Mislead by official site

Mislead by official site

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soul.5947


This is how they show mesmer veil skill in the class description on the main site: https://www.youtube.com/embed/yDlkh6RJtOE

I rolled a mesmer and the veil skill is beyond useless and not even remotely similar to what they show it to be. Why is it a line instead of a circle ? I can’t stay on the line and remain invisible. I would like for the skill to be made as it is shown in the class description or at least update the video so other ppl will not make the same mistake as i did.

Mislead by official site

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Because portal. But that’s going to change soon, so maybe they’ll give us back some of our cool beta skills.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Mislead by official site

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sazdek.6830


Why the hell aren’t you more angry that we don’t have cool finishing moves like tossing the scepter and catching it like a boss when we kill something?

You pick the most useless things to be kitten off about.

Tarnished Coast
Skaukatt – Engi
Cräsher – Warrior

Mislead by official site

in Mesmer

Posted by: edjahman.9104


I like lines. Lines FTW.

Mislead by official site

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dan.8709


Rofl, I completely forgot about that hahahahaha, so OP, gee. I want that. Looks so cool.
Anyway, I really doubt they will change veil, it already can be quite good enough when well timed and used.

@On portal: Just put it just before people will enter it (needs two mesmers), done, everyone who’s going to be portalled will receive veil.

Daniel Cousland – Darkhaven

Mislead by official site

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aneirin Cadwall.9126

Aneirin Cadwall.9126

What’s more misleading is the idea that three players would ever run from any ettin.

Men who achieve some power desire more until they destroy themselves trying to get it.—Turai Ossa
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE