Moa Bird Elite

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jake Dressler.8204

Jake Dressler.8204

Delete this junk. This is coming from a fellow mesmer. I would prefer some other elite perhaps something thats not a complete IWIN button in 1v1’s… come on guys you can come up with something that’s not stupidly OP just because it has a CD.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: korelg.7862


i saw today a video of a mesmer vs another mesmer, the guy recording said video got moaed and won the fight in the end.


EDIT: here is the video

(edited by korelg.7862)

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seeinred.4651


You say your a fellow mesmer but obviously dont know your class or play against anyone decent to see it can be interupted or dodged. Then goes on CD and waisted. Ya, sounds OP to me… rofl

Conspiracy Thëory- sPvP
Seeinred -Wv3
Dragonbrand sPvP/Wv3 ~Mesmer

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: wads.5730


moa morph is mesmers WORST elite ability.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


moa morph is mesmers WORST elite ability.

Can’t say better than this.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: RuneValkyrie.3672


I couldn’t agree more with the above posts. Moa morph is one of the worst Elites. I rather have something more functional. Is way to easy to doge it, is just to plain to be an elite.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


True story when I get moad I try to fight please buff moa abilities.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mek.2947


Moa is only OP against idiots who stand there and eat up attacks like Pringles. Maybe I’m a super noob, but I like the group invisibility the most. I love having an extra stealth ability, and the cooldown on it isn’t that bad.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: RuneValkyrie.3672


Moa is only OP against idiots who stand there and eat up attacks like Pringles. Maybe I’m a super noob, but I like the group invisibility the most. I love having an extra stealth ability, and the cooldown on it isn’t that bad.

Yup only noobs get killed by Moa. Im a Mesmer user and the last 4 battles against Moa mesmer users I won even though they used Moa on me. On top of that I have successfully dodge Moa just by rolling, what a joke… Moa is a wasted slot for an elite I actually rather Mass Invis. too. Moa fits in utility slot.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Moa is only OP against idiots who stand there and eat up attacks like Pringles. Maybe I’m a super noob, but I like the group invisibility the most. I love having an extra stealth ability, and the cooldown on it isn’t that bad.

you must be very pro if you can dodge the morph in 20 vs 20 or 100 vs 100 in wvw , how ever once you are morphed you are dead, but no you must predict that an lvl 30 mesmer will come and target you, and you become useless for 10 seconds.
MOA is the win button for noobs
no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jake Dressler.8204

Jake Dressler.8204

I’m not saying that it can’t be avoided, but by any competent player using it, it won’t be avoided. If you can’t kill someone who is disabled for 10 secs you are doing something wrong.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


Moa is only OP against idiots who stand there and eat up attacks like Pringles. Maybe I’m a super noob, but I like the group invisibility the most. I love having an extra stealth ability, and the cooldown on it isn’t that bad.

you must be very pro if you can dodge the morph in 20 vs 20 or 100 vs 100 in wvw , how ever once you are morphed you are dead, but no you must predict that an lvl 30 mesmer will come and target you, and you become useless for 10 seconds.
MOA is the win button for noobs

Who in the world would use Moa over TIME WARP in WvW?

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Moa is only OP against idiots who stand there and eat up attacks like Pringles. Maybe I’m a super noob, but I like the group invisibility the most. I love having an extra stealth ability, and the cooldown on it isn’t that bad.

you must be very pro if you can dodge the morph in 20 vs 20 or 100 vs 100 in wvw , how ever once you are morphed you are dead, but no you must predict that an lvl 30 mesmer will come and target you, and you become useless for 10 seconds.
MOA is the win button for noobs

Who in the world would use Moa over TIME WARP in WvW?

the mesmers who runs in small groups for supply camps
and moa makes the diference in 3 vs 3 / 5 vs 5 etc
no.1 WvW kills

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Birdrock.1697


Moa is only OP against idiots who stand there and eat up attacks like Pringles. Maybe I’m a super noob, but I like the group invisibility the most. I love having an extra stealth ability, and the cooldown on it isn’t that bad.

you must be very pro if you can dodge the morph in 20 vs 20 or 100 vs 100 in wvw , how ever once you are morphed you are dead, but no you must predict that an lvl 30 mesmer will come and target you, and you become useless for 10 seconds.
MOA is the win button for noobs

How is it that you are dead if you get moa morphed in a large battle? Start running back to your team’s lines; you can still use dodge to sprint toward your team.

And moa morph is a waste in wvw. If the mesmer slotted time warp instead, there would be several times as many dead enemies.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: wads.5730


Moa is only OP against idiots who stand there and eat up attacks like Pringles. Maybe I’m a super noob, but I like the group invisibility the most. I love having an extra stealth ability, and the cooldown on it isn’t that bad.

you must be very pro if you can dodge the morph in 20 vs 20 or 100 vs 100 in wvw , how ever once you are morphed you are dead, but no you must predict that an lvl 30 mesmer will come and target you, and you become useless for 10 seconds.
MOA is the win button for noobs

Who in the world would use Moa over TIME WARP in WvW?

the mesmers who runs in small groups for supply camps
and moa makes the diference in 3 vs 3 / 5 vs 5 etc

both time wrap and mass invis makes a considerably bigger difference in small groups. because both has a 5 player limit, the smaller the fights, the BIGGER the benefit is in a fight.

use time wrap in 5v5, everyone is dead instantly. use mass invis before engaging a 5v5, 2 players downed before invis wears off, and you get a 5v3. there is no way to counter or dodge mass invis or time wrap, except for using their own mass invis or time wrap.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rayya.2591


if you say so, then there isn’t , even to as far as i know invis can be countered easy with aoe , traps and etc. and no i consider moa > time warp in some situations.
time warp get countered by
guardian buubles ( he got 2 right ?
shadow refuge right ?
necro’s fear …
if enemy guardian use stand your ground +tome of courage
or by any aoe CC
no.1 WvW kills

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


if you say so, then there isn’t , even to as far as i know invis can be countered easy with aoe , traps and etc. and no i consider moa > time warp in some situations.
time warp get countered by
guardian buubles ( he got 2 right ?
shadow refuge right ?
necro’s fear …
if enemy guardian use stand your ground +tome of courage
or by any aoe CC

Was quoting about how he said 20vs20 in WvW but I’ll reply anyway…

Time Warp 3(you)vs5 is still better, if you know how to place it. Also it gives you another combo Field.
3vs5 Mass Invisibility could give you the upper hand in escaping, or sneak attack (like through use of Portals, along with invisibility)
Moa, hmm…. It can get dodged, but incapacitates a target’s ability to “fight back.” This would make it 3vs4, if you land it.

I’ve tried to love Moa Morph, I really did,I’ve tried it at it’s high(est) potentials, and was still overpowered by Time Warp at most situations.

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Am i the only one here who thinks that 2500 reflect damage on each skill cast by the Enemy is not BROKEN AT ALL??

And the justification is that you shouldnt cast skills at all?
I am blown away….

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


if you say so, then there isn’t , even to as far as i know invis can be countered easy with aoe , traps and etc. and no i consider moa > time warp in some situations.
time warp get countered by
guardian buubles ( he got 2 right ?
shadow refuge right ?
necro’s fear …
if enemy guardian use stand your ground +tome of courage
or by any aoe CC

Necro fear……you must be insane.

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darnis.4056


“This is coming from a fellow mesmer”… Delete your mesmer, Moa morph is the worst elite.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Moa Bird Elite

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


There is no worst elite.
Pistol Stun followed by Moa Morph shuts down a thief for more than long enough to get a head start, meanwhile Moa Morph on a Guardian is just hopeless.

Each spell both shines and flops depending on the situation.