Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Timeslice.9027


Hahaha, wow. I played as an engineer in all 3 BWEs but have recently given up and went Mesmer. All I can say is that I don’t know why the hell I was wasting my time with an engineer when a 80 PVP mesmer is 2 minutes away. It almost feels like cheating.

Anyway I’m really enjoying the class but by far the most broken thing in the game in terms of IWIN is Moa Morph. I honestly feel guilty using it — it’s a one button win every time. In group fights it leaves someone absolutely defenseless as they get focus fired, unable to do anything for 10 seconds. And never mind 1v1; in those cases its a 1v0 for 10 seconds as your opponent runs around helpless. Utterly broken. I actually feel bad using it and often have to apologize in /map chat because I know the other player is raging.

So just saying, I’ll be sticking with Mesmer but let’s be honest here, Moa Morph is completely broken and needs a huge nerf. CC in GW2 is short but this spell is the exception. It should be 5 seconds MAX, or break on single target damage.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Not sure bout you, but when your moad dont stand like a chicken without a head:P

Dodge run away.. look for your foe moves… Does he charge, does he try to stun etc.. dodge it.. Dont get caught in the burst. And after the 10sec make them feel sorry :P

Dont try to use the moa skills.. I looked at it.. it gives 198 attacks.. just run and dodge ^^

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Seems useless in PvP, considering how rare small-scale encounters are. The most use you get out of it when assaulting an otherwise undefended or only defending by 1-2 players Supply Camp. But then, you wouldn’t need Moa Morph for that at all, and you could argue MI is better in case there are significant defenders there and you want to turn around before they get a target clicked.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Small-scale encounters rare in PvP? Oh, you’re talking about WvW, which no single thing really has the power to be game changing other than player counts, gear, and cash.

Yeahhhh… it’s pretty obvious the OP is talking about either 5v5, or 8v8. Where Moa Morph definitely needs fixing.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Its fine^^ I use it for example, we are fighting, I see the support, hard to get down and he heal alot, MOA, (ts) Guys Kill the moa. Changed the tie ^^

But he could dodge, he could shout im moad protect me, thief do a stealth ect etc..
Everything can be countered, ive been in moa so many times.. came out of it and killed foe..

If you think your moad and your screwed.. Well dont ^^ Have a little faith!

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


It is almost the longest CC in game! But its not… I know one twice as long… and when combo’d with moa totally shuts someone down completely. Ranger’s Entangle. Immobilize that lasts 20 seconds or until destroyed…. but Moa’d peeps have a REALLY hard time destroying it.. lol.

But I digress… every class can chain some CCs too… some are better at it than others. I can keep someone dazed/crippled and/or stunned for about 11-12 seconds straight with my thief… That’s about as good or better than moa.

Is it strong? Very. Too strong? I’ve never thought so. Does it matter what I have to say? Nope.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Timeslice.9027


Jesus, the simple fact that we can’t even agree that Moa is broken really goes to show how biased people are towards their classes in MMOs. It’s like this in EVERY GAME. Look at it objectively for once instead of being biased based on your class.

As someone who has also played an engineer for quite a while I can also point out what is overpowered about that class: 8 second CD net shot and underwater grenades. If you can’t see how ridiculously OP Moa Morph is then that’s just sad.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Ive played ranger, thief, ele, necro, switching between proffs ^^ Mesmer main, MOA isnt broken m8. It is called an elite ^^ It has a long cd.. Like said before get moad dodge in 1 vs 1.. Mesmer get annoyed he cant cc you ^^

Getting moad 2/3 times here.. survived and killed the mesmer.. If you cant deal with the moa.. Try tricks or practise but dont call it OP.. cause you cant handle it.. No offense

Edit: Try LoS

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


If you can’t see how ridiculously OP Moa Morph is then that’s just sad.

And again, how often in an entire day of playing WvW or an entire day of PvE was it overpowered?
tPvP isn’t the entire game. Might be Moa needs a nerf there, it needs a substantial buff outside of it.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

I’m not exactly too keen on the concept of split balancing.

When I get accustomed to a way an ability works in PvE, I want to be able to rely on those trained instincts to help me in s/tPvP and WvW. If they change the way it works in specific places, that’s going to hurt me.

Again, I thematically dislike Moa, but I don’t believe it’s overpowered, even in tPvP.

The big complaint about Moa in tPvP is that it can be used as the set up for chain CC and a Team Burst. But if that happens it should be your ally that defends you as it is a team game.

Again, the skill is annoying and unweildy, even to the Mesmer. But as Elites go it isn’t overpowered. I’d actually go to argue that many elites in this game are kinda underpowered.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


True, every elite should in theory feel as powerful as Moa, Time Warp or Supply Crate. Some definitely got the “cool” nailed, Fiery Greatsword, Tornado, Lich Form, Spirit of Renewal, Dagger Storm. So what we’d need is for those to get more powerful, and the others to get more powerful and more visually or conceptually nice.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esham.4203


Moa can be dodged, can be interupted, mesmer is rooted when casting it, its on a 180 second timer.

Not sure why people think its so op.

And when you are Moa’d you are not helpless.

Time warp and mass invisibility are superior in every way 90% of the time. Anet isnt going to change a skill because SPVP players don’t like it.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fire.8591


Anyone complaining about moa being over powered should try a heart seeker thief popping haste with thieves guild. My god that is an iwin combo.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: jerryfingers.6273


Another lame talking about moa. I know like 0/10 mesmers using it. You lack skill. Go away.

Snake of Talins

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dixa.6017


moa morph can be countered – dodge when you see a cast (cant move while casting this bad boy if i recall correctly), run away when morphed.

basilisk venom on the other hand can’t be removed with any condition remover, nor can you avoid the nearly instant pain that always follows it.

IF moa morph was like a true polymorph and you had zero control over your character you could have a case. but you can still move.

if you are being coordinated against – morphed, rooted, 3 people pile on you – you would die regardless of them using moa or not, regardless of their classes and regardless of your class.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jungle Quack.1368

Jungle Quack.1368

Yet another one of these threads.

The only people who actually think Moa is OP are bad players. It just isn’t that good of a skill. Especially not compared to other Elites that could be slotted instead.

(edited by Jungle Quack.1368)

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


I’m all for getting rid of Moa simply because it is useless… give us more useful elite, I dare you :p

(But imagine the QQ’s)

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: gmaster.4587


are people seriously using moa? i found this skill to be useless, a simple dodge and its countered.. waste of elite slot. If it had an instant cast then maybe it could be worthwhile… maybe

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: LaronX.8079


A CC with scuh a long cast time that can be dodge is far from being OP-

Stun is supioire to Moa in everyway. The only thing Moa has over other CC is that it lasts longer.


Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: CoffeeElemental.4698


Moa is one of the elites that can turn the game around in sPvP. It is most effective in a skirmish because it is far easier to land and can counter powerful elites of other players like tome of courage.

I don’t see how dodging in Moa form helps. The poor guy has no stun breakers, so you just follow with signed of domination and use all burst skills or just let teammates 100b/pw make short work of him.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Conncept.7638


I’ve killed many a mesmer that has moa morphed me, even in 1v1, so apparently not. Now granted, most of those times I was playing a mesmer myself, but I always run Time Warp, never Moa Morph.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kushtaka.5640


Hahaha, wow. I played as an engineer in all 3 BWEs but have recently given up and went Mesmer. All I can say is that I don’t know why the hell I was wasting my time with an engineer when a 80 PVP mesmer is 2 minutes away. It almost feels like cheating.

Anyway I’m really enjoying the class but by far the most broken thing in the game in terms of IWIN is Moa Morph. I honestly feel guilty using it — it’s a one button win every time. In group fights it leaves someone absolutely defenseless as they get focus fired, unable to do anything for 10 seconds. And never mind 1v1; in those cases its a 1v0 for 10 seconds as your opponent runs around helpless. Utterly broken. I actually feel bad using it and often have to apologize in /map chat because I know the other player is raging.

So just saying, I’ll be sticking with Mesmer but let’s be honest here, Moa Morph is completely broken and needs a huge nerf. CC in GW2 is short but this spell is the exception. It should be 5 seconds MAX, or break on single target damage.

Translation: “I’m really bad at GW2 and got dominated by a Mesmer cuz I tried to peck him to death when I got MOA’d instead of running LoS like real players do and I don’t really feel guilty cuz I really don’t play a Mesmer but I said I do to trick you all into thinking I have a valid point.”

Next complaint please.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Turtles All The Way Down.5608

Turtles All The Way Down.5608

Moa Morph is absolutely overpowered. There’s a reason Guild Wars 1 didn’t have hard cc, and there’s a reason games that do aren’t competitive.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Senai.1804


It’s almost useless in 1v1 if you know what you’re doing. Long cast time with a pretty obvious animation. In spvp it might be easier to get off but it’s not like it matters because you’re not alone and any mesmer who wants to actually support his team would run with time warp instead.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tiresias.6473


Time Warp is a million times better, but doesn’t have as noticeable a “tell” when it is used.

TW is a 10s Quickness buff — by far the largest in the game — in a massive AoE — the only one of its kind — ETHEREAL field.

Do you have any concept of how insane that is?

In literally any situation except a 1vX, Time Warp is better. If the Mesmer has even ONE other ally nearby, Time Warp is better.

Main character: Winter Harvest (Necromancer)
[BICE] Black Ice / Maguuma Server

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: melchiz.7182


Please don’t post inflammatory threads.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Killua.8041


Moa isn’t op… It has a huge 3m cd.

O Killua O – Asura Mesmer | Killuas – Asura Engineer
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dreamo.4971


Personally I dont like using Moa.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rio.1894


lol, moa threads still going? When are scrubs going to l2p? Month and counting guys. Really am waiting. Mesmers are far from OP in all cases and moa is hardly OP compared to TW. Keep telling yourself otherwise.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


I don’t like using Moa personally. The player still has movement control and simply needs to disengage for 8 seconds, then turn back around.

I have a hard time believing a mesmer can kill anyone in 8 seconds. I’ve seen thieves and Warriors do it constantly but mesmer’s simply do not have the dps to kill someone in the Moa’s timestamp especially if the person just runs out of range for a few seconds.

Moa is lackluster compared to timewarp or group invisiblity. Aoe invis has saved me and my friends far too often.

Group invis, Timewarp > Moa

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


@ Godmoney,

Mesmer can kill someone within 2 secs ^^

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


In which case there’s no need to have Moa, is there? If I kill someone in 2s, there’s only one thing I need: a nerf.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Moa Morph is absolutely overpowered. There’s a reason Guild Wars 1 didn’t have hard cc, and there’s a reason games that do aren’t competitive.

kitten downs are hard cc ….


Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Don’t try to explain people here Moa Morph is the most stupid and overpowered skill in the game, you are losing your time.
This thread will end on Mesmers claiming you are bad, that you think Moa is OP because you don’t dodge and run or use the uber Moa skillz (yup, suggestions are in contrast), that Moa is fine because it can be dodged and it is on a slow cooldown and so on…
People won’t realize that 10s cc is a joke, they will always find a way to justify it.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


Don’t try to explain people here Moa Morph is the most stupid and overpowered skill in the game, you are losing your time.
This thread will end on Mesmers claiming you are bad, that you think Moa is OP because you don’t dodge and run or use the uber Moa skillz (yup, suggestions are in contrast), that Moa is fine because it can be dodged and it is on a slow cooldown and so on…
People won’t realize that 10s cc is a joke, they will always find a way to justify it.

It’s not 10 seconds.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chronald.3512


Moa Morph is absolutely overpowered. There’s a reason Guild Wars 1 didn’t have hard cc, and there’s a reason games that do aren’t competitive.

What about DotA2? League of Legends? Any MOBA game really.

What about Flashbangs in Counter Strike? What about WoW Arena?

Your statement proves that your opinion is null and void. Nice try though.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Don’t try to explain people here Moa Morph is the most stupid and overpowered skill in the game, you are losing your time.
This thread will end on Mesmers claiming you are bad, that you think Moa is OP because you don’t dodge and run or use the uber Moa skillz (yup, suggestions are in contrast), that Moa is fine because it can be dodged and it is on a slow cooldown and so on…
People won’t realize that 10s cc is a joke, they will always find a way to justify it.

It’s not 10 seconds.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Moa Morph is powerful. VERY powerful in smaller scale PVP, but it loses effectiveness in two ways:

1.) The player can flee and avoid combat once he’s moa’d. I know I haven’t died to being moa’d in a while thanks to being able to flee.

2.) In large scale PVP, taking one person temporarily out of commission for some seconds is rather lackluster (in most cases), especially when compared to group-wide quickness or stealth that other elite skills bring to the table.

Although it’s annoying when you’re turned into the kitten bird, it’s definitely able to be dealt with. I wouldn’t call it anywhere near an I WIN button unless we’re talking about 1v1 PVP, which the game isn’t balanced around anyways.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


quote from OP : “I honestly feel guilty using it — it’s a one button win every time. In group fights it leaves someone absolutely defenseless as they get focus fired, unable to do anything for 10 seconds.”

You know, your ennemy died to the focus fire while being cc’d, moa or stun/immobilize/knockback/etc … and hes dead same way not using any elite skill.

Focus fire is the key in group fights… ccing the focus fired target is indeed smart so its guaranteed kill in most cases.

Without focus fire/additional cc, just dodge away and you’re good.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ravager Hughesy.1328

Ravager Hughesy.1328

I use Moa Form in sPvP. Never in a million years would I ever use it when I’m trying to kill someone. It’s fantastic for when you’re on the run and there’s a Thief, Ranger, or Ele that you just can’t shake off.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Turtles All The Way Down.5608

Turtles All The Way Down.5608

Moa Morph is absolutely overpowered. There’s a reason Guild Wars 1 didn’t have hard cc, and there’s a reason games that do aren’t competitive.

What about DotA2? League of Legends? Any MOBA game really.

What about Flashbangs in Counter Strike? What about WoW Arena?

Your statement proves that your opinion is null and void. Nice try though.

League of legends and World of Warcraft aren’t competitive, other games generally offer “hard” cc that lasts like a second or two, tops. If I can win a fight by making your keyboard do nothing while I take your health from full to zero I’ve clearly outplayed you though right?

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Timeslice.9027


Do people not realize that in a teamfight, the moa’d person is completely and utterly defenseless? He loses access to his heal, his defensive cooldowns, his elite, his control — everything. It is the definition of being a sitting duck. If you don’t understand that moa is an IWIN in sPVP then I don’t know what to say.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


And if you don’t understand that your sPvP isn’t as important to many out there as you make it out to be, then I don’t know what to say.

So yes, it’s too strong in sPvP. Fair enough, you got more authority on that than I do.
It’s massively too weak in WvW and PvE.

It needs a substantial buff, but one which at the same time nerfs the sPvP power, right?

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mac.1936


I used to think Moa was powerful until I used it. It made me realize I don’t remember ever dying in Moa form because I can run and dodge. Then someone unknowingly dodged/blocked the cast and I stopped using it.

I’ve seen some arguments that Moa is too powerful because you can Moa other people during their elites… how many of those can be totally negated if you happen to dodge or block it during activation.

There’s plenty of risk in wasting the cast, and not enough reward to warrant using it except in rare situations.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Niujin.7429


QQing on a skill that can be dodged, lossed and stealthed and have it go on CD just shows how bad you people are. On plus, you probably forget that when moaed you are still able to run away, dodge, survive 10 seconds, and come back. If you die during it, you would have probably died anyway.

On plus, it’s only as useful in small encounters situations. When it gets more than 3v3, it’s just meh.

But hey, let’s complain about moa cause “bad musmur moaed me and killzdz0r me whne I hd 3000 hp, QQ”.

Funny how everyone is instead ignoring a skill that gives allied team 100% damage increase for 10 seconds.

Go back to pve if you can’t handle such trivial situations.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ouroboros.4859


QQing on a skill that can be dodged, lossed and stealthed and have it go on CD just shows how bad you people are. On plus, you probably forget that when moaed you are still able to run away, dodge, survive 10 seconds, and come back. If you die during it, you would have probably died anyway.

On plus, it’s only as useful in small encounters situations. When it gets more than 3v3, it’s just meh.

But hey, let’s complain about moa cause “bad musmur moaed me and killzdz0r me whne I hd 3000 hp, QQ”.

Funny how everyone is instead ignoring a skill that gives allied team 100% damage increase for 10 seconds.

Go back to pve if you can’t handle such trivial situations.

Saying this skill isn’t OP because you can dodge, LOS, etc… is a terrible argument. Every skill can be dodged or LOS. It doesn’t even have a long or detectable animation (and even if it did the mesmer could just cast it in stealth.

And, how can you say it’s not powerful in large fights? It removes someone from the fight for more than 10 seconds (because if the bird doesn’t run away it’s likely dead). The only reason it’s not used in tPVP is because Mesmer’s have even more powerful elites than moa.

Coming from playing an elementalist, it’s absolutely ridiculous. Mesmer’s get mass stealth, mass quickness (i win this cap), moa (i win this fight); ele’s get LOLTORNADO, that’s so kitten slow and a magnet for ranged, conjure fire sword which is awful, and an elemental which is actually descent, but not close to any mesmer elite.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Creslin.1758


I have a level 80 mesmer…I have never once used Moa. I have been Moa’d a few times, but in each case I was able to get away without being killed.

I really don’t see Moa as overpowered. It’s so unattractive to me when you compare it with TW or even MI. The cast time is ridonkulous, and not only can it be dodged…but someone may just randomly walk out of Moa’s range while it’s casting.

On a personal level, I could care less if Moa is nerfed, because I never use it, but I honestly don’t think it needs a nerf. It really isn’t that big of a deal.

I think that people just pick out the really visible skills and cry for nerfs on them. Like, it’s really easy to tell that you have been Moa’d, but it’s not as easy to tell that a D/D elementalist has like 12 stacks of might from attunement dancing and WTF pwns you while you are in Moa form. In this situation, the Moa will get cried about more than the thing that actually killed the player 99% of the time.

Same thing goes for meteor swarm…a lot of people cry about it in WvW for keep sieges, but I don’t see many complaints about iZerker, which is, IMO much better because it doesn’t require LoS and can kill siege weapons in some fairly unreachable areas.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tallman.5193


This thread is hilarious: Mesmers convincing themselves Moa Morph isn’t OP as hell.

Moa Morph isn’t for small-scale fights – 1v1 you can dodge it or block it. It’s much more of a problem in 5v5 fights where there are so many spell animations everywhere that you can’t realistically dodge it.

In a tournament the other day, a team ran 2 guardians and 3 mesmers. At the 4v4 teamfight at keep, 2 out of 4 of my teammates were moa’d (the guardian blocked it with his aegis) and they were focused and bursted down via shatter builds before they got out of the bird. This happens constantly to us in tournaments. I’ve started running shatter build myself (with portal) and it’s absurdly OP – Moa Morph is essentially a guaranteed kill in a teamfight with coordinated focus, and Portal is basically a guaranteed point defense if you have a team that is competent at collapsing (not to mention trebuchet repairs).

Mesmers are the most overpowered class in PvP right now. In fact, all the professions are relatively balanced, with the exception of mesmers. Coming from a dude who plays A LOT of mesmer nowadays, it’s seriously ridiculous.

Briggs – Wolf PvP-Tier Engineer, Champion Genius, Mercenary

Representing Legit Guild [LG] for life on Fort Aspenwood. Send me a tell in-game!

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Niujin.7429


ITT: people who have no idea about how PvP works and think that the best way to jump into a fight is exactly the same as in a PvE environment:

“ZFOMFG, I’ma put full dpzs0rz talents so i can PENWSHOT PPL TEH LULZ!” and forget that in PvP people actually try to kill you, and you need to be able to resist bursts and CCs to perform well in a teamfight.

If you oneshot one opponent and get instagibbed afterwards, you gave absolutely no advantage to your team. It’s a zero sum game.

Plenty of times I happen to encounter thieves, mesmers or warriors in a full dps build running around thinking they’re the kings of the world, and getting surprised when I’m still with 70% health left after their unloaded all their nasty combo on me, and they’re almost dead.

F-F-F-F-F-kittening deal with it.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


You heard it here: Shatter builds extremely OP for PvP.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.