I didn’t read all of this but I’d like to add:
Mesmer blocks last a max of kitten (with continuum) when you just don’t mindlessly hit them while they’re blocking
Can i ask you how to predict a mesmer to block when its instant?
I didn’t read all of this but I’d like to add:
Mesmer blocks last a max of kitten (with continuum) when you just don’t mindlessly hit them while they’re blockingCan i ask you how to predict a mesmer to block when its instant?
You need to read his mind.
Think mesmer has the upperhand since he can dmg while hes evading..
It’s true for non-HoT thief. Quite opposite for daredevil. Hah, damaging while evading – dd.
(edited by Mak.2657)
Think mesmer has the upperhand since he can dmg while hes evading..
It’s true for non-HoT thief. Quite opposite for daredevil. Hah, damaging while evading – dd.
Well no good thief runs the dmg on dodge id say :P
Well as main thief, the problem is not evades/blocks/dmg, we are ok with thiefs and mesmers on that sense.
Is the way my mesmer have a lot more options on team support and defenses, while my thief main attack was backstab that got uttely destroyed and our main defense was stealth that now meta builds have “reveal”.
We could find alternatives to attacks and alternative to defense on dodging now on DD. So each of those are not completely terrible at the moment, just bad.
Pretty much thief have 70% things that mesmer has on attack/defense sense.
The problem is that mesmer have the same possibilities that thief does while having team support and utility.
Mesmer = Batman
Thief = Normal karate teacher.
(edited by Kaliny.8265)
Well no good thief runs the dmg on dodge id say :P
Caed does. Also, some of you are for some reason forgetting that you can cast the mes shield block twice without continuum.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
Well no good thief runs the dmg on dodge id say :P
Caed does. Also, some of you are for some reason forgetting that you can cast the mes shield block twice without continuum.
Yea he does, for fun..
He would prolly not if he played seriously :P
Well no good thief runs the dmg on dodge id say :P
Caed does. Also, some of you are for some reason forgetting that you can cast the mes shield block twice without continuum.
we’re not forgetting… we’re assuming players, by now, learned to recognized the skill and stopped attacking the mesmer once he pops his shield, thus tiggering the “deja vu”
we are talking about 1v1 scenarios after all.
in a team fight, I purposely trigger it by going in the mass of aoe
There is a lot bias going on in this conversation against the OP.
Take the french. “I can never hit them”
1337 Mesmorz: Well that sounds like your problem
Actual reason: He has almost perma chaos armor and a third of my attacks are blinded. The other others are either blocked, evaded, or invulned.
Mesmers are behaving like S/D thieves are people are not accustomed to it. Kill it the same way you would kill an S/D thief.
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.
Well no good thief runs the dmg on dodge id say :P
Caed does. Also, some of you are for some reason forgetting that you can cast the mes shield block twice without continuum.
we’re not forgetting… we’re assuming players, by now, learned to recognized the skill and stopped attacking the mesmer once he pops his shield, thus tiggering the “deja vu”
we are talking about 1v1 scenarios after all.
in a team fight, I purposely trigger it by going in the mass of aoe
Welcome back, been searching here and there for you. Bothering your guildies a lot.
There is a lot bias going on in this conversation against the OP.
Take the french. “I can never hit them”1337 Mesmorz: Well that sounds like your problem
Actual reason: He has almost perma chaos armor and a third of my attacks are blinded. The other others are either blocked, evaded, or invulned.
Mesmers are behaving like S/D thieves are people are not accustomed to it. Kill it the same way you would kill an S/D thief.
Old SD when it was the mandatory +1 decap 50% evade uptime beast or the less old SD when they changed flanking strikes and a few other things including fire and air?
The bunker Mesmer I don’t agree with comparing to SD simply because SD used the marauder (berserker back then) amulet and had that level of survivability. The current bunker Mesmer has all the things you mentioned but uses celestial amulet so isn’t as much of a threat, sure it survives a long time but put a mallyx revenant or signet necro in there and it’ll die swiftly.
I know some of NA is using the well of precog, shield marauder build but it doesn’t have high chaos armour uptime or protection with it so I don’t think you’re meaning that one.
Needless to say I think a lot of people are eagerly waiting for tonight’s pro league to see how well a lot of these builds perform against who. Reason being EU was essentially the vets vs the new guys last week which wasn’t really fair, we could have seen condiseth come out and still won most likely.
There is a lot bias going on in this conversation against the OP.
Take the french. “I can never hit them”1337 Mesmorz: Well that sounds like your problem
Actual reason: He has almost perma chaos armor and a third of my attacks are blinded. The other others are either blocked, evaded, or invulned.
Mesmers are behaving like S/D thieves are people are not accustomed to it. Kill it the same way you would kill an S/D thief.
Old SD when it was the mandatory +1 decap 50% evade uptime beast or the less old SD when they changed flanking strikes and a few other things including fire and air?
The bunker Mesmer I don’t agree with comparing to SD simply because SD used the marauder (berserker back then) amulet and had that level of survivability. The current bunker Mesmer has all the things you mentioned but uses celestial amulet so isn’t as much of a threat, sure it survives a long time but put a mallyx revenant or signet necro in there and it’ll die swiftly.
I know some of NA is using the well of precog, shield marauder build but it doesn’t have high chaos armour uptime or protection with it so I don’t think you’re meaning that one.
Needless to say I think a lot of people are eagerly waiting for tonight’s pro league to see how well a lot of these builds perform against who. Reason being EU was essentially the vets vs the new guys last week which wasn’t really fair, we could have seen condiseth come out and still won most likely.
You can run bunker mesmer and zerker if you please. The tankiness is based in evasion, invuln, not in traditional stat dependent tankiness (healing power, toughness, or vit). There is nothing stopping Pyro from switching from sentinels to zerker, 20+ seconds of mitigation similar to the constant evade of S/D.
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.
There is a lot bias going on in this conversation against the OP.
Take the french. “I can never hit them”1337 Mesmorz: Well that sounds like your problem
Actual reason: He has almost perma chaos armor and a third of my attacks are blinded. The other others are either blocked, evaded, or invulned.
Mesmers are behaving like S/D thieves are people are not accustomed to it. Kill it the same way you would kill an S/D thief.
Old SD when it was the mandatory +1 decap 50% evade uptime beast or the less old SD when they changed flanking strikes and a few other things including fire and air?
The bunker Mesmer I don’t agree with comparing to SD simply because SD used the marauder (berserker back then) amulet and had that level of survivability. The current bunker Mesmer has all the things you mentioned but uses celestial amulet so isn’t as much of a threat, sure it survives a long time but put a mallyx revenant or signet necro in there and it’ll die swiftly.
I know some of NA is using the well of precog, shield marauder build but it doesn’t have high chaos armour uptime or protection with it so I don’t think you’re meaning that one.
Needless to say I think a lot of people are eagerly waiting for tonight’s pro league to see how well a lot of these builds perform against who. Reason being EU was essentially the vets vs the new guys last week which wasn’t really fair, we could have seen condiseth come out and still won most likely.
You can run bunker mesmer and zerker if you please. The tankiness is based in evasion, invuln, not in traditional stat dependent tankiness (healing power, toughness, or vit). There is nothing stopping Pyro from switching from sentinels to zerker, 20+ seconds of mitigation similar to the constant evade of S/D.
In terms of sheer survivability, evasion + sustain = > evasion – sustain
Also higher dmg/burst dmg output puts people on the defensive easier which helps make up for sustain at times in fights too.
Also higher dmg/burst dmg output puts people on the defensive easier which helps make up for sustain at times in fights too.
Right, its just risk/reward balance. So the full bunker can make mistakes, or come under a coordinated assault and make it through where a slip up on a glass ammy wouldn’t.
Learn to fight a tank? You sound like you are crying about a guardian having shelter blocks and the invulnerable elite.
They already nerfed the invis duration trait to 50%, which is good enough compare to the original 100%. Shield wise, save your skills when you see him channelling it?
(edited by lmaogg.7325)
we’re not forgetting… we’re assuming players, by now, learned to recognized the skill and stopped attacking the mesmer once he pops his shield, thus tiggering the “deja vu”
we are talking about 1v1 scenarios after all.
If you start blocking at the right time there is pretty much no chance to avoid triggering the block. If youre assuming that mesmers in all situations start blocking when there is nothing happening, then, lol, wtf.
If you check the PvP forums chrono barely gets a mention for complaints, because other classes can manage chronos. With the amount of unblockable skills added to the game even a bunker can be reduced to tears.
“Mesmer is OP they never die omg”
Aka ~ OP was rolled by a good Mesmer, and he’s QQ’ing about it.
Try playing into a good Staff Ele – Who’s just as lethal as a good Mesmer. Take it from someone who plays both.
“They can’t condi me if they’re dead.”
If you check the PvP forums chrono barely gets a mention for complaints, because other classes can manage chronos. With the amount of unblockable skills added to the game even a bunker can be reduced to tears.
Not actually true. Now that the leagues are on people are increasing complaining about double bunker mesmer teams.
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.
If you check the PvP forums chrono barely gets a mention for complaints, because other classes can manage chronos. With the amount of unblockable skills added to the game even a bunker can be reduced to tears.
Not actually true. Now that the leagues are on people are increasing complaining about double bunker mesmer teams.
especially when a captain of a pro team speaks up, Anet will be listening (since they protect them with abusing the current PvP system too):
I will be shocked if bunker mesmers dont get hit hard on the next balance patch. Whatever they do, I just dont want thieves (or their elite spec) being the replacement for Mesmer’s viability in sPvP.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
I will be shocked if bunker mesmers dont get hit hard on the next balance patch. Whatever they do, I just dont want thieves (or their elite spec) being the replacement for Mesmer’s viability in sPvP.
Whatever it is, you can be guaranteed it’ll wreck mesmers in PvE too.
Good chance they’ll cut through the whole table dealing with this particular wheel of cheese.
I don’t think there is any need to troll OP…
He probably have trouble with the current memser build and that’s understandable.
The chronobunker that is what OP is probably talking about can be a real pain in the kitten .
If you really have problem against it, I suggest you try to play it to understand it’s weaknesses. Obviously it can’t have all that you said on the same build. Usually thoses bunkers will have none invisibilty for instance, because it can’t fit in the build.
Also, thing to know is depending on the class you play, some other classes will be a trouble.
For instance, if you play the gunflame squishy warrior, you’ll actually burst down those tanky mesmer, but then the same warrior will be totaly destroyed by dardevils because they won’t be able to land a shot and so on. Every class as it’s counter and I realized while playing different classes that sometimes some classes can be a real counter, but then you play an other class and you reckt them.
The problem with chonomancer is that it’s really hard to kill solo, but then it will also have difficult time killing you as it lacks of damages.
In the current meta bunker mesmer are bothering because they can just sit on a point and stay there tanking a lot of damages.
If you play against a more bursty mesmer, you have to know that they aren’t so invulnerable. For instance, if you see them playing with stealth, they won’t have as many dodges and invulnerability so you can actually wait for the moment they appear and burst them as they get out of stealth.
There is different mesmer builds atm and you just need to know how to play against each. But this is the same thing for every class. You won’t play the same against a bunker guardian or a trap dragonhunter.
There’s so much crying in this thread by non-mesmers. It’s they don’t even play mesmer and don’t know mesmer was nerfed to mediocrity for over a year or more before HoT came out. Need to hand a tissue paper for this kids to wipe their tears.
Before HoT, I gave up on mes and went to PvE. No point at all, complete waste of time.