Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: BetterHappy.2517


- Mirror blade is the core of power damage rotations

—> Mirror blade gets full value when a player is in range to receive bounce 1 and in range to hit enemy with bounce 2 and receive bounce 3

—> Mirror blade is highly ineffective from range unless paired with Mantra of Distraction to lockdown target to ensure hit

—> Mesmers want to spend minimal amount of time on point; therefore while it is not optimal you will frequently see mesmers mirrorblade+shatter from range on a point in teamfights

It would be a significant quality of life improvement if bounce 1 prioritized the clone generated on target if the player is out of some range “X”. Maybe something like 200 range?

This would make ranged shatter damage much more consistent.

Anet pls??

Edit: or atleast some function what would prioritize bounces on the intended target would be nice

(edited by BetterHappy.2517)

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


If the bounce prioritized the clone, it would effectively make every time you tossed the skill into a point blank burst situation, and I don’t think that’s fair.

However, even if you have a phantasm nearby, it won’t bounce off of that, and I think that is a bit silly. I’d be all for a change that would let it bounce off a nearby phantasm instead of just fizzling.

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


It should still always prioritize other players, IMO. That way someone gets actual use out of the might stacks generated.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kyori.6091


GS2 does always prioritize players atm, and it does indeed bounce off phantasms atm.

it wont bounce off the clone generated on the target because the clone is summoned after the skill ends, but it does bounce off any phantasm/clone already next to the target prior to casting the skill. If no players are nearby.

(edited by Kyori.6091)

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: BetterHappy.2517


I don’t think it would 100% as effective as a melee shatter for obvious reasons like the IP shatter from player wouldn’t hit, and there would be less opportunity for follow up. I feel as a player I should be rewarded for using my skills properly and I feel the current mirror blade doesn’t reward players who position well in team fights well enough.

In the case of 3 stacks of might vs a damaging skill hitting it’s intended target I feel any experienced player would choose the latter. Might is hardly an worthy sacrifice for a third of a skills damage.

Clones are not generated at the end but on the first hit of mirror blade, try it for yourself. You are also incorrect in stating that it will prioritize phantasms, here is a video.

Notice that of the 3 bounces all hit enemies and only 1/3 hits the intended target of the skill.

And just as instant cast abilities are a thing I’m sure it wouldn’t be a huge struggle to program the path of bounce 1 to the created clone, but I could be wrong I’m not a programmer.

But for the sake of arguing lets say this is too complicated, would it be such a difficult to at least prioritize the mirror blade returning to the original target as often as possible?

As someone who played a lot of double range shatter before the changes to trait lines and the traits themselves I know there is a huge difference in bounces connecting and not, the addition bounce at the time did great things to curb the issue of MB bounces going where ever they feel.

The only real position I have is this:
- players should be rewarded for correct positioning/skill usage
- at this time despite it being the best option in some cases mesmers are forced into casting MB from range in a team fight.
- in doing so players get drastically lower value out of their skill despite making a good decision
- due to the nature of MB and it being the core of mesmer power damage rotations it would be a significant quality of life improvement if the skill hit the target casted upon with more bounces than not

p.s.- I am not saying that the bounce should not prioritize the caster if it is in range….

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tealots.6095


—> Mirror blade is highly ineffective from range unless paired with Mantra of Distraction to lockdown target to ensure hit

It’s highly ineffective from range in a one-on-one situation, but the bounce will happen if a teammate is on point and you’re sniping. In an actual one-on-one it’s simply not a skill that is used at range. Furthermore, you don’t need Mantra of Distraction to land it.

Mirror blade into blink is a gap closer that can really surprise people, and you can always feel free to stealth before casting.

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: BetterHappy.2517


Ok since you’re looking for an argument and not listening to what I’ve said at all I will clarify for you and everyone else once more.

- I am NOT refurring to situations were the player re-positions, therefore NOT talking about instances where a player uses blink.

- It is your opinion, and an wrong one that MB is only ineffective in a 1-1 situation from range. But I’m not here to argue your opinions with you, you are free to interpret the skill how you choose and furthermore I don’t really care. What I do care about is you speaking as if your word is fact. I’d encourage you to review some footage of mesmers competing in the ESL and understand why the limited competative players use the skill as they do (in more ways that 1). Here’s a link friend, http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2

Furthermore if you’re able to freely land mirror blades on targets from range without the use of an allies stun or your own then that’s wonderful, but the players I come across in q’s typically have their dodge key bound and mirror blade is a very telegraphed skill.

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tealots.6095


Sorry! I didn’t mean sound argumentative, and I didn’t know that repositioning was out of the question.

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Naggar.2047


You dont really need your target to be stunned to use mirror blade effectively. just have to learn when to use it , like right after your enemy dodges

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Sorry! I didn’t mean sound argumentative, and I didn’t know that repositioning was out of the question.

It’s not like you didnt have an objective point, Tea. True, you can mirror blade to bounce of a friendly and f1 from range (done it myself). It’s just not an optimal use of the skills (and the mesmers) power.

Should it bounce off the clone? I’ve thought about this myself as it’d be REALLY convenient, particularly when im solo and wanting to get more out of my mirror blade from range. That it doesn’t? Oh well, I’ll get over it.

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kyori.6091


Betterhappy, that is because there are more “enemies nearby”, go re do that test with just one target, not on the 3 golems, you will see your mirror blade bouncing between the phantasm and the target or any clone that is already nearby prior to casting the skill.

I was under the impression you were talking about 1 v1 situation and tossing it in from range, in which scenario everything I say holds, and the clone from GS 2 is technically summoned “after the skill” still, having targets apart on max range makes it seem like it comes between the first bounce but testing it with point blank range makes it quite clear it has already picked its bounce targets before the clone is summoned.

The clone pops up on first damage I believe, which already makes the skill unable to bounce off it, you can create a DE clone prior to casting gs2 with nothing else nearby the target, and it will bounce off that clone

(edited by Kyori.6091)

Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I quite like that the bounce logic requires entering melee range for optimal Mirror Blade burst – makes it a bit more interesting to use. By design, if there’s nothing to bounce off in the first place, then Mirror Blade’s potential damage will be lower. The upside being that it’s a 1200 range unblockable projectile on a 4.75-8 second cooldown that you can lob into a teamfight and see immediate results with. If you want Mirror Blade to do its full damage in a 1v1 scenario whilst sitting at 1200 range just summon a Beserker first and Mirror Blade bounce should be target>berserker>target>Mirror Blade clone.

I’m still a little unsure on the bounce logic regarding phantasms though. It appears that in most cases Mirror Blade prioritises clones/allies and additional enemy targets over phantasms. I only seem to be able to get Mirror Blade to bounce off a phantasm in a 1v1 scenario where there is no allies/targets/clones.


Mirror Blade - Quality of Life

in Mesmer

Posted by: quaniesan.8497


I actually do question the wisdom behind the greatword AA range for damage. Since it requires you to stay further away for max damage, but then the mirror blades’ effect surely conflicts in interest because it requires you to be much closer to the target. Also, don’t you think that they got the order backward for the AA? shoulnd’t a range class get rewarded with greater damage output by putting themselves in greater risk in close quarter?

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it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.

(edited by quaniesan.8497)