Mimic Bugged?

Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AsherTalos.6478


When Using mimic I will sometimes take damage from the first attack from ranged. Also “Echo” will sometimes not copy the ability and send it back like the tool tips says it will. Most of the time it does nothing at all.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: buki.3108


Yup. I have to activate Mimic like 1 sec ahead of time… and Echo seems to work when no illusions are active.

Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


I believe you’re meant to be able to survive the hit to absorb it. If you could absorb hits that you can’t withstand, that’d be kinda unbalanced.

If you didn’t know, after absorbing the projectile, you will be blocking melee attacks and reflecting projectiles for the rest of the channel.

I don’t think I’ve had any issue with Mimic. There’s always something coming out when I use Echo. I’ve only been using Mimic in WvW and I don’t stay long when I go there.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Whilst testing it against Karka on the island, it seems that the first projectile you absorb does indeed deal damage to you and is then stored in the Echo. All other projectiles however are reflected back at the source, and you can fire the initial projectile back at your target.

This is probably intended though; kinda like a ‘Mirror of Anguish’ style. You get hit, but can throw the part of the attack that hurt you right back at them.

However I didn’t notice it failing to copy the attack. Maybe it only copies if you get damaged by it? Were you by any chance immune to damage (through F4 or Aegis)? I can imagine that Mimic wouldn’t be able to store a copy if you were blocking or otherwise immune to the hit.

They should update the tooltip however, so people will know that it also provides Reflection. I didn’t see the value of this utility skill until others stated that it stored the first ranged hit and reflected the rest back at the opponent.

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Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xolo.3580


For a long time I thought Mimic was bugged, but the text reads “Absorb bla bla” = you yourself, it doesn’t say “Mimic absorbs….”, which makes the skill kinda bad, which is a shame, because the mechanic is very cool.
I’m using Feedback now :/

Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AsherTalos.6478


After some testing in Southsun I did notice that “Echo” wouldn’t work if I didn’t get hit by an ability (take damage). Wish they would update the tooltip then. I have it timed now so I can hit mimic and not take any damage (hitting it really early), so then echo wouldn’t make a copy. Guess I’ll just have to get my timing down a bit better.

Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AsherTalos.6478


For a long time I thought Mimic was bugged, but the text reads “Absorb bla bla” = you yourself, it doesn’t say “Mimic absorbs….”, which makes the skill kinda bad, which is a shame, because the mechanic is very cool.
I’m using Feedback now :/

I don’t find it “bad”, you take 1 hit then you block everything else. And if you activate it early enough you wont even take the first hit. You just wont be able to use echo if you don’t take damage.

Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xolo.3580


Hm, I gotta test how early you have to use it, but in WvW, where I used Mimic the most I’ve had bad experiences with anyone using bigger one projectile attacks, especially Warriors, so that’s why I went on to Feedback, because it’s also instant and more reliable (and also easier to see and it doesn’t block melee, but I need/want the reflect part to work 100% which is the primary function I’m looking for)

Mimic Bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

you can easily see this while fighting a karka. you will ALWAYS take damage from one of his ranged attacks while under mimmic.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.