the target is running the opposite direction. It can really be as little as slight bumps in the map, or tiny inclines of a slope that causes it to just run in place as it spawns. I use it all the time though, as I switch constantly between my weapon sets, so I guess I notice it a lot because of that.
It’s the same way the game sometimes bugs out and can basically completely kill you when you run down these same tiny inclinations in elevation. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times, on what feels like a relatively flat surface, and I find it hilarious every time it happens, as it is so ridiculous that I can’t help but find it funny and start laughing out loud.
Anyways, I’d much rather see Illusionary Leap teleport the clone directly on to your target, the same way a Thief will teleport on their target with Infiltrator’s Strike. I guess the intent is to make it readable, but there’s other ways of doing that. Sounds, Blink-effect on the clone as it spawns on your target, etc.—I don’t see why it has to sprint over to your target. It somewhat looks cool when it works I guess, but it’s annoying when it bugs out.
Seafarer’s Rest
The problem with mesmer is that we got waaay too much buffs in roaming. Atm we just become a 2nd thief: great in roaming, sucks in raiding.
Now I’ve actually tweaked the standart shatter build to 30-10-0-0-30 giving you 1 aoe daze/stun (which works great if you time it correctly) while you still got the massive boon removal, the veil, the pull and dealing a bit damage.
It’s not that I want to say we’re really good in raids, because we are far from that, but we got some things that makes us viable in raids. Maybe not with the same effort as other classes, but I like it hardmode in raids. Rolling over ppl is just boring.
The only thing I want to see, is mesmer having more aoe lockdown. Idc if they remove PU for that, I’ll find other ways to roam.
Don’t forget Feedback and traited Focus. Those are absolutely something to consider when running with a organized group. It can really hurt the ranged efforts of your opponents when you have a few Mesmers to help with the reflecting. I hardly find Mesmer to suck in raids. There’s plenty of utility that you can bring to the table as a Mesmer, beyond Veil, Time Warp and Portals. Chaos Armor is also seemingly grossly underestimated, get your group to start blasting your Ethereal fields.
Seafarer’s Rest
It doesn’t take much for the Illusionary Leap to bug out, causing the clone to slowly run over to your target, something it hardly will really be able to do, if the target is running the opposite direction. It can really be as little as slight bumps in the map, or tiny inclines of a slope that causes it to just run in place as it spawns. I use it all the time though, as I switch constantly between my weapon sets, so I guess I notice it a lot because of that.
It’s the same way the game sometimes bugs out and can basically completely kill you when you run down these same tiny inclinations in elevation. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times, on what feels like a relatively flat surface, and I find it hilarious every time it happens, as it is so ridiculous that I can’t help but find it funny and start laughing out loud.
Anyways, I’d much rather see Illusionary Leap teleport the clone directly on to your target, the same way a Thief will teleport on their target with Infiltrator’s Strike. I guess the intent is to make it readable, but there’s other ways of doing that. Sounds, Blink-effect on the clone as it spawns on your target, etc.—I don’t see why it has to sprint over to your target. It somewhat looks cool when it works I guess, but it’s annoying when it bugs out.
I don’t use it all the time, at least not in pve, in which it generally isn’t needed (not usually anyways, especially with everyone and their mother stacking) so I probably don’t have as much opportunity to experience the bug as much as you said. I agree that an easy fix is to have it teleport, but increase the telegraph to compensate for the fact that an aoe immobilize probably shouldn’t be that easy to manage.
On a lighter note, I have experienced the slope bug you mentioned, as it almost gets me killed every time, it usually leaves me with a wtf.
Sadly, it’s not exaggerating by much. I’ve seen IL do a bee dance to get around terrain, but most often they get stuck on a pebble on the ground. Any sort of incline drastically cuts its chance of success. I’ll add a pinch of salt here and say that’s been my personal experience, but it seems to be the norm according to everyone here.
I noticed the staff only has one bounce, I cant work out why they would nerf the staff when it needed a buff. If you go full con dmg it still doesnt do enough dmg you could free reign on a guard with the staff and wouldn’t be able to kill him if he just stood still.
Would be nice if they finally ironed out some serious bugs like illusory leap any little bump in the ground and it fails.
Mesmer needs some aoe dmg independant of targeting that can help it in zergs.
(edited by dan.3618)
Id be happy if they just fixed the bugs that are still around, those are massive buffs by themselves.
But if we are talking buffs, i’d like to see more aoe lockdown as mentioned above.
I don’t think we should get a lot of buffs. Just some skills and traits need tweaks and fixed bugs.
The truly problem I see is our trait organization is a mess. Phantasm offensive traits spread over 4 lines. Lockdown traits over 3 lines. Clone death traits also in 3 lines. We find the same trait in one line at Major Adept (Empowered illusions) and in another is a minor Grandmaster trait (Phantasmal strength)…
All this mess creates a lot of inefficiency. We waste a lot of time trying to find the best solution, cause there’s only 70 points to spend and most of the time 5 or 10 more points would be needed to do the well rounded build.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
Am I the only one finding that other classes have been buffed that much that most of my skill bar is now useless?
Before I was unbeatable underwater and now I find myself struggling against just about every single class and on dry land is starting to become not much better. It was bad enough that a lot of my skills did not work on a slight bump on the map but now I am increasingly finding my opponents are either immune to my skills or my most powerful skills are doing almost no damage.
It is not that my skills have been nerfed… the problem is that all other classes have been buffed to such a degree that mesmers have been left behind and are now at risk of being unbalanced on the losing side.
I don’t want to be 100% unbeatable but I would like more of my skill bar to actually work and do damage.
Please tell me how thief is on that list of buffed professions, and how Mesmer is not strong enough.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Ok, at least we both agreed that Thief lacks zerg presence, I just wanna say that 900 range Cluster Bomb is not as good as you mentioned.
In the end I’m just gonna update the list that you did to try making you notice the strenghts of the Mesmer.
boonstrip: necro, mesmer
ganking, dueling: thief, mesmer
aoe: ele, necro
condi removal: ele, shout war, necro
dps: warrior, thief, ele, necro, mesmer
boons: guardian, warrior, mesmer
cc: warrior, guardian, eleNow ignoring you have the Elementalist in a really high standard (he is not that good), the mesmer can do pretty amazing things in WvW. I didn’t put the Mesmer in condi removal because even it has enough skill to remove party’s conditions I haven’t played it.
i think u miss read what i meant with the list. yes we can do things, but the list meanse other classes can do it either the same way or better than us. our boonstripping is not as great as boon corruption, but we have nullfield which works very slow though. yes gankng we can, but a thief can do it better,we got boons we could share, but guard does it with 1 click and doesent, dps yeah we got that but war can survive in zerg and do great dmg…..etc
point is, that our real role atm is veil and tw because we havent been given a proper role anymore. glamour mes used to be an amazing way to punish spammers and people took glam mes with their group for the confusion bombs.mes should be the punishing aoe class. pu condi mes in spvp is very mesmer like as it punishes mindless spamming. thief needs a better role in zergs too. atm u got the ganking role and thats it. i think ranger, mes and thief do need rework so u can choose to use aoe for zergfights and are not stuck with either ai or 1v1 dueling utilities
corrupt boon : single target
null field : ??
just saying
Ok, at least we both agreed that Thief lacks zerg presence, I just wanna say that 900 range Cluster Bomb is not as good as you mentioned.
In the end I’m just gonna update the list that you did to try making you notice the strenghts of the Mesmer.
boonstrip: necro, mesmer
ganking, dueling: thief, mesmer
aoe: ele, necro
condi removal: ele, shout war, necro
dps: warrior, thief, ele, necro, mesmer
boons: guardian, warrior, mesmer
cc: warrior, guardian, eleNow ignoring you have the Elementalist in a really high standard (he is not that good), the mesmer can do pretty amazing things in WvW. I didn’t put the Mesmer in condi removal because even it has enough skill to remove party’s conditions I haven’t played it.
i think u miss read what i meant with the list. yes we can do things, but the list meanse other classes can do it either the same way or better than us. our boonstripping is not as great as boon corruption, but we have nullfield which works very slow though. yes gankng we can, but a thief can do it better,we got boons we could share, but guard does it with 1 click and doesent, dps yeah we got that but war can survive in zerg and do great dmg…..etc
point is, that our real role atm is veil and tw because we havent been given a proper role anymore. glamour mes used to be an amazing way to punish spammers and people took glam mes with their group for the confusion bombs.mes should be the punishing aoe class. pu condi mes in spvp is very mesmer like as it punishes mindless spamming. thief needs a better role in zergs too. atm u got the ganking role and thats it. i think ranger, mes and thief do need rework so u can choose to use aoe for zergfights and are not stuck with either ai or 1v1 dueling utilities
corrupt boon : single target
null field : ??
just saying
corrupt boon single target?!?!?nah nah thats a 5 target well. nullfield only removes boon, well of corruption deals lots of dmg and turns boons into condis.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
nullfield removes boons and conditions
corrupt boon is single target
nullfield removes boons and conditions
corrupt boon is single target
oh yeah it cleanses condis thatrs right still this is what everyone uses atm. thats why u use power necro instead of mes for boonremovals. my guildleader prefers me running feedback instead of nullfield as the necros take care of boons.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Wat, how many necro’s do you run to take care of all their boons? like 10? lol
Mesmer needs a buff like a fish needs a bicycle.
Mesmer needs a buff like a fish needs a bicycle.
I don´t main a lvl. 80 mesmer, but I know the basics of the class. I play an ele(when there is a class which needs buff, it´s elementalist after we got nerfed to the ground) and everytime I encounter a mesmer it´s gonna be tough. Especially the shatter builds will bring my ele down to 10% of life within two seconds [F1](it´s crazy). F1 has a 10 sec cooldown…eles defensive skills have 75 sec(mist form), 40 sec(teleport), 90 sec(armor of earth).
Mesmers are in a good, no, very good position right now.
Mesmer needs a buff like a fish needs a bicycle.
I agree, though at the same time I think we need a lot of work.
But first, we need fixes. Lots of them. There’s so many bugs, inconsistencies and remnants of earlier class implementations that any discussion about balance is pretty moot. First the class needs to be funtional.
Wat, how many necro’s do you run to take care of all their boons? like 10? lol
3 and its no problem like i said its not corrupt boon its well of corruption which everyone uses nowadays. nullfield might hit more people, but again corrupt boon is better as it deals like 2k dmg per pulse and corrupts boons and clears condis all in one field. if u think mesmer is the boonstrip role in a zerg, sry but in na kitten for sure its necros and not mes at all.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Mesmer needs a buff like a fish needs a bicycle.
in wvw we do need a buff and im not talking roaming. atm like thief and rangers we do lack a clear role. and again no 1 or 2 useful utilities doesent create a role for us. mesmer has a ton of bug too, but if u say we dont need buffs, then u are talking from a 1v1 smallgroup roaming perspective. in a 30vs30 mes and rangers and thieves do need buffs as we lack viable aoe.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Mesmer needs a buff like a fish needs a bicycle.
I don´t main a lvl. 80 mesmer, but I know the basics of the class. I play an ele(when there is a class which needs buff, it´s elementalist after we got nerfed to the ground) and everytime I encounter a mesmer it´s gonna be tough. Especially the shatter builds will bring my ele down to 10% of life within two seconds [F1](it´s crazy). F1 has a 10 sec cooldown…eles defensive skills have 75 sec(mist form), 40 sec(teleport), 90 sec(armor of earth).
Mesmers are in a good, no, very good position right now.
in 1v1 yes we are good. but in wvw zergplay your ele is actually way better off than a mesmer. u have aoe, we got ai. ai is not viable in wvw!
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Wat, how many necro’s do you run to take care of all their boons? like 10? lol
3 and its no problem like i said its not corrupt boon its well of corruption which everyone uses nowadays. nullfield might hit more people, but again corrupt boon is better as it deals like 2k dmg per pulse and corrupts boons and clears condis all in one field. if u think mesmer is the boonstrip role in a zerg, sry but in na kitten for sure its necros and not mes at all.
So now well of corruption can rip boons ( correct ), clear condis ( ) , deal 2K damage PER PULSE (
Not to mention it can also summon eye of zhaitan, mouth of zaitan, as minions, also can stealth themselves, and can even summon a warrior that do a 100b to nearby foes within 10000 range, applying a fear that lasts 20 seconds which cannot be break and cleanse. OFCOURSE the wells of corruption are OP XD perhaps i should go reroll a necro XD
Wat, how many necro’s do you run to take care of all their boons? like 10? lol
3 and its no problem like i said its not corrupt boon its well of corruption which everyone uses nowadays. nullfield might hit more people, but again corrupt boon is better as it deals like 2k dmg per pulse and corrupts boons and clears condis all in one field. if u think mesmer is the boonstrip role in a zerg, sry but in na kitten for sure its necros and not mes at all.
So now well of corruption can rip boons ( correct ), clear condis (
) , deal 2K damage PER PULSE (
Not to mention it can also summon eye of zhaitan, mouth of zaitan, as minions, also can stealth themselves, and can even summon a warrior that do a 100b to nearby foes within 10000 range, applying a fear that lasts 20 seconds which cannot be break and cleanse. OFCOURSE the wells of corruption are OP XD perhaps i should go reroll a necro XD
have u ever played a power necro?2k yes. no problem. and thinking u need 10 necros to rip boons already shows u know nothing abou that class. condi removal was my bad as i always use well of corruption and well of power together. and 2k dmg really isnt a big deal for a power necro at all
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Wat, how many necro’s do you run to take care of all their boons? like 10? lol
3 and its no problem like i said its not corrupt boon its well of corruption which everyone uses nowadays. nullfield might hit more people, but again corrupt boon is better as it deals like 2k dmg per pulse and corrupts boons and clears condis all in one field. if u think mesmer is the boonstrip role in a zerg, sry but in na kitten for sure its necros and not mes at all.
Huh, who would even use corrupt boon in raids? Single target skills lol.
How does well of corruption clear conditions?
Sure null field might not deal damage, but mind wrack only is almost already the same amount of boons removed in the same time span. And then I’m only talking about mind wrack.
Though tbh, what else would you run as mesmer? Everything besides shatter just sucks.
I guess it’s just that simple US minded thoughts makes you think 3 necro’s can remove all boons from the enemy, or you’re just fighting horrible enemies. Or well… I guess both…
a viable condition build would be nice. The staff simply does not put out no where near enough dmg if you go full power or condition it makes no diffrence.
The autoattack should apply both the burn and the bleed rather than just one. Make staff 3 some sort of non targetable aoe dmg to help mesmers in zergs.
Mesmer needs a buff like a fish needs a bicycle.
I don´t main a lvl. 80 mesmer, but I know the basics of the class. I play an ele(when there is a class which needs buff, it´s elementalist after we got nerfed to the ground) and everytime I encounter a mesmer it´s gonna be tough. Especially the shatter builds will bring my ele down to 10% of life within two seconds [F1](it´s crazy). F1 has a 10 sec cooldown…eles defensive skills have 75 sec(mist form), 40 sec(teleport), 90 sec(armor of earth).
Mesmers are in a good, no, very good position right now.
Tbh, rating a class about its capabilities of killing eles is probably no good idea atm.
Besides, Fresh air ele is also able to devastate a mesmer withing seconds.
Mesmer needs a buff like a fish needs a bicycle.
I don´t main a lvl. 80 mesmer, but I know the basics of the class. I play an ele(when there is a class which needs buff, it´s elementalist after we got nerfed to the ground) and everytime I encounter a mesmer it´s gonna be tough. Especially the shatter builds will bring my ele down to 10% of life within two seconds [F1](it´s crazy). F1 has a 10 sec cooldown…eles defensive skills have 75 sec(mist form), 40 sec(teleport), 90 sec(armor of earth).
Mesmers are in a good, no, very good position right now.
Yeah I kind of feel sorry for eles at the moment – got to put in 10x the effort to hold your own in a fight (from my very limited experience as one).
Mesmer needs a buff like a fish needs a bicycle.
I don´t main a lvl. 80 mesmer, but I know the basics of the class. I play an ele(when there is a class which needs buff, it´s elementalist after we got nerfed to the ground) and everytime I encounter a mesmer it´s gonna be tough. Especially the shatter builds will bring my ele down to 10% of life within two seconds [F1](it´s crazy). F1 has a 10 sec cooldown…eles defensive skills have 75 sec(mist form), 40 sec(teleport), 90 sec(armor of earth).
Mesmers are in a good, no, very good position right now.
in 1v1 yes we are good. but in wvw zergplay your ele is actually way better off than a mesmer. u have aoe, we got ai. ai is not viable in wvw!
So all classes should be good at all things? Should thief have it’s zerg potential buffed? Should Guardian now be the best solo roamer? Should Ele become the new stealth assassin?
What’s so wrong with having different classes be better at different things again? Maybe we should just get rid of all classes and make a super class that mixes everything together.
I have 1975 hours on mesmer and 1000 on the other 6 classes I have leveled up and mesmer is by far one of the most balanced in Gw2.
If anyone needs buffs and utility changes its Eles & Rangers. The current Mesmer sits in a very good spot balance wise.