Mimic any good?

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


I’m considering trying out the skill Illusion of Life in pvp and was also looking to trait the CD reduction and possibly the range increase. Due to the traits I figured I’d toss in another manip skill. For fun I figured I’d try out Mimic.

I very rarely see anyone use Mimc. Is the skill any good? The notes in the wiki seem to indicate it’s very good. One note says “After a projectile has been absorbed, the remaining duration will reflect all projectiles and block all other attacks.” That sounds almost too good.

mesmer of Blackgate

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Palu.3405


I’ve heard some very good things about it. The block is very strong. The biggest thing that blocks its usage is that almost every build uses blink and decoy in WvW/PvP and that only leaves one utility slot open for other skills, which usually gets filled with one of the other popular skills like Mirror Images or Null Field. Please let us know how it works out for you!

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I’m considering trying out the skill Illusion of Life in pvp and was also looking to trait the CD reduction and possibly the range increase. Due to the traits I figured I’d toss in another manip skill. For fun I figured I’d try out Mimic.

I very rarely see anyone use Mimc. Is the skill any good? The notes in the wiki seem to indicate it’s very good. One note says “After a projectile has been absorbed, the remaining duration will reflect all projectiles and block all other attacks.” That sounds almost too good.

The note in the wiki is accurate, I put it there myself.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


I used it.. Once…

The problem is like Palu said. Blink every 24s if traited is good as hell, Loss target coz stealth also good. Leaving 1more Utility slot for me.

Here’s my Video using Mimic. Try Check 2:12 ~ 2:18


GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


Sometimes I slot it on my condition build. Mimic, PU and weapon skills like chaos storm and illusionary counter provide huge retaliatation stack with retaliatory shield.
What i dont really like is echo.
Its also easier to proc the block since you use WoC a lot.

(edited by Levitas.1953)

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


Mimic is there to kill karkas, AC’s little spiders and Priest boss of front gate Arah. That is all, my friends.

Now if you really want to use it, I’ll tell you what “good” could it be for;
1) Reflecting ranger’s Rapid Fire
2) Absorbing war’s F1 rifle burst; however, if I remember correctly, your “absorbed” projectile’s dmg scales with you not your opponent so you kinda need to go dps to make that attack effective. The “reflected” projectiles scale with the sources of dmg.
3)Reflecting war’s rifle#2
4) Runaway from getting ganged, providing that somebody hit you with a projectile first. Chances are, you will get knocked/pushed/pull/stun/daze/rooted, all of these can’t be prevented by the first absorb and will most likely cause the skill to fail/get canceled

I think that’s all uses of the skill

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


Tried Mimic out last night in spvp and… got stomped. Mind you, I turned off DE to trait it. Mimic just wasn’t consistent in what it blocked, the Retalitory Shield ret wasn’t damaging enough, and when you use Mimc you can’t cast anything else. Regardless of how tanky the build, mesmer is just too weak to not be constantly dodging, stealthing, or spawning clones. Mimic doesn’t work with any of those.

For now it’s just too situational to add to my bar. I may still try adding Illusion of Life and one other manip skill to my bar again in place of my glamours. The Illusion of Life did work nicely and Blink and AT are solid second options.

mesmer of Blackgate

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Photoloss.4817


Has anyone tried it against Giganticus Lupicus? 4s seems like just the right duration to last through a full wave of the spazzy projectiles in phase 2, provided they actually count…

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


Levitas mentioned WoC but what about mirror blade? Probably a wvw thing but charge up mimic with mirror blade on an unlucky moa. Run around for a while. Double cast mirror blade on a poor soul. Traited, it will do 6 hits with 18 vulnerability and 12 might and 2 clones to shatter.

Instagib? Mirror blade could also help proc the blocks when your opponent is only doing melee/lasers.

If I recall correctly, you actually have to get hit by the attack that you are absorbing. So absorbing kill shot is a no. Channeled ranged attacks are better for guaranteed reflects but then you only echo 1 attack not the volley? Mirror blade seems perfect for getting around both of these caveats.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Levitas mentioned WoC but what about mirror blade? Probably a wvw thing but charge up mimic with mirror blade on an unlucky moa. Run around for a while. Double cast mirror blade on a poor soul. Traited, it will do 6 hits with 18 vulnerability and 12 might and 2 clones to shatter.

Instagib? Mirror blade could also help proc the blocks when your opponent is only doing melee/lasers.

If I recall correctly, you actually have to get hit by the attack that you are absorbing. So absorbing kill shot is a no. Channeled ranged attacks are better for guaranteed reflects but then you only echo 1 attack not the volley? Mirror blade seems perfect for getting around both of these caveats.

Unfortunately, an absorbed mirror blade does nothing. I think this might have something to do with it being an unblockable, but it’s hard to tell.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


I mentioned WoC because i dont use GS in my condition builds and I use mimic mostly with that spec.
That said, this is interesting. I knew that mirror blade work with mimic but i never tried echo it. I run to try it.

Edit: im sad. Can it be a friendly projectil problem?

(edited by Levitas.1953)

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

its good in zergs

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


That is unfortunate =/ Does it not proc phase 2 of mimic? or does it just not get an echo?

This may also be an answer for all the people asking for arcane echo in the new trait thread. It’s probably just too powerful and not meant for this game.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


Echo does nothing! Mesmer still do the animation.
Argh ill pay to use mirror blade twice, maybe with a trait that also increase mimic CD to balance?

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Tried Mimic out last night in spvp and… got stomped. Mind you, I turned off DE to trait it. Mimic just wasn’t consistent in what it blocked, the Retalitory Shield ret wasn’t damaging enough, and when you use Mimc you can’t cast anything else. Regardless of how tanky the build, mesmer is just too weak to not be constantly dodging, stealthing, or spawning clones. Mimic doesn’t work with any of those.

For now it’s just too situational to add to my bar. I may still try adding Illusion of Life and one other manip skill to my bar again in place of my glamours. The Illusion of Life did work nicely and Blink and AT are solid second options.

This ^ I wouldn’t turn DE off for it lol and a few other points I’m not sure about but pretty much my opinion of it as well.

Trolling riffle warriors or auto block with staff beyond that I don’t bother personally.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


I cant say for sure because i use it to tank the attacks while clones do their work but i THINK you can use instant skills like shatters while blocking.
Edit: you can.

OP, with your opinion about mesmer’s movement blurred frenzy also sound useless.

(edited by Levitas.1953)

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jharkin.9357


I have mixed views on it in wvw at least where it should be the strongest. In zergs you still take ae, which can hurt a lot as you can’t dodge without breaking mimic, and whatever condition damage that is effecting you.

In the end it’s pretty situational. It’s really strong when you are in the front of a zerg, but you need to be really quick with an invis or blink when it ends, or otherwise you’re roadkill. It’s saved my bacon a few times running through zergs in order to get to an objective when invis runs out, and has created some pretty funny moments with perfectly timed “mimic” bombs on zergs.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Mimic excels at a bunch of things, one of the more fun ones is to flank a zerg (solo!), then go Mimic. Half the enemy ranged players will target you, and most likely half will blow themselves up on you. That’s ignoring that because of how long you survive, your team will plow straight over them.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: parisnicholson.3684


If you’re low on health or just waiting for cooldowns, keep your eyes peeled for incoming projectiles you can absorb with [Mimic]. If you can catch one, you will be able to fire the same projectile back at your enemy and will also enter a blocking state for the remainder of the skills channel time. In this blocking state you will reflect all projectiles and block all melee attacks so if you time it properly you can ride it out for up to kitten . You can also cancel this block at anytime with a dodge roll or by using your healing skill. Regardless of your build, this skill is great for running through Zergs unscathed and is on a very short CD of 25s or 20s traited. The second half of this skill is [Echo] and upon activation you will fire the first projectile you absorbed, which can be useful if you absorb something like a Guardians immobilize. I have also found that your bouncing attacks can actually be absorbed by mimic when bouncing back to you. This effectively lets you to trigger your own block if youre in a pinch with Staff 1 > Mimic.

Lilac Arugg – Sylvari Mes in PvP since launch

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


I’m not too huge on big wvw battles but I was thinking about feed back vs mimic. Feed back seems too obvious and mostly people know to step out of it. If a small group of mesmers ran with
could this work as an anti zerg?
It has no target limit. Most people don’t/can’t recognize masterful reflection and it actually has a bit of an aoe to it.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Brian.9125


Has anyone tried it against Giganticus Lupicus? 4s seems like just the right duration to last through a full wave of the spazzy projectiles in phase 2, provided they actually count…

It doesn’t seem to absorb those

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


Brrr, blurred inscriptions :S
I checked my reflection for fun build and theres no place for it.
About feedback, remember that people can step out of it but you can always go INTO the dome. Its very similar to iWarden and those skills require smart use to gain full effect from them.
I usually run feedback, mimic, traited focus, mirror, medic’s feedback and other tools. Its VERY funny.

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

It’s too unreliable and situational to be of any real use. You can use staff clones to proc the blocking, but meh, it sure is clumsly.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Mimic any good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


The only thing I have ever used Mimic was to purposely get hit by ballista rounds in WvW and throw the round back. It seemed to do a lot of dmg but could easily get you killed. I’m not sure if it would ever be more useful to keep on a utility slot than something else.