Moa Nerf
Lately I use Tuna Morph on Malchor in PVE. Just for lolz. The whiner deserves the embarassement.
But seriously, it may contribute to your death but the same counts for other class elites like i don’t know let’s say thief Basilisk Venom? I mean come on! It completely stones me! All the damage I take during those 1.5 secs contribute to my death! …
See my point? It’s the purpose of every skill to “contribute to your enemies death” in some way or the other. The skill has already been nerfed to be blockable/dodgeable to make smart play in 1v1 rend this skill useless. And as already stated above, the value of this single targeted skill in group fights is rather insignificant compared to others. If you die, that does not mean your team dies. It just means you had bad luck/ didn’t play well enough and need to respawn and help the rest of your team again.
(edited by Speedfire.6732)
…then why this ulti hardly ever used by mesmers? =)
Because they have more OP abilities, don’t really resort to it given their generally OP class?
Oh’s all skill..
Lately I use Tuna Morph on Malchor in PVE. Just for lolz. The whiner deserves the embarassement.
But seriously, it may contribute to your death but the same counts for other class elites like i don’t know let’s say thief Basilisk Venom? I mean come on! It completely stones me! All the damage I take during those 1.5 secs contribute to my death! …
See my point? It’s the purpose of every skill to “contribute to your enemies death” in some way or the other. The skill has already been nerfed to be blockable/dodgeable to make smart play in 1v1 rend this skill useless. And as already stated above, the value of this single targeted skill in group fights is rather insignificant compared to others. If you die, that does not mean your team dies. It just means you had bad luck/ didn’t play well enough and need to respawn and help the rest of your team again.
You are comparing Bas venom to Moa? thing you would be comparing the warriors OP fury/might/swift boon elite to it!
Cool story. I’m not speaking about other elites here I’m specifically talking about MOA.
Every other Elite is far more useful than Moa, because Moa is useless. Your argument is invalid.
Regardless of what all you pro-moa clowns are saying this thread is addressed to the devs – any skill that removes all abilities (even utilities) for the victim renders the toon a sitting duck for 10 seconds. The 5 ability has also been nerfed.. Since you guys are so focused on balancing the game in the next patch why dont you give thieves ballisk venom a 10 second buff and remove the ability to use a stun break because pretty much that has the same effect as a MOA. While you’re at it give eles the ability to turn people into a block of ice that removes all their abilities. for 10 seconds.
Just throwing out ridiculous abilities that don’t belong in the game so you can see how ridiculous this ability is.
To say it using your words: Regardless of what ridiculous things you anti-moa clown say. Moa will still be useless. Also, your suggestions are hilarious. While you’re a Moa, you can still move. You even get a skill that lets you run away. While you’re under the effects of basilisk venom (without being able to stunbreak it), or while you would be an ice block, you can not move an inch. You can do NOTHING. While you’re a Moa, you can freely run around and you even get a skill that lets you run away faster.
You can move but you don’t have access to stun breakers, condition removals to remove immobilize and no access to your damage or mobility aside from the moa 5 charge? Yea..I guess you neglected to mention that fact and the fact that you can safely lock someone out of combat/prepare for burst down in the next 10 seconds.
The only reason some mesmers down play this is because their class is generally OP that they don’t think this elite which trumps many other classes elites is worth while.
Think what your doing is skill? Roll a warrior and lets see that skill carry you instead of your class.
It won’t.
Since you guys are so focused on balancing the game in the next patch why dont you give thieves ballisk venom a 10 second buff and remove the ability to use a stun break because pretty much that has the same effect as a MOA.
You’re missing two important points:
- 180s CD
- An ability which reliably runs you out of attack range of the Thief.
Then yes, seems fair enough. Basilisk venom needs a… wait, it needs a buff. You want to make it like Moa. The two don’t add up.
Think what your doing is skill? Roll a warrior and lets see that skill carry you instead of your class.
Now let’s for a moment go to PvE, and repeat that exact same sentence. So yeah, maybe Warriors should be very quiet whenever the case of balance gets brought up, hrm?
See, the problem with Moa is that it’s ~overpowered in 1 out of… I don’t know… 500 situations? And absolutely fantastically useless in the other 499. It does nothing in any realistic combat scenario, only people who enjoy duelling get riled up by it, the rest simply stomps the Mesmer who ruined his – admittedly – pretty good small-combat PvP power by taking it.
Ofc, for trolling the people silly enough to try 1v1 combat, pure Phantasm build with Moa is great. With any luck, they learn to think about winning not duelling, too.
(edited by Carighan.6758)
True, it should be 5s AE daze if it’s on me. Make it actually useful for getting anywhere in a fight.
Did you know that if you write ‘a’ before the ‘5s’ above, apparently the word filter hates you?
(edited by Carighan.6758)
Moa morph is just an annoying utility I love to use to give me an advantage to run away. Lol I find this funny. I hear my friend cry and moan about how much he hates mesmers and that ability so much all the time anyway too. It’s just annoying. The worst that can happen to you is you encounter a string of mesmers on their cycle and you manage to get on ALL their bad sides and they ALL have that ability available. BAM you have endless moa.
Go into sPvP with 6mesmers against you and hope they don’t have moa morph on you. Then come here and cry nerf. c:
I’ll be sure to be one.
Moa morph underwater is a tuna? Anyone else do this underwater?
KITTEN OFF. We’ve been nerfed enough.
If you actually read the moa skills you can confuse us to kitten and back so we hurt ourselves instead of you. Sorry this skill requires the “victim” to use their brain jesus christ. Moa skills hilarious.
This again?
I give up – just delete it and let’s get some clone/phantasm elite. Will stop this nonsense whining and we’ll have something else to use other than MI (or TW in a group)…
I would gladly trade Moa for something else. In small group fighting it is extremely powerful and in everything else (PvE and WvW alike) it is almost useless. I’d rather have an ability which is consistently useful in multiple areas of gameplay instead of an ability that is very strong in only one small niche of the game.
Did you know that if you write ‘a’ before the ‘5s’ above, apparently the word filter hates you?
Lol. The filter knows 1337-speak.
leave moa alone QQ just need delete skill #5 from it. it annoying when i cant catch when “friend” use 2 dodges and 5
I’m kill you’r bessies
Moa isn’t that good, most players will avoid it with dodge or aegis.
But if someone moa you near water, go in water, it’ll remove the moa, should be the same with tuna.
I rarely use the moa, because it’s not usefull in WvW, but when there is an annoying thief porting aroud and stealthing all the time, i switch my elite to take him down.
I believe MOA was strong in spvp/tpvp.
Temporal Curtain then Into the Void pull to cc the group.
MOA the guardian then kill the MOA.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Literally the only time moa will ever be useful is up against kittenbag glass thieves spamming stealth or some bunker ele spamming heals, boons and all of that annoying junk, so moa lets you just go “NO” provided they don’t evade/block/invuln/stealth again.
…yeah, it kinda sucks.
I’ve always taken mass invisi in pvp as an escape mechanism, plus the 90s cooldown isn’t too punishing.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj