New Mesmer Utility/Trait/Elite Skills Ideas

New Mesmer Utility/Trait/Elite Skills Ideas

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


These are what I think will be the future of Mesmer skills/traits that will make them more Confusing and become the Masters of Manipulation


1 . Illusionary Switch-A-Roo
User Swaps places with any of the illusions that one has up at any given time.

2. Reality Check
you are able to control enemy NPCs for 10 seconds. Skill also ends when the NPC you have possessed runs out of health. (NPCs include Enemy WvW Animals, Ranger Pets, Clones, Rock Dogs, Elementals, Necro Minions, etc) With the Deceptive Evasion trait you can make copies of the NPC. When skill times out, the NPC returns back to the original health it was in and all NPC clones die. During this skill use, your Mesmer’s clones still functions.

3. Illusionary Transformer
You and All the illusions that you have up combine into one character, with the illusions acting as your shield until they die.(You can summon more illusions while in this form and they will add to your shield every time. The illusions in this shield will attack any enemy you targeted) Duration: 5 seconds

1. Apocalyptic Distortion
The lower, your health, the more damage your shatter does.

2. Apocalyptic Phantasms
The lower health a phantasm has, the more damage it does.

3. Last Trick
Below 25% health, you can use any utility skill that you have on cooldown one more time.(Does not include Elite Skills)

Elite Skills

1.Mesmer Mentor
Sacrifice half your health to summon another Mesmer that has all the weapons/utilities/and elite skills that you have. This Mesmer has half your HP, but, has same toughness. The Duration of the skill is 15 seconds.(No food buffs included for the summoned Mesmer) Cooldown: 160 seconds

2. Carny’s Farm
Turn all the enemies in 500 radius of the skill area to animals for 2 seconds.
(This skill is a ground targetted skill) Cooldown: 150 seconds.

3. Illusionary Cage
Traps each of the enemies within the radius of 500 in mystical cages for 3 seconds. (Cage Cannot be broken or teleported out of) Cooldown: 120 seconds.

New Mesmer Utility/Trait/Elite Skills Ideas

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Well I still think we should have the Phantasmal Mirror elite skill which create a phantasm copy of your target. If he is a Thief it create an Illusionary Thief, if he is a Ranger it create an Illusionary Ranger complete with an Illusionary Pet, etc and so on. Each would have some “trademark” class skills, such as the iThief being able to stealth and backstab, etc. Cooldown maybe 45, maybe some more hitpoints otherwise damage similar to other phantasms. If its an NPC that isnt considered “worthy” of duplicating, it create a duplicate of the Mesmer himself instead, ie the iMesmer.

New Mesmer Utility/Trait/Elite Skills Ideas

in Mesmer

Posted by: Liete.5263


How about this trait:

Deal damage when you rip a boon of a foe.

Since we have a lot of boon ripping abilities, this one could be fund.

New Mesmer Utility/Trait/Elite Skills Ideas

in Mesmer

Posted by: woopwop.9281


@ Dawdler – Love that idea