Need help with my build

Need help with my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: JQKAndrei.8705


hello guys,
i’m running a GS / Sword+Pistol build;TQALKGWsJYSA
inspired to:

on Utility i don’t use veil (as shown) but i recently use very much Arcane Thievery
oh and, i go for WvW with this build.

I don’t know what stats to go for, lately i try stacking power and precision from armor (i’m lvl 58)

What i want from my build is to do decent damage, i saw on youtube a mesmer with my same build doing tons of damage with Shatter, Frenzy and Berzerker the same i don’t see on my build, sometimes i don’t even use F2 even with 3 clones because they do little to no damage…

i’m confused about this, he does 4500 with frenzy and i do 2200 max, 3000+ with berzerker, 1300 crit on shatter

i can just touch half of that damage, what do i miss? armor i suppose right?

if you can help me with some tips like “when you do this be carefull of that….” i would be grateful,

i’d like to see a kill after just berzerk +frenzy as he does

also, i see the guy on youtube uses often all his shatter skills, i don’t do it so much, please tell me also when to use those or how not to use them. Thank you

PS: if you could tell me something about stats minimum or what should i go for i would be grateful

(edited by JQKAndrei.8705)

Need help with my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zen.4678


The biggest reason you see the damage discrepancy is you are level 58 whereas the video you saw a fully geared level 80 mesmer, with food/oil, sigils, full trait line (very important because of Illusionary Persona) and armor (Knights w/ Centaur runes).

If you want some helpful tutorial videos, check Osicat’s stickied thread. He has a ton of tutorial videos:

There are a ton of resources throughout this forum as well. There was a Mesmer guidebook idea floating around, but don’t know where that got to. You can also join the Official Mesmer Forum Guild [OMFG] and there’s a lot of the helpful forum people in there as well who can provide ideas/tips/tricks as well. Might even be able to find some of us in WvW (though last I looked, approximately 75% were NA, so might be a bit hard pressed on EU side).

Hope that’s a decent starting point for you. I’m sure some of the others will chime in with more direct answers as well.

Need help with my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: JQKAndrei.8705


thank you, I hadn’t understood much the level boost in WvW, now it’s more clear, finally i know why it takes so much to kill anyone in 1v1

actually i’m leveling fast, we have some nice commanders that make me upgrade like 3-4 levels every evening

PS: i saw that in WvW in my zerg i get often boosts that say “+5 power when killing a foe, 25 max stacks”

can i use more of these? like +power, + precision, + regeneration

(edited by JQKAndrei.8705)

Need help with my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gozzo.7380


those boosts come from sigils that you can slot in your weapons. However it is only possible to receive the stacks of one sigil at once.

Need help with my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: JQKAndrei.8705


thank you for answering, i was trying to get more but i realized it won’t work :P