Meta vs HoT?
What is the current meta for killing those scumbag p2w specs from HoT?
pvp? wvw? old gs sw/t shatter burst works well. For pve chronomancer IMO is almost mandatory
You realize most of the people you’re talking to probably play those “scumbag p2w” specs, right?
You want a real answer or an answer you prefer?
D/D ele is as strong as it ever was :P
You realize most of the people you’re talking to probably play those “scumbag p2w” specs, right?
I don’t see how it matters as I don’t care whom is playing what.
I’m mad at specs, not at people.
You realize most of the people you’re talking to probably play those “scumbag p2w” specs, right?
I don’t see how it matters as I don’t care whom is playing what.
I’m mad at specs, not at people.
Because they’ve already given in on the purchase, it means most of them will probably regard your post as needless whining, roll their eyes, and ignore you.
You’re right, it is what it is, but softer rhetoric probably would have improved your odds at getting the attention you need.
Heck, this is the kind of question that would normally get a lot of interest really fast.
Standard shatter interrupt works fine. Just make sure you are extremely careful and use range as much as possible as everyone will hit you very hard. Just imaging everyone have rampage on all the time.
You realize most of the people you’re talking to probably play those “scumbag p2w” specs, right?
I don’t see how it matters as I don’t care whom is playing what.
I’m mad at specs, not at people.Because they’ve already given in on the purchase, it means most of them will probably regard your post as needless whining, roll their eyes, and ignore you.
You’re right, it is what it is, but softer rhetoric probably would have improved your odds at getting the attention you need.
Heck, this is the kind of question that would normally get a lot of interest really fast.What are you on about? There’s no p2w in gw2……you don’t get any stronger stuff with your wallet like in other mmos.
CruleD is talking about the elite specializations that came with Heart of Thorns, which is a purchase.
I’m telling him that talking about it pejoratively, and using “p2w” here, is going to turn off people who would otherwise have answered his question.
lol @ p2w remark. I’ve played GW2 since launch for about 10-15 hours a week on average and have paid literally nothing but the initial starting price in those years playing a great game.
They deserve to get some more of my money.
If they wanted “p2w” they would have stocked the in-game store long ago with weapons, consumables, etc. that give the buyer meaningful advantages in PvP.
I won’t defend Anet about much very often, but I think they deserve a pretty high mark in avoiding “p2w” for an otherwise free game.
This is an expansion, and in order to sell an expansion you have to do new and neat stuff to draw folks in. Balancing that stuff takes a while. That’s just how it is.
Lastly, in WvW I am still a long way off playing as a Chrono, and I can tell you right now the standard PU/Condie roaming (aka Cancer) build still rips every Chrono I’ve run into so far (although admittedly no good ones) and seems to work just as well against DH and the rest as well.
The game is still B2P with the base game as a “trial”.
You dont go and buy player kills in the cash shop. Anyone who paid 50$ will be just as good as someone who paid 5000.
You realize most of the people you’re talking to probably play those “scumbag p2w” specs, right?
I don’t see how it matters as I don’t care whom is playing what.
I’m mad at specs, not at people.
It seems you misclicked about 2 screens before friend, allow me to redirect you.
Although chronomancer (mesmer HoT “p2w” elite spec) is actually pretty good, the pve aspect of it completely outshines the pvp one, hence the chronomancer hype you might hear. PvP chrono so far basically plays the same as regular mesmer with a few more clones and AoE wells that provide some utility to a otherwise very selfish class (unless you play boonshare of course). Better? yes. Op? definitely not.
It seems that where you want to be is the Dragon Hunter forums and mention something about “OP traps” or “brain dead to play” or “Fotm” or “plz nerf” and you will receive much feedback on your inquiries.
Well, he does have a point. The new elite traits are better than the old traits, and I think they need to be ner.. adjusted a bit.