Need help with builds - new mesmer :)

Need help with builds - new mesmer :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: glogy.1854



Iam new with mesmer class, so need help what to wear. Got full zerk asc from my necro, what weapons should i use with power build and what traits? PVE

WvW – can i use same power gear? What to get for condi mesmer – rabid,dire,viper? Weapons?

Need help with builds - new mesmer :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Power build prolly is the standard gs + sword/pistol/sword. Zerker gears are like cookie cutter for pve/pvp/wvw. Just stay alive and do damage.
Condition gear wise always seems the same as any class, just mix and match to get your desire stats. I personally am just lazy and went full dire.

Need help with builds - new mesmer :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: glogy.1854


I’ll craft second ascended but ill think about deeper which stats should i choose. What about traits and utilities for pve (POWER)? I wont bother yout with CONDI because i won’t play it soon, gonna explore and 100% map first with zerk.

Need help with builds - new mesmer :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Not planning to paste link for build since what I like might not suit you anyway. But..

For power you would want domination and illusion trait line since both these 2 lines are mainly phantasm damage or shatter damage. Rending shatter ,Mental anguish, Shattered strength and Master of fragmentation if you like shattering, empowered illusion and phantasm haste(which is kinda meh) for the phantasm damage, Imagined burden for gs might stack.

Last trait line is up to you, but I suggest picking chronomancer line, the alacrity and resummon of phantasm after shatter is strong AF. You literally get your GS phantasm to attack twice after a shatter.

Utility wise. I just stick to my blink and decoy as usual. HoT maps have some nasty mobs that can be rather annoying. Some escapes are good.

Just play around with the trait and see what is good for you, there is no actual correct build imo. If it works, its all good.

Need help with builds - new mesmer :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jacob.4280


U can read about what I found about my builds and how to use (a bit) here in my post: