(edited by Sekkerhund.3790)
(edit: This is for a WvW build. I’m looking for Gear suggestions, as well as Trait suggestions, based on the playstyle details I give below.)
I’m trying to figure out what Prefixes will best fit my WvW GS + Scepter/Focus Mesmer. I’m good at learning to play a class, but not in maximizing its potential in a numerical manner, so I’m hoping that some of the WvW theorycrafters out there can help me decide on the numerical specifics that would help me best.
I can not provide a build link, because I don’t really have one right now, this is a work in progress. I can however provide some details about my preferred skills and play-style.
Style and Skill Needs:
My Mesmer is primarily to be used for WvW “objective zergs”. Non-negotiable skills are GS and Scepter/Focus with Blink, then Feedback, Portal, Null Field, Time Warp and Mass Invis are interchanged as needed. My play-style revolves around those particular skills. Dodge Clone is a must-have Trait for me.
I would like my damage centered around GS1, Confusion Shatters and DodgeClone Suicide and Scep3 Confusion. Also enhancements for my Glamour support skills would be nice. I swap Feedback, Null Field and Portal depending on the task need.
Gear Puzzle
I can’t figure out what type of prefixes and runes/jewels would be best for this type of build. It seems that I might need a Power/Precision/Conditional Dmg, but I don’t know how much would be enough to be effective, or if I need Crit % and some Tough and Vit gear. Most of my defenses are in the mobility of my play-style and I’ve read that Tough and Vit are not really needed, but since I have 12 slots to work with, I want to optimize whatever mix I need.
I need specifics such as prefix types and how many of each prefix types, as well as Runes, Sigils and Jewels. All of the build links that I’ve found, seem based on PvP gear, which have no prefixes and are useless to me other than knowing what Runes are used.
I’m also open to some trait ideas, based on the above information. I’ve been toying with a couple of trait builds, but it seems like so many skills are useful, but I’m so limited in how many I can have. I’m looking for the best trait build that will allow me to swap Major skills as needed.
While I do appreciate “alternate” suggestions that folks may want to post, I’m not interested in that type of feedback.
(edited by Sekkerhund.3790)
Wait until after the patch on the 14th to gear up… god only know what they’ll do to the stats/classes then (nerfs/buffs/bugs).
Showing your exact build may get more of a response
Scepter which is terrible in it’s own right would be better suited with Staff in my opinion.
I assume that my post is TL;DR. I’ve edited the OP some, to try and help make my question more easy to understand.
(edited by Sekkerhund.3790)
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