Hello guys, i have played the mirage this week and enjoyed it a lot. It remains some issues but i love the work done on it.
In this post, i try to talk about the mesmer F1-F4 (F5). Guys it’s the second gw2 expansion and mesmer’s elite spec have never offered real new F1-F4.
Guardian: dh -> new virtues,
fireband -> new tomes
Ranger: druid -> new f5 with 5 skills
soulbeast -> new mode with 3×2 skills
Necromancer: Reaper -> 5 new shroud skills
Scourge -> 5 news shades skills
And that’s near the same for all other professions.
I know the release is in 1 month but can we please have a real new class mecanic? The dodge change is for daredevil and he does it well. If the mirage mecanic is around dodge do a real thing. Maybe dodges become small random located blinks.
Maybe try something new!
Shatter 1 MIRAGE SOULMATE: create another version of you that mimics all your skills. Your health is divised by 2. You cant be attacked by AOE or cleave. last 5 sec, 20 sec cd. (if you are killed, your soul is tranfered to the soulmate, if you are not, you absorb his life).
Shatter 2 FANTASMAL MIRAGE: You and your clones become a fantasm (of the equiped weapon). You have access to the fantasm spell for 6 sec, cd 35 sec.
Shatter 3: MIRAGE ARMY: creates 25 clones around you and gives you a random positionning among them for 4 sec, they cant be killed by AOE and if they are destroyed they heal you for 400hp cd- 50 sec.
Shatter 4: MIRAGE MANTLE: Active a mirage mantle, if you are hitted during it, you loose all your conditions, and gain mirage cloak for 5 sec, 60 cd.
Shatter 5: DANGEROUS MIRAGE: Create for 4 sec a mirage zone. If someone hits you, the damage returns to him. 90 sec cd.
That is just crazy ideas aroung the mirage theme.