New Mesmer Elite Idea

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Punch.3507


This would work best in PvP.

When you have an enemy targeted, you pop the elite skill. What happens is: You and 3 clones appear around the person at 600 range. You take up positions in 4 corners around the enemy. You would be in one of these positions and it would be up to the enemy to figure out which one you are.

North South East and West would be where your clones are and the enemy is in the center.


New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Lol what would be the point? Its just clone spam. A boring clone spam at that. I’d prefer an elite that does more than what I can do in 2 seconds by dodging.

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


All we really need is AoE Moa Morph…


New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


All we really need is AoE Moa Morph…

No, what is really needed is Quaggan Morph.

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

What we need is an elite mantra so Dueling grandmaster goes up to 20%.

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


yess yess i in with mantra elite..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Bah. What everybody seems to really want is an elite that grants 90 seconds of swiftness every 90 seconds.

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: showcat.9821


forgive enlgish es not so good make for great of elite skill to for how you say teleporting to up to four mobs leave clone each onee and kick the poop in teh pants

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


All we really need is AoE Moa Morph…

No, what is really needed is Quaggan Morph.

You’re onto something there. Although Quaggan are quite adorable, so we do run the risk of inflicting a 10 second squeee on ourselves. /coocuddle


New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I would LOVE a transformation elite. I love both the Lich and Tornado, even Rampage can be alot of fun. So a nice big purple Phantasm elite that turns us into a different Phantasm based on what weapon you are holding

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Transform into a big purple butterfly moving at superspeed (the engi one) and able to levitate over obstacles.

1 – stealth for 3s
2 – blink
3 – portal

No damage skills, but we would be the best escaping class ever :>

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Transform into the GW1 Mesmer…


New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Transform into a big purple butterfly moving at superspeed (the engi one) and able to levitate over obstacles.

1 – stealth for 3s
2 – blink
3 – portal

No damage skills, but we would be the best escaping class ever :>

Like the butterfly idea, hate the skills. We have no damaging Elites, i guess you could count Time Warp but that isnt the skill itself but the skills you use while inside.

Would like to see a more attack orientated elite.

One of the skills should be to summon a swarm of purple butterflies that when they are killed by damage inflict Mind Wrack damage, Cry Of frustration Confusion and Diversion daze. Have the second part of the skill to instantly blow them all up and thus inflict EVERYTHING multiple times.

Downside: This skill can ONLY be used once during the transformation as it will have a cool down that is say 5-10 seconds longer then the duration of the transformation

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


How about this one:

Signet of Bla:
Passive Effect: Illusions inflict ~+80 (depending on Level) Damage. Affects Clones, too.
Aktive Effect: Get swiftness (and remove X Conditions).

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

All we really need is AoE Moa Morph…

Would be good for WvW/PvP only (like Moa is atm) just overpowered.
To get the moa skill into PvE: Make it work on Legends for 10s and increase the duration for champions/elites/veterans to 10s.

A elite skill I’d suggest would be a skill like this:

Signet version:
Cast time: 1 1/2
Recharge: 150s
Range: 1200
Summons 3 random Phantasms choosen by all of the phantasms a mesmer can spawn

  • iZerker
  • iDuelist
  • iDefender
  • iWarden
  • iDisenchanter
  • iMage
  • iWarlock
  • iSwordman
Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


All we really need is AoE Moa Morph…

Would be good for WvW/PvP only (like Moa is atm) just overpowered.
To get the moa skill into PvE: Make it work on Legends for 10s and increase the duration for champions/elites/veterans to 10s.

A elite skill I’d suggest would be a skill like this:

Signet version:
Cast time: 1 1/2
Recharge: 150s
Range: 1200
Summons 3 random Phantasms choosen by all of the phantasms a mesmer can spawn

  • iZerker
  • iDuelist
  • iDefender
  • iWarden
  • iDisenchanter
  • iMage
  • iWarlock
  • iSwordman

A post of mine from another thread:

Signet of Illusions:
Passive: 100% Increase to Illusion health
Active: Next Illusion you cast will summon 3 of that illusion instead of one, all active illusions are destroyed (on death traits still proc)

Signet of Shattering:
Passive: Decrease Shatter cool down by 25% (seems reasonable)
Active: Instantly recharge all shatters

These of course would be just normal signets

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aroix.4135


Just an idea, running on the same prospect of chaos armor. Not sure what to call it.
Xxxx : for the next 10 seconds every time you take damage a fast moving clone spawns( like sword from ileap) travels to source and shatters. 90 sec cooldown 1 second ICD.

Lania Ren – 80 Necromancer

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: JQKAndrei.8705


umm, what about this elite skill:

Cast: 3s
Effect:cloaked while casting, transform into a random enemy looking character for 5 seconds
Cooldown: 200s

would be cool

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


umm, what about this elite skill:

Cast: 3s
Effect:cloaked while casting, transform into a random enemy looking character for 5 seconds
Cooldown: 200s

would be cool

Complete with enemy skills, weapons, Traits and utilities
Make it last 20 seconds, 180second cool down.

That or maybe make us a stronger version of the next Phantasm we use?

For example use Duelist and we would become a bigger, stronger (stat wise) version of one complete with unique skill set.

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

A post of mine from another thread:

Signet of Illusions:
Passive: 100% Increase to Illusion health
Active: Next Illusion you cast will summon 3 of that illusion instead of one, all active illusions are destroyed (on death traits still proc)

Signet of Shattering:
Passive: Decrease Shatter cool down by 25% (seems reasonable)
Active: Instantly recharge all shatters

These of course would be just normal signets

Don’t you think your Signet of Illusions would be overpowered for normal skill? zerkerequipment+iDuelist/iZerker/iSwordman → up to 15k aoe dmg or 18k/20k single target? in PvP/WvW totally op(even for an elitespell). in pve ok.

Another one (similar to the skill by the risen prister of lyssa in arah):
Elite Phantasm “Copy”
Range: 1200

Summons a Phantasm that looks like your opponent and is able to use all of his weapon skills (with your power of course)

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


A post of mine from another thread:

Signet of Illusions:
Passive: 100% Increase to Illusion health
Active: Next Illusion you cast will summon 3 of that illusion instead of one, all active illusions are destroyed (on death traits still proc)

Signet of Shattering:
Passive: Decrease Shatter cool down by 25% (seems reasonable)
Active: Instantly recharge all shatters

These of course would be just normal signets

Don’t you think your Signet of Illusions would be overpowered for normal skill? zerkerequipment+iDuelist/iZerker/iSwordman -> up to 15k aoe dmg or 18k/20k single target? in PvP/WvW totally op(even for an elitespell). in pve ok.

Another one (similar to the skill by the risen prister of lyssa in arah):
Elite Phantasm “Copy”
Range: 1200

Summons a Phantasm that looks like your opponent and is able to use all of his weapon skills (with your power of course)

Easily killed and with a big enough cool down, thinking 90seconds that cant be reduced by traits or anything would be solid i think.

Also – You can dodge, Vigor, Immune defend yourself against it. They can be dodged and not summon so why not?

Maybe have it so that EVERY class gets that super powerful Utility (such as this) BUT it comes with a Negative. In this case for 90seconds after the cast and the 3 illusions have died that all future Illusions will have say a 50% health DECREASE

These would be ones that when used right will win you fights, but if you fail to kill them or it misses the negative effects you have give you a disadvantage.

Not quite sure what some could be for other classes though.

ALL these skills would be easily visible and have maybe 1-2 second cast


Signet of Illusions:
Passive: 100% Increase to Illusion health
Active: Next Illusion you cast will summon 3 of that illusion instead of one, all active illusions are destroyed (on death traits still proc). Illusions deal 50% of normal damage

An easier fix? So it would basically do 150% of the normal Illusion damage.

(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)

New Mesmer Elite Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

I also though about having skills that have advantages AND disadvantages but it’s not the style of guild wars 2. You do not have skills like calculated risk (the only ones i know are draining your mobility (so also your survivalability) for high dmg like 100b).

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]