New Mesmer Player

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: The Baws.5164

The Baws.5164

Hey guys,

I’m new to the Mesmer class, and have a few questions about it.

1: Are Mesmers decent in PvE?
2: Are they strong in tPvP/WvW, as that is where I will primarily play them?
3: Are they a worthwhile class to run, if looking for a decent levelling experience and a good experience in PvP?

Thanks everyone,
The Baws.

Immersed in Blood [TEA]
Drunken Alliance [DKAL]
Piken Square [EU]

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mice.8921


1. Endgame dungeons and fractals, yes quite useful, though not as good as warriors/thieves for single target damage in PvE.
2. They are good in tPvP. Asking about WvWvW mesmer is a sore topic right now, their strongest zerg W3 build just got nerfed 50%… Single target damage they’re just behind thieves….
3. Decent leveling experience? Haha, not in the absolute slightest I’m afraid… Expect to cry/tear-hair/cut-self until level 40 or 60, after that, yeah, they’re just suboptimal -early on (without traits) illusion cooldowns are so high it takes a while to kill things, throw in minimal AoE potential, its not pretty… That is of course for dynamic events and solo-hearts, in the grouped aspect of pve mesmers are quite nice indeed….

EDIT: That said, favorite class in an mmo-ever, very enjoyable combat!

(edited by Mice.8921)

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: KnattyDreads.1856


Spec for confusion damage, I hear its over-powered. Oh, wait……..

On a serious note, start with this thread:

-Emhry Bay-
Call of Fate [CoF]

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mice.8921


Spec for confusion damage, I hear its over-powered. Oh, wait……..

On a serious note, start with this thread:

That is a lovely guide starting post 40 and climaxing post 60

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

All this confusion just aint worth it

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

Great fun when you get to 80, although maybe the best mesmer days have been and gone (mesmers have got to learn not to kill the devs so quick – it only makes em nerfbat mad)

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: The Baws.5164

The Baws.5164

I’ve been thinking about making a character which is mainly for tPvP/WvWvW so would you say making a Mesmer is worth it or are there different better classes?

Immersed in Blood [TEA]
Drunken Alliance [DKAL]
Piken Square [EU]

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mice.8921


I’ve been thinking about making a character which is mainly for tPvP/WvWvW so would you say making a Mesmer is worth it or are there different better classes?

TBH that’s a pretty broad question… for tPvP I would say they’re probably very good ( I don’t tPvP much – but I’m fairly sure they haven’t been nerfed in that respect) for WvWvW they bring nice utility such as portal, time warp, veil and so on, however, their lack of AoE – AoE confusion builds were nerfed so they’re kinda stuck now – means that they are very poor zerg FIGHTERs.. though as I said, they can bring utility to a zerg that no other class really can…

Basically, as long as you don’t want to AoE or deal condition damage, mesmers are pretty awesome!

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Mesmers in high level pve content (fractals and dungeons) are fantastic. The best possibly team composition will include a Mesmer in all cases, with no exceptions.

Mesmers are in a similar situation for tpvp. Almost all competitive teams will have a Mesmer because of the massive damage or bunkering they can achieve, along with the other party utilities and the ability to be in multiple places with portal.

In wvw, although the glamour Mesmer just got severely nerfed, mesmers are still absolutely essential to any sort of organized group play. Portals allow for massive group movements at high speed, as well as making golems a dangerous threat as opposed to a slow, massive target. Veils allow for massive groups to achieve stealth movements.

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mice.8921


Mesmers in high level pve content (fractals and dungeons) are fantastic. The best possibly team composition will include a Mesmer in all cases, with no exceptions.

Mesmers are in a similar situation for tpvp. Almost all competitive teams will have a Mesmer because of the massive damage or bunkering they can achieve, along with the other party utilities and the ability to be in multiple places with portal.

In wvw, although the glamour Mesmer just got severely nerfed, mesmers are still absolutely essential to any sort of organized group play. Portals allow for massive group movements at high speed, as well as making golems a dangerous threat as opposed to a slow, massive target. Veils allow for massive groups to achieve stealth movements.

this is the guy to listen to – if you want to know more, listen to some of his (and Kylia’s) mesmer podcasts at sitting on a couch… they have some really useful information that I’ve benefited from….
Pyroatheist, Osicat, Fay, and Kylia pretty much represent the four majorly competitive mesmer builds, especially for W3 – you can definitely believe what they say lol

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: The Baws.5164

The Baws.5164

I’ve narrowed it down to Guardian and Mesmer for WvWvW and tPvP, so which is Mesmer the king over the two of them?

I’m talking about general utility, DPS, AoE, the lot. I know that they both are gods of boons and utility, yet neither have too much AoE.

Immersed in Blood [TEA]
Drunken Alliance [DKAL]
Piken Square [EU]

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I’ve narrowed it down to Guardian and Mesmer for WvWvW and tPvP, so which is Mesmer the king over the two of them?

I’m talking about general utility, DPS, AoE, the lot. I know that they both are gods of boons and utility, yet neither have too much AoE.

Mesmer is better.

That being said, I’m just a little bit biased. Honestly though, you’ve picked the 2 best all around classes in the game. Generally speaking, guardians have a bit more group utility in pve than mesmers do, but bring a lot less damage, and you really need the Mesmer utility to complement the guardian. In tpvp, similar situation. For wvw, both mesmers and guardians can do things that no other class can do, but Mesmer definitely takes the edge with their abilities really being the bread and butter of organized group combat.

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: lawfan.7095


Mesmers are worthless in PvE. No damage, very weak armor, and now way to deal with archers or riflemen.

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: CrazyDuck.4610


1. Endgame dungeons and fractals, yes quite useful, though not as good as warriors/thieves for single target damage in PvE.
2. They are good in tPvP. Asking about WvWvW mesmer is a sore topic right now, their strongest zerg W3 build just got nerfed 50%… Single target damage they’re just behind thieves….
3. Decent leveling experience? Haha, not in the absolute slightest I’m afraid… Expect to cry/tear-hair/cut-self until level 40 or 60, after that, yeah, they’re just suboptimal -early on (without traits) illusion cooldowns are so high it takes a while to kill things, throw in minimal AoE potential, its not pretty… That is of course for dynamic events and solo-hearts, in the grouped aspect of pve mesmers are quite nice indeed….

EDIT: That said, favorite class in an mmo-ever, very enjoyable combat!

Very well said, they are horrible in WvW/PvP now, in PVE they are “ok”. But yes they are a fun class to play, leveling is very slow though. I stopped using mine to level a thief because any range class is now only useful in melee anyways.

YouWish – Guard
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaidax.7835


they are horrible in WvW/PvP now

raises an eyebrow

New Mesmer Player

in Mesmer

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


3: Are they a worthwhile class to run, if looking for a decent levelling experience and a good experience in PvP?

They’re awesome everywhere, except leveling. Leveling they are a pain in the kitten. This will help