My problem

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


Hey guys, I don’t know you but I am having troubles with good Necros. Lots of fear and conditions which I can take off with improved torch and improved sigil plus runes of Melandru for shorter duration.

Running a 20 (V/IX)-20 (II/X)-30 (III/IX/XII)-0-0 Prismatic Understanding with sword/pistol + scepter/torch which I am enjoying very much and having a blast with.

However good Necros are a real pain and can last very long slowly draining your hp. Tips on how to kill them?

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Plenty of classes have issues with them Chain-fearing, it makes it harder for us with so little condition removal and the fact that they can just reply them.

I personally would get the Greatsword, the iZerker helps alot. I have started taking Sig of Dom and the stun Mantra to help.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


I use sigil of Dom. which helps a lot and clones that cripple. My weapon set up gives me incredible survival. Swapping to Gs it’s something I wouldn’t like… More help?

(edited by trooper.2650)

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I find GS a better range damage wise weapon. You will want to stay as far away as possible, especially if they got Plague form. I have several stealth options to try and confuse people, it works depending on the skill of the player and i have seen Necros bursting conditions into clones only to see them killed.

What Utilities and Elite do you run with?
I personally run wit the scepter over the sword, as i like to be as far away as possible and the auto chain summons clones on them, Torment rocks as well and can be triggered when in there AoE as well from my experience which is great

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


This is the build

I really like it cose it gives me a lot of control, high survival, good enough damage and some cond. removal. However it’s not enough vs necros. I had a great fight today with a Necro which lasted several minutes. I was in control for most of the fight but then I probably made a mistake and lost it. I do not know the Necro class very well for I never played one so I am not sure how to counter them. I learnt about the green wall they cast on the ground which keeps giving you fear if walked on. I know they can change the boons in to conditions but I do not know what I can do about it. How can avoid that?Other things I should be aware of?

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


Is Moa a possible alternative instead of invisibility?

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Samiell.1259


I was working on this issue last night in mist with a buddy on his necro. End result is Arcane Thievery, and Sup Sig of Purity on the Sword. I tried using torch so Cleansing Conflagrasion would help but my overall dps dropped to much.
Pick you fights wisely man. Don’t go open field with this build. Summon zerker, mirror blade swap to sw/p and summon dualist. Then stealth and hide. Make your phantasms work for you. Wait 5 and come out swinging. Summon up again, stealth and hide.

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I personally find Moa only useful for noob killing, you will find Mass Invis far superior in nearly every situation other then a 1 Vs 1.

Is that your normal build or just when fighting a necro?
Personally i would replace Chaos III with IV and replace IX with V

Is this a S/TPvP build or WvW build?

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Take the iDisenchanter and/or mantra of resolve and/or cleansing conflagration. All three of these provide large condition removal.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


Superior sigil of purity is an option I did not think of and since I am not sure of the one I am using now on sword I will definitely give it a go. What do you think of the other sigils I chose?
My play style is exactly how you describe it. In and out like a thief almost. I always underestimated Prismatic understanding but I have to say it’s amazing and don’t see myself going back from there. I would use arcane thievery but what could I drop? Honestly… I have 3 stealth skills and 3 ways to control the game (sword pistol and sigil). I really feel powerful except for necros (good ones. I managed to beat few but they weren’t a real thread).

@ Armageddon. This is my new build I have worked out few days ago. I have tried many different builds but I find this superior in survival and control. It let me do anything I want. I have been doing mainly spvp. Still have to try it in WvW zergs but as far as mall fights it is great. So far I am in love with torch and prismatic and don’t want to change it.
Your advise about chaos tree is good and will give it a try. Ty for feedback.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I actually read the thread a bit more. I noticed that to mentioned how you don’t know necro skills. That’s actually your biggest problem. If you don’t know what to counter, how can you counter it? My suggestion is to either go play a necro in spvp, or spectate some. This will give you a good idea of what skills they are using and how to counter them.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


@ArmageddonAsh: how can a skill be useful for noob killing? Also, the thread IS about 1vs1.

For moa you want enough burst and enough ways to lock the opponent. Then it can be a good choice if placed at the right time.
The problem is that it has a long CD and you dont want to win against a necro and die after 40 seconds because you dont have mass invisibility. Its not the solution.

Take arcane thievery and change cleansing inscription for master of manipulation.
MoC is also good. Now you have melandru runes, torch skills (use iMage wisely) and arcane thievery/MoC.
If its not enough its time to create a necro and study it.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


My advice would be – Make a necro, go into the mists and check them out. You will be able to tell what kind of attacks they are likely to perform based on the weapon, which normally gives an insight into the sort of build they are likely running as well.

Try the different weapons out in SPvP and see what they are like, could also spectate but the problem with that is its SPvP and you get ALOT of morons that run random builds that dont really showcase the class very well so if you do this make sure you spectate 5+ matches with Necros so you get more of a feel for them.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


@ArmageddonAsh: how can a skill be useful for noob killing? Also, the thread IS about 1vs1.

Because pretty much EVERYONE can tell the Moa animation, with its long cast time can be easily interrupted or dodged. The skill is also used by noobs as an “easy” kill button

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


Its the second time i cant understand your logic.
If EVERYONE can read the animation, how can a noob use it as an easy kill button?

There are many ways to counter it, there are many ways to land it. Im not saying its our best skill but if you fail to use it you deserve a 360 seconds cd and the effect on you.

(edited by Levitas.1953)

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Its the second time i cant understand your logic.
In your opinion its used by noobs to kill noobs but how can someone dodge it if he’s a noob? And how can someone cast it to kill a noob if he’s also a noob? All those “noobs” hurts me a bit.

There are many ways to counter it, there are many ways to land it. Im not saying its our best skill but if you fail to land it you deserve a 360 seconds cd and the effect on you.

By that, i mean that only noobs wont be able to dodge it, good players will be able to dodge or interrupt it. It can be used well from Stealth it still has to high of a cool down and in my opinion isnt worth its Elite status.

Sure in a Noob Vs Noob situation who knows which would win, but unless used from Stealth its to easy to dodge or interrupt it.

I remember at release EVERY mesmer was running Moa, now i rarely see anyone in S/TPvP that runs it. Might not be so bad in SOME situations 1 Vs 1, 1 Vs 2 to down one of them but i just think the group stealth on a shorter cool down is a better option

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


You quoted when i was refining the post. Argh one day ill learn this language or just use the preview feature.

Note that i agree about MI > moa but i dont when you describe the skill. In my opinion it can also be used to kill a good/better opponent but of course you need to have an average knowledge about it.
With this in mind, moa could be useful if the op wanted to duel a necro but in a spvp scenario MI wins.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


You quoted when i was refining the post. Argh one day ill learn this language or just use the preview feature.

Note that i agree about MI > moa but i dont when you describe the skill. In my opinion it can also be used to kill a good/better opponent but of course you need to have an average knowledge about it.
With this in mind, moa could be useful if the op wanted to duel a necro but in a spvp scenario MI wins.

Moa doesnt work if the Necro is in Lich or Plague form does it? Not sure if it works if they are in DS either. I agree it CAN be a good skill but i find it to be VERY situational and totally useless against some players that know the animation and are able to interrupt/dodge it

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


The problem is not to land it but to burst down the moa, iirc it counters lich and plague form while i read somewhere it does not work on DS, but I didnt test it.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


The problem is not to land it but to burst down the moa, iirc it counters lich and plague form while i read somewhere it does not work on DS, but I didnt test it.

Then that changes things, i swear it used to not work on transformed characters, didnt work on ele Tornado either – maybe even Warrior Rampage and the Engi Elixir as well.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


The problem is not to land it but to burst down the moa, iirc it counters lich and plague form while i read somewhere it does not work on DS, but I didnt test it.

Then that changes things, i swear it used to not work on transformed characters, didnt work on ele Tornado either – maybe even Warrior Rampage and the Engi Elixir as well.

No-one really uses rampage, tornado, or the elixir.

Moa is used to counter lich form, plague form, and it used to burst down a bunker guardian.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


The problem is not to land it but to burst down the moa, iirc it counters lich and plague form while i read somewhere it does not work on DS, but I didnt test it.

Then that changes things, i swear it used to not work on transformed characters, didnt work on ele Tornado either – maybe even Warrior Rampage and the Engi Elixir as well.

No-one really uses rampage, tornado, or the elixir.

Moa is used to counter lich form, plague form, and it used to burst down a bunker guardian.

I LOVE Tornado on my Air Ele ^^
Rampage i still see being used by some warriors, the Elixir i agree i dont see anyone with it due to it being rubbish

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: bobross.5034


I don’t have much trouble with necros for the most part in 1v1s, even with mediocre condi-removal. They do give me trouble in 1v3+s though. I also don’t know their skills that well…so maybe the necro’s I’ve been playing against aren’t that skilled.

The key for me with necros is to keep them on the defensive. You can do lots of damage while kiting/out of line of sight, especially with a condition/phantasm build. Necros have good answers to conditions, but mesmer condition builds reapply them constantly. Meanwhile, phantasm builds of any kind are just great in 1v1s. I haven’t played burst/shatter builds often, but I’ve had similar experiences with them vs necros.

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


Is Arcane thievery reliable? Is it better than null field?

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Is Arcane thievery reliable? Is it better than null field?

I would think AT would be kinda useless against a Necro has that would heal them more or they would be sent back at you. I would say Null Field would be the better option, remove their boons and your conditions. It would be better if it turned boons on enemies into Conditions and conditions on allies into Boons

My problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


I’ve a very similar 20/20/30/0/0 prismatic build, but use Sw/T + Sc/Sw instead. Against a necro one thing I do if I get condition bursted is to Prestige and then stand in my own Null Field. I often will try to stay stealthed or LOS and keep my distance when possible. You’re also forced to save your stun breaks for fear. Necro shroud just got nerfed too, so feel free to burst the last bit of life force down now. I also tend to leave more clones up verse a necro to absorb some of the condition aggro.

mesmer of Blackgate