Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bob.1039


Hey guys,
I’m trying to design a GS mesmer build for commandeering in wvw. The mesmer is my main character.

The reason for using a greatsword is because I have a legendary twilight and I would like to use it more. I used to play a shatter build. Now I like to switch it up for more defense while keeping the GS weapon.

Right now I came out with this build, weapons are GS and Sw/F. The key traits are greatsword training, deceptive evasion, illusionary defense and mender’s purity. Armor is berserker with centaur, weapon is soldier with generosity, jewelry is half cavalier half berserker.

Heres a link with my equipment and traits with food buffs –|1.1c.h19||1g.73.1g.73.1g.73.1g.73.1g.73.1g.73|1i.61.2s.0.3s.0.1i.61.1i.61.2s.0|k5a.k5a.f4.a4.5|41.8|31.3d.34.3b.0|e

Any suggestions for improvement? Feedback appreciated, thanks!

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuburbanLion.8095


The build you linked looks like a great roaming build, especially if it was paired with a small group composition with lots of regen. It’s a “burst them down before they burst me down” kind of spec that’s probably pretty effective in the right hands. However, I think in larger scale fights you’re actually giving up defense instead of gaining it by dropping IP. An extra 1s of invul is priceless in WvW and staying alive is even more important as a commander because you’ve got to lead “the zerg”. Zergs tend to fall apart when they lose their commander.

I’d recommend experimenting with variations on the x/20/x/x/30 for a while and gearing more defensively instead. You’ll want to keep a good crit rate because of the vigor on crits, but replace some of the zerker trinkets with more defensive options when you decide to tag up. Instead of re-traiting for Mender’s Purity, you can run Lemongrass Poultry Soup instead. That would open up other options for your GS sigil as well. Fire is nice for tagging people, but Restoration or Stamina could work quite well for keeping you alive.

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylia.4813


Have you checked out my latest commander podcast?I go into Mesmer builds for commanders.

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Maybe get something like soldier armor, cleric trinkets, berserker weapons, emerald jewels, and Runes of Altruism. Then go 20 trait points into Inspiration, and get the extra heal for Mantra of Recovery. That will give you a nice mixture of bunker and dps:

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Walrus.4751


Personally i would build around the staff more if commanding, but if you really want to keep the GS by all means make it work. This build focuses around the large scale mentality.|b.1n.h1j.d.1n.h8|1.1g.h1j|1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r|1n.9c.1n.9c.1n.9c.1n.9c.1n.9c.1c.9c|0.k3a.a2.k28.k48|15.7|33.38.3f.3b.0|e

slot skills and elite get swapped around constantly. you’re a mesmer after all.
veil, feedback, null field, mimic, port /// time warp, mass invis, MOA33

with food and runes its -huge to condition duration.
mirror, reflects on focus curtain, reflect on distortion +clone on dodge to fuel them on demand

Some people have alot of hate for scepter, personally i love the block. It can be swapped for a sword MH .. in which case the retal on block can be changed out for the sword cooldown reductions.

It’s not a phantom build, it’s not a shatter build. You’re leading, so personal kills aren’t priority. You live, you tag, your zerg snakes along behind.

Or you can always go 100% PVT to the dome:

.. and if you die it’s pretty much user error.

Hope something helps, gl hf

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bob.1039


I would actually like to rely less on a shatter build (30pts in illusion tree), because my illusions die really quick in a zerg due to the aoe skills going on before they could shatter. But I would still shatter for dps/defense when necessary.

I think the extra heal on mantra (Restorative Mantra) is a nice addition when using the Mantra healing skill. I believe it would compliment Mender’s Purity for condition removal and compliment the Centaur rune for swiftness, and also assist ppl around me.

I would probably go – giving up points in Chaos, with the new addition of Restorative Mantra. (It also gives me the option to switch to a 1v1 Phantasm build without changing traits)

I also changed my armor to Knight, and my jewelry to Cleric. In short, I sacrificed dps for defense.

Updated build –|1.1c.h19||1n.73.1n.73.1n.73.1n.73.1n.73.1n.73|1k.68.1k.68.1k.68.1k.68.1k.68.2s.0|k5a.k5a.0.p4a.5|41.8|32.3d.34.3b.0|e

I am however wondering if healing power with Restorative Mantra is a worthwhile investment.

(edited by Bob.1039)

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bob.1039


I did consider the staff. It has really good defensive capabilities. Stupid twilight of mine, haha. If the greatsword build really doesn’t work out for me, I would probably succumb to the staff.

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I did consider the staff. It has really good defensive capabilities. Stupid twilight of mine, haha. If the greatsword build really doesn’t work out for me, I would probably succumb to the staff.

One of us… one of us… one of us… one of us… one of us…


Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I use staff and sword/focus for my wvw bunker “commander” build. Cant imagine swapping the staff for a greatsword. Its just too usefull for proccing protection and being on the defensive, which is pretty critical for a commander.

That said, of course you can just use the greatsword and see what happens. You do get the push, which is very usefull.

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

If your illusions are dieing amidst zerg warfare before shatting then you’re not doing it right. Mirror images and clone on dodge make life easier, but the gist is- run into cluster of enemies → tab to target nearest → dodge roll/mirror images → shatter. The whole thing should take you less than a second, and the clones will shatter before they have the chance to die.

Also, so long as you’re on the far side of the enemies melee chain you will be able to spawn clones to good effect with low chance of them dieing.

As for build, unless you’re going to be backline commander to another commander running melee, take plenty of soldiers/knights gear. You’re going to need that toughness and HP, because the moment any enemy targets you they’re going to call you out and burst you down at all costs. Cut the head off the beast and the beast will die.

Need help for GS mesmer wvw commander build!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kasama.8941


The greatsword has some good AoE, so it shouldn’t be bad.

I don’t believe Restorative Mantra works with healing power, but it will still heal for 2,600 health, on top of the two times 2,904 health you’ll get from Mantra of Recovery. I use the same set up on my Mesmer as well, with the condition removal, and it is extremely powerful. Especially because you can heal while casting another skill, or even while you’re reviving.

I don’t think you need Illusionists Celerity by the way, when you already have 20% recharge reduction from Greatsword Training. I would put those five trait points into Confusing Combatants instead, for the confusion, which is very good against an enemy zerg. Or into Metaphysical Rejuvenation for the 10 seconds of regeneration, which will make your healing power more valuable.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope