More suggestions for PvP oriented tweaks

More suggestions for PvP oriented tweaks

in Mesmer

Posted by: Windwalker.7421


In case Anet cares to look, or just to get it off my chest. These are nothing new, just things that continue to irk me.

Chronomancy could use a bit of a facelift:

Lost Time
A GM trait? Really? This is at best a poor Adept trait in it’s current form. I know we are not supposed to compare to other classes, but check out Guardian’s Permeating Wrath, which is fairly similar to Lost Time. However, it makes the Guardian apply 2 seconds of Burning with every 3rd hit, and to add insult to injury, that hit becomes AE Burn! lol! Now that is a GM trait!

Our Lost Time applies lame old Slow for a whopping 2s to a single target on every fifth critical hit! I don’t get why this was ever nerfed to begin with (and multiple times!), almost no one was using it even then. (And since then Slow has been nerfed as well, and no compensation to this now completely dead GM trait was given.)

Delayed Reaction
Similar story here. At least this one is properly positioned as an Adept trait, but it should at least have its duration increased to 5s to be remotely useful. Slow is simply not that useful of a Condition any more.

With those two fixed, Danger Time would also become a much more viable trait option. These 3 traits are meant to synergize, but especially the low durations on Slow make all 3 of these traits just plain lackluster. (And that is a not trivial reason why Chrono as a whole seems lackluster, outside of the QoL stuff and Chrono Phants that you can’t really afford to be without.)

Feel free to add more of your own pet peeves. I could go into more detail on other lines and especially utilities, but I just thought I’d get these off my chest and see if I can spur more discussion on improvements.

I think it’s important to keep these kinda threads coming to periodically high-light what we think would improve the class both horizontally and vertically. You never know when Anet is looking to get input, as clearly there is a delay between implementation and deployment. In most cases we hear about changes when they’re already cemented in stone, and rarely does Anet go back and change things after making a public release about upcoming changes.

So what other things irk you that could use a tweak?

P.S. I would like to focus on tweaks here, because Anet can now much more freely apply these PvP-only tweaks!